Austria — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on December 31, 1418
Small AIActions
A. Change to Small AI
- AI file changed to "HAB_1419_Small.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1419
Start exploringActions
A. Change to Zeng He AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1419_ZengHe.txt"
Denmark — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1419
Early AIActions
A. Change to Early AI
- AI file changed to "DAN_1419_Early.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1419
A. Change to HYW AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1419_HYW.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1419
France HYWActions
A. Change to HYW AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1419_HYW.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1419
Joao I takes the throneActions
A. Change to Joao I AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1419_JoaoI.txt"
Sweden — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1419
Union AIActions
A. Change to Union AI
- AI file changed to "SWE_1419_Union.txt"
Poland — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1419
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1423)
POL_1419 AIActions
A. POL_1419 AI
- AI file changed to "POL_1419.txt"
Aztec Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1419
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1423)
AZT_1419 AIActions
A. AZT_1419 AI
- AI file changed to "AZT_1419.txt"
Inca Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1419
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1423)
INC_1419 AIActions
A. INC_1419 AI
- AI file changed to "INC_1419.txt"
Romanists — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1419
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1423)
ROM_1419 AIActions
A. ROM_1419 AI
- AI file changed to "ROM_1419_Romanist.txt"
Aztec Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Zapotecs exists
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1420
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)
Change to large AIActions
A. Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
Bohemia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 600300 - AI_EVENT for Romanists has already occurred
The following must not occur:
- Hussites exists
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1420
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
change to large AIActions
A. Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
Hussites — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 600300 - AI_EVENT for Romanists has already occurred
The following must not occur:
- Romanists exists
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1422
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
change to large AIActions
A. Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
Dauphiné — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on October 24, 1422
Death of Charles VIActions
A. DAU_1422 AI
- AI file changed to "DAU_1422.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 10044 - Treasure Fleet policy debate for China has already occurred
The following must not occur:
- Flag [treasure_fleet_voyages] is set
Will happen within 5 days of August 14, 1424
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 30, 1424)
Reng ZongActions
A. Change to Ren Zong AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1424_RenZong.txt"
Uzbeks — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Own Kyzylkum
At least one of the following must occur:
- Own Khiva
All of the following must occur:
- Own Khwarizm
- Own Kara Kum
The following must not occur:
- Event 600261 - AI_EVENT for Uzbeks has already occurred
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1425
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after November 30, 1487)
UZB_Summer AIActions
A. UZB_Summer AI
- AI file changed to "UZB_1425_Summer.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 20 days of January 2, 1429
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1429)
A. TUR_MuradII
- AI file changed to "TUR_1429_MuradII.txt"
Kara Koyunlu — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Own Basrah
- Basrah exists
Will happen within 30 days of December 22, 1429
Change to Basrah AIActions
A. Change to Basrah AI
- AI file changed to "QAR_1429_Basrah.txt"
Inca Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Chimú exists
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1430
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1650)
Change to large AIActions
A. Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 10045 - Recommissioning of Zheng He for China has already occurred
- Flag [treasure_fleet_voyages] is set
Will happen within 5 days of April 2, 1430
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 30, 1430)
Recommissioning of Zheng HeActions
A. Change to Zheng He AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1430_ZengHe.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on August 15, 1433
Duarte takes the throneActions
A. Change to Duarte AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1433_Duarte.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 10046 - Fate of the Treasure Fleet for China has already occurred
The following must not occur:
- Flag [treasure_fleet_voyages] is set
Will happen within 5 days of April 2, 1436
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after November 2, 1436)
unless prevented by
Action A of 600007 - AI_EVENT for China
Ying ZongActions
A. Change to Ying Zong AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1436_YingZong.txt"
- Event 600007 - AI_EVENT for China will never fire
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 10046 - Fate of the Treasure Fleet for China has already occurred
- Flag [treasure_fleet_voyages] is set
Will happen within 5 days of April 2, 1436
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after November 2, 1436)
unless prevented by
Action A of 600006 - AI_EVENT for China
A. Change to Expansionist AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1436_Expansionist.txt"
- Event 600006 - AI_EVENT for China will never fire
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on September 10, 1438
Afonso V takes the throneActions
A. Change to Afonso V AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1438_AfonsoV.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Event 164190 - The Loss of France for England has already occurred
- Event 164191 - The Loss of France for England has already occurred
- Event 164180 - English Final Victory for England has already occurred
- It is the year 1455 or later
Will happen within 10 days of April 30, 1439
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1455)
End of HYWActions
A. Change to End of HYW AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_EndofHYW.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Own Ile de France
Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1440
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1453)
France HYW RecoveryActions
A. Change to France HYW Recovery
- AI file changed to "FRA_HYW_Recovery.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 600063 - AI_EVENT for France has already occurred
- Own Ile de France
Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1440
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1453)
France 1419 HYWActions
A. Change to France 1419 HYW
- AI file changed to "FRA_1419_HYW.txt"
Denmark — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on April 11, 1440
Standard AIActions
A. Change to Standard AI
- AI file changed to "DAN_1440_Standard.txt"
Kara Koyunlu — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 350001 - Death of Ispan for Irak has already occurred
Will happen within 40 days of January 2, 1444
Checked again every 40 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 2, 1446)
Change to Irak AIActions
A. Change to Irak AI
- AI file changed to "QAR_1444_Irak.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on August 2, 1444
A. TUR_MehmedII
- AI file changed to "TUR_1444_MehmedII.txt"
Kara Koyunlu — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 103003 - Elvend, a Kara Koyunlu Prince for Ak Koyunlu has already occurred
Will happen within 50 days of January 2, 1445
Checked again every 50 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 2, 1450)
Change to 1stsheep AIActions
A. Change to 1stsheep AI
- AI file changed to "QAR_1445_1stsheep.txt"
Ak Koyunlu — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Kara Koyunlu exists
Will happen on February 2, 1445
Change to QAR Fars AIActions
A. Change to QAR Fars AI
- AI file changed to "QAR_1449_Fars.txt"
- Event 600160 - AI_EVENT for Ak Koyunlu will never fire
Kara Koyunlu — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Timurid Empire exists
- Fars exists
At least one of the following must occur:
- Own Tabriz
- Own Hamadan
Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1449
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)
Change to Fars AIActions
A. Change to Fars AI
- AI file changed to "QAR_1449_Fars.txt"
Poland — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1450
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1451)
Change to large AIActions
A. Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
Malacca — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1450
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1451)
Change to MLC_1450_Mansur AIActions
A. MLC_1450_Mansur AI
- AI file changed to "MLC_1450_Mansur.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1454
France 1454Actions
A. Change to 1454 AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1454.txt"
Ak Koyunlu — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on February 2, 1456
unless prevented by
Action A of 600161 - AI_EVENT for Ak Koyunlu
Change to Usun AIActions
A. Change to Usun AI
- AI file changed to "AKK_1456_Usun.txt"
Hungary — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Monarch Mátyás Corvin is active
Will happen within 30 days of January 21, 1458
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 6, 1490)
Change to HUN_1458_Corvinus AIActions
A. HUN_1458_Corvinus AI
- AI file changed to "HUN_1458_Corvinus.txt"
Songhai — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1464
Change to Ali AIActions
A. Change to Ali AI
- AI file changed to "SON_1464_Ali.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on December 31, 1467
Joao Vaz Corte RealActions
A. Change to Joao Vaz Corte Real AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1468_JVCorteReal.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1469
A. Change to Cao AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1469_Cao.txt"
Mughal Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 90 days of December 31, 1469
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1502)
AI checkActions
A. AI check
- AI file changed to "MOG_1469.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Monarch Henry VI is active
- Monarch Richard Neville (Henry VI) is active
Will happen on January 2, 1471
A. Change to Lancastrian AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1471_Lancastrian.txt"
- Event 600043 - AI_EVENT for England will never fire
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Monarch Edward IV is active
- Monarch Edward IV is active
The following must not occur:
- Event 600042 - AI_EVENT for England has already occurred
Will happen on May 2, 1471
unless prevented by
Action A of 600042 - AI_EVENT for England
A. Change to Yorkist AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1471_Yorkist.txt"
Morocco — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1472
Wattasid AIActions
A. Change to Wattasid AI
- AI file changed to "MOR_1472_wattasid.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of January 4, 1479
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1491)
Change to Santa Fe AIActions
A. Change to Santa Fe AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1479_SantaFe.txt"
Russia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of March 31, 1480
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1555)
AI helpActions
A. AI help
- AI file changed to "RUS_1480.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on May 4, 1481
A. TUR_BayezidII
- AI file changed to "TUR_1481_BayezidII.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on August 29, 1481
Bartolemeu DiazActions
A. Change to Diaz AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1481_Diaz.txt"
Uzbeks — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Own Khiva
- Own Kyzylkum
Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1488
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1510)
UZB_Shaibani AIActions
A. UZB_Shaibani AI
- AI file changed to "UZB_1488_Shaibani.txt"
Hungary — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of April 7, 1490
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 7, 1491)
Back to default HUN AI after Corvinus' deathActions
A. HUN_1419 AI
- AI file changed to "HUN_1419.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1491
Columbus AIActions
A. Change to Columbus AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1491_Columbus.txt"
Austria — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of August 21, 1493
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 13, 1519)
Maximilian I takes the throneActions
A. Change to Maximilian I AI
- AI file changed to "HAB_1493_MaximilianI.txt"
Uzbeks — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Own Samarkand
The following must not occur:
- Event 600263 - AI_EVENT for Uzbeks has already occurred
Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1496
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1530)
unless prevented by
Action A of 600263 - AI_EVENT for Uzbeks
UZB_Samarkand AIActions
A. UZB_Samarkand AI
- AI file changed to "UZB_1496_Samarkand.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1496
A. Change to Cabot AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1496_Cabot.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1499
France Italian WarsActions
A. Change to 1499 AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1494_ItalianWars.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1499
Fernando AIActions
A. Change to Fernando AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1499_Fernando.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on May 2, 1500
Gaspar and Miguel Corte RealActions
A. Change to CorteReal AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1500_CorteReal.txt"
Mughal Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 20 days of January 2, 1504
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1514)
AI checkActions
A. AI check
- AI file changed to "MOG_1504_Kabul.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1504
Manuel A takes the throneActions
A. Change to Manuel AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1504_Manuel.txt"
Uzbeks — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 325013 - Shaibani's Ambition for Uzbeks has already occurred
At least one of the following must occur:
- Event 600262 - AI_EVENT for Uzbeks has already occurred
The following must not occur:
- Own Samarkand
The following must not occur:
- Monarch Muhammad Shaybani is active
Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1510
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
UZB_1510 AIActions
A. UZB_1510 AI
- AI file changed to "UZB_1510.txt"
- Event 600262 - AI_EVENT for Uzbeks will never fire
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on May 2, 1512
A. TUR_SelimI
- AI file changed to "TUR_1512_SelimI.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1514
Manuel B takes the throneActions
A. Change to 3 explorers AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1514_3explorers.txt"
Mughal Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 400 days of December 31, 1514
Checked again every 400 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1525)
AI helpActions
A. AI check
- AI file changed to "MOG_1515_Hindustan.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Ottoman Empire and Mamluks are at war
None of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire and Venice are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Poland are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Hungary are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Russia are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Austria are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Spain are at war
Will happen within 30 days of December 31, 1514
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1564)
War against the MamluksActions
A. War against the Mamluks
- AI file changed to "TUR_antiMAM.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 600244 - AI_EVENT for Ottoman Empire has already occurred
At least one of the following must occur:
The following must not occur:
- Ottoman Empire and Mamluks are at war
At least one of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire and Venice are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Poland are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Hungary are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Russia are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Austria are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Spain are at war
The following must not occur:
Will happen within 0 days of December 31, 1514
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1564)
Back to normal after the Mamluk war or if OE involved in major war after war against Mamluks startedActions
A. Revert to non-ferocious
- AI file changed to "TUR_1520_SuleymanI.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 600250 - AI_EVENT for Ottoman Empire has already occurred
- Ottoman Empire and Mamluks are at war
None of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire and Venice are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Poland are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Hungary are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Russia are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Austria are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Spain are at war
Will happen within 30 days of December 31, 1514
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1564)
War against the MamluksActions
A. War against the Mamluks
- AI file changed to "TUR_antiMAM.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 600251 - AI_EVENT for Ottoman Empire has already occurred
At least one of the following must occur:
The following must not occur:
- Ottoman Empire and Mamluks are at war
At least one of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire and Venice are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Poland are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Hungary are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Russia are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Austria are at war
- Ottoman Empire and Spain are at war
The following must not occur:
Will happen within 0 days of December 31, 1514
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1564)
Back to normal after the Mamluk war or if OE involved in major war after war against Mamluks startedActions
A. Revert to non-ferocious
- AI file changed to "TUR_1520_SuleymanI.txt"
Aragon — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Flag [ArgExpl] is set
Will happen within 10 days of March 2, 1515
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after March 2, 1558)
Start exploringActions
A. Change to de Olid AI
- AI file changed to "ARG_1515_de Olid.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1518
Cortes AIActions
A. Change to Cortes AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1518_Cortes.txt"
Austria — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of January 14, 1519
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 26, 1564)
Imperial AIActions
A. Change to Imperial AI
- AI file changed to "HAB_1519_Imperial.txt"
Songhai — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on August 26, 1519
Change to Small AIActions
A. Change to Small AI
- AI file changed to "SmallTrade0.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Mamluks exists
Will happen within 30 days of September 23, 1520
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1564)
A. TUR_SuleymanI
- AI file changed to "TUR_1520_SuleymanI.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on December 17, 1521
Joao III takes the throneActions
A. Change to Generic AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1521_JoaoIII.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1523
France VerrazzanoActions
A. Change to Verrazzano AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1523_Verrazzano.txt"
Safavid Empire — Not random
- Country has at least 12 non-colonial provinces
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 10 days of May 24, 1524
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1585)
Shah TahmaspActions
A. Change to Tahmasp AI
- AI file changed to "PER_1524_Tahmasp.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 120 days of April 2, 1525
Checked again every 120 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1526)
A. Change to Perfectionist AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1525_Perfectionist.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1529
A. Change to Hawkins AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1529_Hawkins.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1530
Pizarro AIActions
A. Change to Pizarro AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1530_Pizarro.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1533
France CartierActions
A. Change to Cartier AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1533_Cartier.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1545
CarlosI AIActions
A. Change to CarlosI AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1545_CarlosI.txt"
Sweden — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1550
Vasa AIActions
A. Change to Vasa AI
- AI file changed to "SWE_1550_Vasa.txt"
Russia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of March 31, 1555
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)
AI helpActions
A. AI help
- AI file changed to "RUS_1555.txt"
Mughal Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 3921 - The Battle of Panipat for Mughal Empire has already occurred
Will happen within 20 days of December 31, 1555
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1604)
AI helpActions
A. AI check
- AI file changed to "MOG_1556_Akbar.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on June 13, 1557
Sebastiano takes the throneActions
A. Change to Sebastiano AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1557_Sebastiano.txt"
Bukhara — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1561
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
BUK 1561 AIActions
A. BUK 1561 AI
- AI file changed to "BUK_1561.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1562
France RibaultActions
A. Change to Ribault AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1562_Ribault.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1564
FelipeII AIActions
A. Change to FelipeII AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1564_FelipeII.txt"
Austria — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of July 27, 1564
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 13, 1576)
Empire AIActions
A. Change to Empire AI
- AI file changed to "HAB_1564_Empire.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on September 8, 1566
A. TUR_SelimII
- AI file changed to "TUR_1566_SelimII.txt"
Netherlands — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of December 31, 1567
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1590)
1568 AIActions
A. change to 1568 AI
- AI file changed to "HOL_1568.txt"
Morocco — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 25 days of January 2, 1570
Checked again every 25 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1590)
Antisudan AIActions
A. Change to Antisudan AI
- AI file changed to "MOR_1570_antisudan.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1570
A. Change to Drake AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1570_Drake.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on December 2, 1574
- AI file changed to "TUR_1574_MuradIII.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1580
A. Change to Raleigh AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1580_Raleigh.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1580
France ChamplainActions
A. Change to Champlain AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1580_Champlain.txt"
Portugal — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on February 2, 1580
Change to vassal AIActions
A. Change to vassal AI
- AI file changed to "POR_1580_vassal.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1586
Habsburgs AIActions
A. Change to Habsburgs AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1586_Habsburgs.txt"
Safavid Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on December 11, 1587
Shah AbbasActions
A. Change to Abbas AI
- AI file changed to "PER_1587_Abbas.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1590
A. Change to Lancaster AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1590_Lancaster.txt"
Netherlands — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of June 2, 1590
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1605)
1590 AIActions
A. change to 1590 AI
- AI file changed to "HOL_1590.txt"
Sweden — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1595
KarlIX AIActions
A. Change to Karl IX AI
- AI file changed to "SWE_1595_KarlIX.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 16, 1595
A. TUR_MehmedIII
- AI file changed to "TUR_1595_MehmedIII.txt"
Songhai — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1600
Change to Mohammad AIActions
A. Change to Mohammad AI
- AI file changed to "SON_1600_Mohammad.txt"
Russia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of March 31, 1600
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1650)
AI helpActions
A. AI help
- AI file changed to "RUS_1600.txt"
Japan — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 26, 1603
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1819)
Close marketsActions
A. NIP_1603_EdoPeriod
- AI file changed to "NIP_1603_EdoPeriod.txt"
Mughal Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 3921 - The Battle of Panipat for Mughal Empire has already occurred
Will happen within 20 days of December 31, 1604
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
AI helpActions
A. AI check
- AI file changed to "MOG_1605_India.txt"
Netherlands — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of June 2, 1605
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 2, 1649)
1605 AIActions
A. change to 1605 AI
- AI file changed to "HOL_1605.txt"
Manchus — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
None of the following must occur:
- Event 10043 - The Qing Dynasty for China has already occurred
- Event 10027 - The End of the Ming Dynasty for Manchus has already occurred
- Event 10024 - The Empire of China for Manchus has already occurred
- Event 221002 - Claiming the Imperial Throne for Manchus has already occurred
Will happen within 30 days of April 2, 1615
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
Conquest of ChinaActions
A. MCH_1615 AI
- AI file changed to "MCH_1615_China.txt"
Manchus — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Event 10043 - The Qing Dynasty for China has already occurred
- Event 10027 - The End of the Ming Dynasty for Manchus has already occurred
- Event 10024 - The Empire of China for Manchus has already occurred
- Event 221002 - Claiming the Imperial Throne for Manchus has already occurred
Will happen within 30 days of April 2, 1615
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
Back to default MCH AIActions
A. Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
Sweden — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1630
G2A AIActions
A. Change to G2A AI
- AI file changed to "SWE_1630_G2A.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1633
France NicoletActions
A. Change to Nicolet AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1633_Nicolet.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1635
A. Change to 1635 AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1635.txt"
Oman — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1638
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1661)
AI help for new Oman.Actions
A. AI help for new Oman
- AI file changed to "OMA_1638_Revolt.txt"
Japan — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Flag [International] is set
Will happen within 30 days of August 5, 1639
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 30, 1699)
Jump into the international communityActions
A. SmallTrade1
- AI file changed to "SmallTrade1.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on February 9, 1640
A. TUR_IbrahimI
- AI file changed to "TUR_1640_IbrahimI.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
At least one of the following must occur:
- Da Shun exists
- Da Xi exists
- Zhou exists
- Southern Ming exists
- Manchus exists
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1644
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1700)
End of MingActions
A. Change to CivilWar AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1635_CivilWar.txt"
Netherlands — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 60 days of December 31, 1649
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1698)
HOL_1650 AIActions
A. change to HOL_1650 AI
- AI file changed to "HOL_1650.txt"
Oman — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1650
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1700)
Switch to OMA_1650.txtActions
A. Switch to OMA_1650.txt
- AI file changed to "OMA_1650.txt"
Morocco — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1650
Large AIActions
A. Change to Large AI
- AI file changed to "Large.txt"
Russia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of March 31, 1650
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1750)
AI helpActions
A. AI help
- AI file changed to "RUS_1650.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1655
France LaSalleActions
A. Change to LaSalle AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1655_LaSalle.txt"
Sweden — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1660
Pfalz AIActions
A. Change to Pfalz AI
- AI file changed to "SWE_1660_Pfalz.txt"
Denmark — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 7, 1670
Start colonizingActions
A. Change to Colonizer AI
- AI file changed to "DAN_1670_Colonizer.txt"
China — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
None of the following must occur:
- Da Shun exists
- Da Xi exists
- Zhou exists
- Southern Ming exists
- Manchus exists
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1680
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
China united againActions
A. Change to Perfectionist AI
- AI file changed to "CHI_1525_Perfectionist.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Flag [UnionSCO] is set
Will happen within 60 days of January 2, 1700
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1739)
Union SCO before 1740Actions
A. Change to 1635 AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1635.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1700
France 1700Actions
A. Change to 1700 AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1700.txt"
Spain — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1700
Bourbons AIActions
A. Change to Bourbons AI
- AI file changed to "SPA_1700_Bourbons.txt"
Netherlands — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of June 2, 1700
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
HOL_1700 AIActions
A. change to HOL_1700 AI
- AI file changed to "HOL_1700.txt"
Prussia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Event 263014 - The Kingdom of Prussia for Prussia has already occurred
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1701
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1761)
Kingdom of PrussiaActions
A. PRU_1701_Kingdom AI
- AI file changed to "PRU_1701_Kingdom.txt"
Afghanistan — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1707
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 2, 1746)
Hotaki AIActions
A. Change to Hotaki AI
- AI file changed to "AFG_1707_Hotaki.txt"
Austria — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of July 27, 1712
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 13, 1714)
Empire AIActions
A. Change to Empire AI
- AI file changed to "HAB_1712_Empire.txt"
Ottoman Empire — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 200 days of April 2, 1718
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1718)
A. TUR_Late
- AI file changed to "TUR_1718_Late.txt"
Sweden — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 3, 1719
18th AIActions
A. Change to 18th AI
- AI file changed to "SWE_1719_18th.txt"
Oman — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1720
Switch to SmallTrade1.txtActions
A. Switch to SmallTrade1.txt
- AI file changed to "SmallTrade1.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Flag [UnionSCO] is set
Will happen within 60 days of January 2, 1740
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1769)
Union SCO after 1740Actions
A. Change to 1740 AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1740.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Flag [UnionSCO] is set
Will happen on January 2, 1740
A. Change to 1740 AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1740.txt"
Afghanistan — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1747
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
Durrani AIActions
A. Change to Durrani AI
- AI file changed to "AFG_1747_Durrani.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen on January 2, 1750
France 1750Actions
A. Change to 1750 AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1750.txt"
Russia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of March 31, 1750
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1770)
AI helpActions
A. AI help
- AI file changed to "RUS_1750.txt"
Mysore — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1760
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1799)
Haydar AliActions
A. MYS_1760_Haydar_Ali AI
- AI file changed to "MYS_1760_Haydar_Ali.txt"
England — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 60 days of January 2, 1770
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
A. Change to 1770 AI
- AI file changed to "ENG_1770_Cook.txt"
Russia — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
Will happen within 360 days of March 31, 1770
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1815)
AI helpActions
A. AI help
- AI file changed to "RUS_1770.txt"
United States — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Country is not at war
Will happen within 20 days of January 2, 1774
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
Start colonizingActions
A. Change to Independence AI
- AI file changed to "USA_1774_Independence.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Monarch La Convention Nationale is active
- Flag [RevolutionarySpark] is set
Will happen on January 2, 1794
France RevolutionActions
A. Change to Revolution AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1794_Revolution.txt"
Mysore — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
The following must not occur:
- Country has at least 3 non-colonial provinces
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1800
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)
Wodeyar AIActions
A. MYS_1800_Wodeyar AI
- AI file changed to "MYS_1800_Wodeyar.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Monarch Napoléon Ier is active
At least one of the following must occur:
- France and England are at war
- France and Spain are at war
- France and Austria are at war
All of the following must occur:
- France and Prussia are at war
- Event 263014 - The Kingdom of Prussia for Prussia has already occurred
- France and Russia are at war
Will happen within 10 days of May 19, 1804
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
France NapoleonActions
A. Change to Napoleon AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1804_Napoleon.txt"
France — Not random
- Country is controlled by AI
- Monarch Louis XVIII is active
Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1810
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
France RestorationActions
A. Change to Restoration AI
- AI file changed to "FRA_1750.txt"