
Toggle table of contents
1419-1600: Control of the Bosporus for Thrace
1450-1820: Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco
1458-1819: Closure of the Livland Centre of Trade for Livland
1466-1519: Caspian Sea trade for Astrakhan
1470-1819: Closure of the Mecklenburg Centre of Trade for Mecklenburg
1470-1820: Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco
1500-1550: Closure of the Kyzylkum Centre of Trade for Kyzylkum
1500-1650: Rise of Kenya and decline of Kilwa for Rufiji
1500-1820: Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco
1510-1519: Rise of Ganges and decline of Santal for Ganges
1517-1819: Decline of Al Kharam for Mascate
1520-1600: Persian trade for Isfahan
1530-1820: Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco
1540-1819: Closure of the Aden Centre of Trade for Aden
1540-1819: Decline of Liguria for Liguria
1550-1700: Control of the Persian trade for Isfahan
1556-1819: Closure of the Astrakhan Centre of Trade for Astrakhan
1560-1820: Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco
1590-1820: Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco
1606-1794: Livorno: Porto franco, Free Port for Firenze
1607-1795: Closure of Livorno Centre of Trade for Firenze
1620-1819: Decline of Samarkand for Samarkand
1630-1819: A new Trading Center in Indonesia for Jakarta
1638-1647: Rise of Howrah and decline of Ganges for Howrah
1638-1647: Rise of Surat and decline of Goa for Gujarat
1638-1647: Rise of Surat and decline of Goa for Kerala
1638-1750: Rise of Zanzibar and decline of Kenya for Zanzibar
1643-1819: Closure of the Sjælland Centre of Trade for Sjælland
1644-1648: Closure of the Tago Centre of Trade for Tago
1648-1819: Closure of the Flandern Centre of Trade for Flandern
1669-1819: Paris: economic center of France for Ile de France
1670-1819: Decline of Siberian Trade for Vestbygden
1670-1797: Closure of Venice Centre of Trade for Veneto
1670-1819: Vienna: economic center of Austria for Austria
1695-1750: Control over Maghreb for Fez
1718-1797: Closure of Venice Centre of Trade for Veneto
Triggered (1517-1819): Consequence of the decline of Al Kharam for Al Kharam

Province of Thrace — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
  • The following must not occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Ottoman Empire owns Thrace
      • The following must not occur:
        • It is the year 1491 or later
  • All of the following must occur:
    • Own Anatolia
    • Own Smyrna
    • Own Thrace
    • Own Macedonia

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1419
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)


By holding the Bosporus we can control trade in the Black Sea.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Kerch closes
  • Thrace becomes a center of trade
  • -150 relations with Venice
  • -100 relations with Genoa
  • Mercantilism +2
  • +6 merchants
  • Event 3352 - The Economic Reforms of Mehmed II for Ottoman Empire will never fire

Province of Cuzco — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Cuzco is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Chimú owns Cuzco
    • Inca Empire owns Cuzco

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1450
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


Cuzco was capital of Inca Empire and acted as a hub for the Andean trade until arrival of Europeans.


A. Great!

  • Cuzco becomes a center of trade

Province of Livland — Not random


  • Livland is a center of trade

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1458
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


With the reduced importance of Livonian Order, Riga gradually lost its importance in the international trade.


A. Livland has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Livland closes

Province of Astrakhan — Not random


  • Astrakhan owns Astrakhan
  • Country has at least 4 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1466
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1519)


Astrakhan had a flourishing trade with Persia, Khiva, and Bukhara. Due to its location at the mouth of the Volga, Astrakhan controlled important trade routes between Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


A. Excellent!

  • Center of trade in Kerch closes
  • Center of trade in Azerbaijan closes
  • Astrakhan becomes a center of trade

Province of Mecklenburg — Not random


  • Mecklenburg is a center of trade
  • Danzig is a center of trade

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1470
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Glorious days of strong Hanza are over. Kings and princes across the whole Europe introduce even more protectionst policies and we cannot do anything about it.


A. Mecklenburg has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Mecklenburg closes

Province of Cuzco — Not random


  • Event 337820 - Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Cuzco is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Chimú owns Cuzco
    • Inca Empire owns Cuzco

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1470
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


Cuzco was capital of Inca Empire and acted as a hub for the Andean trade until arrival of Europeans.


A. Great!

  • Cuzco becomes a center of trade

Province of Kyzylkum — Not random


  • Kyzylkum is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Samarkand
    • All of the following must occur:
      • None of the following must occur:
        • Own Tobolsk
        • Own Karsak
      • It is the year 1520 or later

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1550)


Glorious days of Kyzylkum are over. Political and economical centers of Central Asia lie in the south.


A. Kyzylkum has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Kyzylkum closes

Province of Rufiji — Not random


  • Rufiji is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Portugal controls Rufiji
    • Portugal owns Zanzibar
    • Kilwa is a vassal of Portugal
    • Kilwa and Portugal are at war
    • Capital is on continent Europe

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1650)


When the Europeans arrived in the Indian Ocean, they destroyed Muslim shipping along the East African coast. Kilwa as a powerful trade center became a thing of the past and it was sometime before the city could recover to be even a shadow of it's former self.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Rufiji closes
  • -2 base tax value in Rufiji
  • Kenya becomes a center of trade

Province of Cuzco — Not random


  • Event 337821 - Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Cuzco is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Chimú owns Cuzco
    • Inca Empire owns Cuzco

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


Cuzco was capital of Inca Empire and acted as a hub for the Andean trade until arrival of Europeans.


A. Great!

  • Cuzco becomes a center of trade

Province of Ganges — Not random

Will happen within 3600 days of January 2, 1510
Checked again every 3600 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1519)


Changes of local trade patterns resulted in movement of Centre of Trade to our province.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Santal closes
  • Ganges becomes a center of trade

Province of Mascate — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
    • At least one of the following must occur:
      • Portugal owns Al Kharam
      • Portugal owns Mascate
    • Ormuz owns Al Kharam
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Oman owns Al Kharam
      • The following must not occur:
        • Oman owns Mascate

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1517
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


After political changes in the area, Al Kharam lost its importance and most of the trade relocated to Mascate.


A. A new center of Trade

Province of Isfahan — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Safavid Empire owns Awhaz
      • Safavid Empire owns Isfahan
      • Safavid Empire owns Fars
      • Safavid Empire owns Tabaristan
      • Safavid Empire owns Tabriz
    • All of the following must occur:
      • It is the year 1598 or later
      • Safavid Empire owns Isfahan
      • Safavid Empire controls Isfahan
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Ottoman Empire owns Azerbaijan
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
        • Safavid Empire owns Azerbaijan
      • Ottoman Empire is a neighbor
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Ottoman Empire owns Kirkuk
      • Ottoman Empire owns Iraq
      • Ottoman Empire is a neighbor

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1520
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)
unless prevented by
Action A of 337815 - Control of the Persian trade for Isfahan


Persia was gaining profit from the trade between Silk Route and India on east and Europe on west since ancient times. Victories over Uzbeks in second half of XVIth century moved Safavid's north-eastern border and protected central Iran. On the other hand Safavid Shah's defeats against Ottoman Sultans resulted in loss of eastern Anatolia, Iraq, Georgia and most of Azerbaijan. Thus, Shahs have finally moved their capital to Isfahan which has became hub of Persian trade.


A. A new market

  • +3 merchants
  • Center of trade in Azerbaijan closes
  • Isfahan becomes a center of trade

Province of Cuzco — Not random


  • Event 337822 - Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Cuzco is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Chimú owns Cuzco
    • Inca Empire owns Cuzco

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1530
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


Cuzco was capital of Inca Empire and acted as a hub for the Andean trade until arrival of Europeans.


A. Great!

  • Cuzco becomes a center of trade

Province of Aden — Not random


  • Aden is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Goa is a center of trade
    • Mascate is a center of trade
  • The following must not occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Country has at least 6 non-colonial provinces
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Aden owns Aden
        • Yemen owns Aden

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1540
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Aden was important Trade Center in the middle ages. It was getting rich on the trade between East and West. However, appearance of the Portuguese, who opened another route to Europe, captured Mombassa, Al-Kharam, Ormuz and several Indian cities, led to decline of Aden importance. In the second half of 16th century Ottoman Empire subjugated area of Yemen. Since 1630 Yemen was de-facto independent but did not regain importance until Suez Canal was build.


A. Aden has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Aden closes

Province of Liguria — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Italy owns Liguria
        • Genoa owns Liguria
      • Country has at least 12 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 1800 days of January 2, 1540
Checked again every 1800 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


With the reduced importance of Mediterranean trade, Genoa gradually lost its importance in international trade.


A. Alas!

  • -2 merchants
  • Center of trade in Liguria closes

Province of Isfahan — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
  • The following must not occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Safavid Empire owns Isfahan
      • The following must not occur:
        • It is the year 1600 or later
  • All of the following must occur:
    • Own Awhaz
    • Own Fars
    • Own Hormouz
    • Own Tabaristan
    • Own Tabriz

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1550
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1700)


By holding Persia and Ormuz we control trade in the Persian Gulf and intermediate between India and Europe.


A. A new market

  • Event 337814 - Persian trade for Isfahan will never fire
  • +3 merchants
  • Center of trade in Azerbaijan closes
  • Isfahan becomes a center of trade

Province of Astrakhan — Not random


  • Astrakhan is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • None of the following must occur:
      • Russia owns Astrakhan
      • State religion is sunni
    • It is the year 1580 or later

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1556
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Astrakhan functioned as a transit trade center but time of flourishing trade is over now...

Historically, Ivan the Terrible captured Astrakhan in 1556. This was the beginning of the end. Muslim elites fled to other Khanates, mosques has been replaced by Orthodox churches. At the beginning of 17th century Astrakhan has finally lost its importance.


A. Astrakhan has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Astrakhan closes

Province of Cuzco — Not random


  • Event 337823 - Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Cuzco is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Chimú owns Cuzco
    • Inca Empire owns Cuzco

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1560
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


Cuzco was capital of Inca Empire and acted as a hub for the Andean trade until arrival of Europeans.


A. Great!

  • Cuzco becomes a center of trade

Province of Cuzco — Not random


  • Event 337824 - Resurrection of Cuzco Trade Center for Cuzco has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Cuzco is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Chimú owns Cuzco
    • Inca Empire owns Cuzco

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1590
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


Cuzco was capital of Inca Empire and acted as a hub for the Andean trade until arrival of Europeans.


A. Great!

  • Cuzco becomes a center of trade

Province of Firenze — Not random


  • Tuscany owns Firenze
  • Tuscany controls Firenze
  • The following must not occur:
    • Liguria is a center of trade

Will happen within 90 days of March 19, 1606
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1794)
unless prevented by
Action A of 337836 - Closure of Livorno Centre of Trade for Firenze


In the late 1580s, Ferdinando I de Medici declared Livorno a ''porto Franco'', which meant that the goods traded here were duty free. The "Leggi Livornine" were laws which ruled between 1590 and 1603. These laws helped the trading activities of the merchant, freedom of religion and amnesty for some penance. Thanks to these laws, Livorno became a cosmopolitan city and one of the most important ports of the entire Mediterranean area. Many foreigners moved to Livorno, Armenians, Dutch, English, Greeks, and Jews, were among those who relocated to live and trade. Some Moriscos also moved to Livorno. On the 19th of March 1606, the Granduca di Toscana Ferdinando I de' Medici, in the Fortezza Vecchia Chapel of Saint Francis of Assisi elevated Livorno at the rank of city. During the Napoleonic Wars, trade with England was prohibited and the economy of Livorno suffered greatly.


A. Great!

  • Firenze becomes a center of trade

Province of Firenze — Not random


  • Firenze is a center of trade
  • Spain owns Firenze
  • Spain controls Firenze

Will happen within 30 days of January 1, 1607
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 1, 1795)


Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, foreign policy, attempted to free Tuscany from Spanish domination. While Spain's interest was to direct all trade from northern Europe to Spanish ports and not Italian ports.


A. Livorno must not compete

Province of Samarkand — Not random


  • Samarkand is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • None of the following must occur:
      • Country has at least 20 non-colonial provinces
      • It is the year 1670 or later
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Tobolsk is a center of trade
      • Russia owns Irkutsk
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Tobolsk is a center of trade
      • Russia owns Omsk
      • Russia owns Novosibirsk
      • Russia owns Irtych
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
        • Own Ob
      • The following must not occur:
        • Ob has religion pagan
      • The following must not occur:
        • Own Demianka
      • The following must not occur:
        • Demianka has religion pagan
      • The following must not occur:
        • Own Irtych
      • The following must not occur:
        • Irtych has religion pagan
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • All of the following must occur:
          • The following must not occur:
            • Own Altai
          • The following must not occur:
            • Altai has religion pagan
        • All of the following must occur:
          • The following must not occur:
            • Own Novosibirsk
          • The following must not occur:
            • Novosibirsk has religion pagan

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1620
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Colonization of Siberia opened new markets and revealed abundance of new resources. Minerals, furs and other commodities flow from Siberia while another stream of merchandises flow into Siberia. Unfortunatelly, Samarkand cannot compete any longer.


A. Samarkand has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Samarkand closes

Province of Jakarta — Not random


  • Netherlands owns Jakarta

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1630
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


The Dutch managed to break the Portuguese monopoly of the spice trade. As the Dutch fleets grew in size, so did their interference with Portuguese trade, and the first skirmishes took place. By 1619, the Dutch conquered Jakarta which they rename Batavia and make it their East Indies capital. For the next twenty years the two cities of Goa and Batavia would fight each other relentlessly, since they stood as the capital of the Portuguese India State (or the Indian Vice-Royalty) and the Dutch EastIndia Company's base of operations.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Ajeh closes
  • Center of trade in Malacca closes
  • Jakarta becomes a center of trade

Province of Howrah — Not random

Will happen within 3600 days of January 2, 1638
Checked again every 3600 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1647)


Changes of local trade patterns resulted in movement of Centre of Trade to our province.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Santal closes
  • Center of trade in Ganges closes
  • Howrah becomes a center of trade

Province of Gujarat — Not random


  • Goa is a center of trade

Will happen within 3600 days of January 2, 1638
Checked again every 3600 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1647)


Decline of Portuguese Trade Empire has changed local trade patterns.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Goa closes
  • Gujarat becomes a center of trade

Province of Kerala — Not random


  • Kerala is a center of trade
  • Event 337816 - Rise of Surat and decline of Goa for Gujarat has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
        • Country has at least 8 non-colonial provinces
      • Capital is on continent Asia
    • Own Gujarat

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1638
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1647)


Decline of Portuguese Trade Empire has changed local trade patterns.



  • Center of trade in Kerala closes

Province of Zanzibar — Not random


  • Kenya is a center of trade

Will happen within 2000 days of January 2, 1638
Checked again every 2000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1750)


Struggles between Omani and Portuguese and exploration led by other European nations has changed local trade patterns.


A. A new market

  • Center of trade in Kenya closes
  • Zanzibar becomes a center of trade

Province of Sjælland — Not random


  • Sjælland is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Denmark owns Sjælland
      • All of the following must occur:
        • Sweden exists
        • Netherlands exists
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Sweden owns Sjælland
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Denmark exists
        • All of the following must occur:
          • Netherlands exists
          • Poland exists
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
        • Denmark owns Sjælland
      • The following must not occur:
        • Sweden owns Sjælland

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1643
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Since the dissolution of Kalmar Union Sweden always wanted to gain dominance over Denmark. Danish taxes on Sund were one of sore points also for the Netherlands, so they gladly helped to modernize Swedish army and navy, allowed Swedish recruitment and even borrowed its own navy against Denmark. Thirty Years War was an arena of rivalry between two Protestant countries as well. Danish fleet has been broken and Swedes landed near Copenhagen. In 1645 King Christian had to sign humiliating peace treaty and times of Danish dominance on the Baltic were over.


A. Sjælland has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Sjælland closes

Province of Tago — Not random


  • Tago is a center of trade

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1644
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1648)


Portuguese colonies and trade routes were taken over by Dutch, English, Spaniards and even Arabs. It is sad, but Tago has declined.


A. Tago has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Tago closes
  • Palanas becomes a center of trade

Province of Flandern — Not random


Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1648
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Decades of wars, rebellions and religious pogroms left Lower Countries broken and devastated. There is little left here.


A. Flandern has lost its importance

Province of Ile de France — Not random


Will happen within 360 days of June 1, 1669
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


After the instauration of tariffs and the construction of internal improvements under Louis XIV, Paris is firmly established as the economic center of France.


A. We now gain control of our own finances

  • Center of trade in Lyonnais closes
  • Move capital to Ile de France
  • Clear flag "[Lowlands]"
  • Ile de France becomes a center of trade
  • +6 merchants
  • +200 gold

Province of Vestbygden — Not random


  • Vestbygden is a center of trade
  • The following must not occur:
    • Russia owns Irtych
  • The following must not occur:
    • Russia owns Novosibirsk
  • The following must not occur:
    • Russia owns Altai
  • The following must not occur:
    • Russia owns Demianka
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
        • Irtych has religion pagan
      • The following must not occur:
        • Novosibirsk has religion pagan
      • The following must not occur:
        • Altai has religion pagan
      • The following must not occur:
        • Demianka has religion pagan
    • It is the year 1720 or later

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1670
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Failure of Russian expansion into Siberia prevented development of Tobolsk into significant Centre of Trade. Absence of military protection of Russian interests and expansion of other nations causes shift in Siberian and Central Asian trade.


A. Drats!

  • Center of trade in Vestbygden closes

Province of Veneto — Not random


  • Veneto is a center of trade
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • The following must not occur:
      • Venice exists
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
        • Country has at least 10 non-colonial provinces
      • Venice owns Veneto
      • The following must not occur:
        • Venice owns Crete

Will happen within 90 days of March 12, 1670
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 13, 1797)


Venice had been steadily losing its place as a center of commerce since the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The further loss of Crete the last of the way stations to the Levant made trade virtually come to halt.


A. Venice has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Veneto closes

Province of Austria — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of March 13, 1670
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


Vienna is firmly established as the economic center of the holdings of the Austrian Habsburgs.


A. Great!

Province of Fez — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
  • The following must not occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Morocco owns Fez
      • The following must not occur:
        • It is the year 1705 or later
  • Own Fez
  • Own Toubkal
  • Own Anti Atlas
  • Own Mdennan
  • Own Azaouad

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1695
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1750)


By holding Maghreb we control trade routes to the central Africa.


A. We control our own trade

Province of Veneto — Not random


  • All of the following must occur:
    • Austria exists
    • Austria owns Austria
    • Austria controls Austria
    • Event 179023 - Vienna for Austria has already occurred
  • Venice exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Venice owns Morea
  • The following must not occur:

Will happen within 30 days of July 1, 1718
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 1, 1797)
unless prevented by
Action A of 337833 - Vienna: economic center of Austria for Austria


Treaty of Passarowitz was the peace treaty signed on July 21, 1718 between the Ottoman Empire on one side and the Habsburg Monarchy of Austria and the Republic of Venice on the other. During the years 1714–1718, the Ottomans had been successful against Venice in Morea and Crete, but had been defeated by the Austrian troops of Prince Eugene of Savoy. The treaty reflected the military situation. The Ottoman Empire lost the Banat of Temeswar, northern Serbia , northern Bosnia and Lesser Wallachia to Austria. Venice lost its possessions on the Peloponnesus peninsula and on Crete, gained by the Treaty of Karlowitz, retaining only the Ionian Islands and Dalmatia. With the loss of Morea and Tinos, Venice lost it last stopover point for trade in the Levant.


A. Venice has lost its importance

  • Center of trade in Veneto closes
  • Austria becomes a center of trade

Province of Al Kharam — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 337804 - Decline of Al Kharam for Mascate


After political changes in the area, Al Kharam lost its importance and most of the trade relocated to Mascate.


A. Alas!

  • -1500 population in Al Kharam
