
Toggle table of contents
1426-1435: Bengal's meddling in Arakan for Burma
1444-1454: Arakanese rebellions cease for Burma
1486-1486: Burmese Resurgence for Burma
1530-1530: Unification of Burma for Burma
1538-1538: Subjugation of the Mon for Burma
1539-1599: Move to Pegu for Burma
1539-1819: The submission of the Mon for Burma
1551-1551: Subjugation of the Shan for Burma
1552-1819: The submission of the Shan for Burma
1557-1557: Subjugation of Lan Na for Burma
1567-1602: Expansionism policies for Burma
1568-1819: The submission of Lan Na for Burma
1599-1613: Leaving Pegu for Burma
1613-1634: Move to Pegu again for Burma
1634-1819: Leaving Pegu again for Burma
1740-1740: Mon Revolt for Burma
1747-1753: Mon Sack of Ava for Burma
1763-1769: Destruction of Ayutthaya for Burma
1784-1784: Subjugation of Arakan for Burma
1785-1819: The submission of Arakan for Burma
Triggered (1568-1605): Capture of Ayutthaya for Burma
Triggered (1440-1450): China promises Lu Chuan land in exchange for rebel leader for Burma
Triggered (1571-1571): Disappearance of a King for Burma
Triggered (1446-1452): End of Lu Chuan Rebellion for Burma
Triggered (triggered event): Expelled from Ayutthaya for Burma
Triggered (triggered event): Sack of Ayutthaya for Burma
Triggered (1584-1584): Thai Impudence for Burma
Random: White Elephants for Burma

Burma — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1426
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1435)
unless prevented by
Action B of 30323 - Kingdom of Arakan for Bengal


In 1426, former Arakanese King Narameikhla marched with Bengalese troops into Arakan. Fortunately for Burmese, the commander of the army, Wali Khan, changed sides, and Narameikhla found himself a Burmese captive. However, 2 years later he managed to escape, and led another, this time successful, expedition against the Burmese. The Kingdom of Arakan was thus restored in 1430.


A. Bengalese are helping the Arakanese rebels

  • Stability -3
  • Revolt risk value in Tarakan +8
  • Revolt risk value in Chin +8
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Bengal for 24 months

B. Let Arakan go free

Burma — Not random


Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1444
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1454)
unless prevented by
Action B of 30322 - Bengal's meddling in Arakan for Burma


After 15 years of rebellions, incited by treacherous Kings of Bengal, our mighty army managed to subdue the Arakanese rebels.


A. The rebels are finally subdued

  • Stability +1
  • Revolt risk value in Tarakan -8
  • Revolt risk value in Chin -8

Burma — Not random

Will happen within 20 days of January 2, 1486
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 2, 1486)


King Minkyino ascended the throne of the Burmese town of Taungu in 1486. His reign initiated a resurgence of the Burmese realm and the overthrow of the Shan yoke.


A. It is a new era!

  • Break vassalization with Mu Bang
  • Centralization +1
  • Land +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Event 292001 - Resurgence of Burma for Mu Bang is triggered immediately

B. Let us still bow down.

  • +50 relations with Mu Bang
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random

Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1530
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1530)


After his ascension to power, King Tabinshwehti conquered and united local Burmese Kingdoms, and he and his successors brought greatness to the Kingdom of Burma.


A. Excellent!

  • Centralization +1
  • Land +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +2
  • Aristocracy +1

Burma — Not random


  • Mon exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Mon is a vassal of Burma

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1538
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1538)


For two hundred years, there was incessant warfare between the Mon and the Burmans, but the Mon managed to retain their independence until 1539, when they came under the domination of Myanmar led by King Tabinshwehti.


A. They shall submit!

  • -100 relations with Mon
  • Irrawady will be considered a national province
  • Kwai will be considered a national province
  • Event 136019 - The submission of the Mon for Burma will never fire

B. We are cowards!

  • +50 relations with Mon
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random


  • Own Irrawady
  • Control Irrawady

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1539
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1599)


Pegu (also known as Bago) was the capital of a united Burman Kingdom from 1539-1599.


A. Move to Pegu

  • Move capital to Irrawady
  • Irrawady will be considered a national province
  • Kwai will be considered a national province
  • Set flag [Pegu] for events
  • Event 136019 - The submission of the Mon for Burma will never fire

B. Stay in Ava

Burma — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Event 136008 - Move to Pegu for Burma has already occurred
    • All of the following must occur:
      • The following must not occur:
      • It is the year 1600 or later
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Own Irrawady
        • Own Kwai
      • The following must not occur:
        • Mon exists
    • Mon is a vassal of Burma
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Irrawady is a national (core) province
    • Kwai is a national (core) province

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1539
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
unless prevented by
Action A of 136001 - Subjugation of the Mon for Burma
Action A of 136008 - Move to Pegu for Burma


For two hundred years, there was incessant warfare between the Mon and the Burmans, but the Mon managed to retain their independence until 1539, when they came under the domination of Myanmar led by King Tabinshwehti.


A. The land is ours!

  • Irrawady will be considered a national province
  • Kwai will be considered a national province

Burma — Not random


  • Mu Bang exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Mu Bang is a vassal of Burma

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1551
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1551)


The Shans ruled this region of northern Burma, called the Shan States, until the 16th century, when King Bayinnaung established Burmese control over all of the Shan States.


A. They shall submit!

  • -100 relations with Mu Bang
  • Shan will be considered a national province
  • Bago will be considered a national province
  • Event 136020 - The submission of the Shan for Burma will never fire

B. We are cowards!

  • +50 relations with Mu Bang
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Own Shan
        • Own Bago
      • The following must not occur:
        • Mu Bang exists
    • Mu Bang is a vassal of Burma
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Shan is a national (core) province
    • Bago is a national (core) province

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1552
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
unless prevented by
Action A of 136002 - Subjugation of the Shan for Burma


The Shans ruled this region of northern Burma, called the Shan States, until the 16th century, when King Bayinnaung established Burmese control over all of the Shan States.


A. The land is ours!

  • Shan will be considered a national province
  • Bago will be considered a national province

Burma — Not random


  • Lan Na exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Lan Na is a vassal of Burma

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1557
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1557)


In 1558 AD Chiang Mai was taken by the Burmese empire. Most of Lan Na remained under Burmese control for over 200 years, although for much of the population the effects were barely noticeable except during the odd small-scale rebellion, when the Burmese would sack a rebellious dukedom as a punishment. There was no direct colonization, but annual tributes to Myanmar had to be paid, and a Burmese prince sat on the throne in Chiang Mai.


A. They shall submit!

B. We are cowards!

  • +50 relations with Lan Na
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random


  • Ayutthaya exists
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Ayutthaya is a vassal of Burma
    • Burma is a vassal of Ayutthaya

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1567
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1602)


After his ascension to power, King Tabinshwehti conquered and united local Burmese Kingdoms. His next target was the Kingdom of Ayutthaya. 3 wars were fought starting in 1538, ending in the 1569 with the capture of Ayutthaya and subjugation of the country.


A. Expand South

  • Land +2
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Quality +1
  • +7000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +20000 infantry in the capital province
  • -100 relations with Ayutthaya
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ayutthaya for 360 months
  • Land tech investment: +500

B. Expand West

  • Land +2
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Quality +1
  • +5000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +15000 infantry in the capital province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ayutthaya for 120 months
  • Land tech investment: +500
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Arakan for 120 months

Burma — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Own Lampang
      • The following must not occur:
        • Lan Na exists
    • Lan Na is a vassal of Burma
  • The following must not occur:
    • Lampang is a national (core) province

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1568
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
unless prevented by
Action A of 136003 - Subjugation of Lan Na for Burma


In 1558 AD Chiang Mai was taken by the Burmese empire. Most of Lan Na remained under Burmese control for over 200 years, although for much of the population the effects were barely noticeable except during the odd small-scale rebellion, when the Burmese would sack a rebellious dukedom as a punishment. There was no direct colonization, but annual tributes to Myanmar had to be paid, and a Burmese prince sat on the throne in Chiang Mai.


A. The land is ours!

  • Lampang will be considered a national province

Burma — Not random


  • Own Mandalay
  • Control Mandalay
  • Flag [Pegu] is set

Will happen within 30 days of January 3, 1599
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1613)
unless prevented by
Action B of 136008 - Move to Pegu for Burma


The capital was moved back to Ava in 1599.


A. Move back to Ava

  • Move capital to Mandalay
  • Clear flag "[Pegu]"

B. Stay in Pegu

Burma — Not random


  • Own Irrawady
  • Control Irrawady
  • The following must not occur:
    • Flag [Pegu] is set

Will happen within 30 days of January 3, 1613
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1634)
unless prevented by
Action B of 136008 - Move to Pegu for Burma
Action B of 136009 - Leaving Pegu for Burma


Pegu (also known as Bago) was the capital of a united Burman Kingdom from 1613-1634.


A. Move back to Pegu

  • Move capital to Irrawady
  • Set flag [Pegu] for events

B. Stay in Ava

Burma — Not random


  • Own Mandalay
  • Control Mandalay
  • Flag [Pegu] is set

Will happen within 30 days of January 3, 1634
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
unless prevented by
Action B of 136010 - Move to Pegu again for Burma
Action B of 136008 - Move to Pegu for Burma
Action B of 136009 - Leaving Pegu for Burma


The capital was moved back to Ava in 1634.


A. Move back to Ava

  • Move capital to Mandalay
  • Clear flag "[Pegu]"

B. Stay in Pegu

Burma — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Own Irrawady
        • Own Kwai
      • The following must not occur:
        • Mon exists
    • Mon is a vassal of Burma

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1740
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1740)


Mon refused to recognize our rule and our informers there have sensed that a major revolt is soon to break out! Our army is waiting for our order to crush the rebels, what are we going to do?


A. It's not worth it

  • The capital province revolts
  • Grant independence to Mon
  • Stability -3
  • Event 253000 - Mon Independence for Mon is triggered immediately

B. They shall submit!

  • The capital province revolts
  • Start a war with Mon
  • Stability -5

Burma — Not random


  • Own Mandalay
  • Mon controls Mandalay

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1747
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1753)


The people of Mon continue to give us big troubles, this time they attacked our city in Mandalay. Form a big army and crush those dregs...


A. Crush those cursed Mon!

  • -100 relations with Mon
  • Land +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +3
  • Quality +1
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Trade tech investment: -250
  • Infrastructure tech investment: -250
  • -2000 population in the capital province
  • Stability -4
  • +25000 infantry in a random province
  • +10000 cavalry in the same province

Burma — Not random


  • Ayutthaya exists
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Ayutthaya is a vassal of Burma
    • Burma is a vassal of Ayutthaya

Will happen within 30 days of November 2, 1763
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1769)


Alaungpaya's last campaign was an invasion of Siam (Thailand). He led an army through the town of Tavoy southward to Tenasserim and then northward to Ayutthaya (Ayuthia), the Siamese capital, which he surrounded in April 1760. During the siege he was wounded, and he died while his army was in retreat to Myanmar. King Hsinbyushin, third King (1763-76) of the Alaungpaya, or Konbaung, dynasty in Myanmar (Myanmar). He pursued a policy of expansion at the expense of practically all his neighbours. Hsinbyushin's most important single project was the subjugation of Siam (now Thailand). In 1764 he campaigned eastward, taking Chiang Mai (Chiengmai) and Vientiane before invading the Chao Phraya River valley. When the Siamese capital of Ayutthaya fell in April 1767, he deported thousands of prisoners to Myanmar. According to the Siamese chronicles, 'the King of Hanthawaddy (Bayinnaung) waged war like a monarch, but the King of Ava (Hsinbyushin) like a robber'.


A. Crush those Thai!

  • Land +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Quality +1
  • +10000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +35000 infantry in the capital province
  • -100 relations with Ayutthaya
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ayutthaya for 360 months
  • -100 relations with Lan Na
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Lan Na for 360 months
  • -100 relations with Vientiane
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Vientiane for 360 months
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Stability -1

B. We are cowards!

  • +50 relations with Ayutthaya
  • +50 relations with Lan Na
  • +50 relations with Vientiane
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random


  • Arakan exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Arakan is a vassal of Burma

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1784
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1784)


In 1784 Burmese King Boddawphaya sent 30,000 soldiers to conquer Arakan at the request of Rakhine noble Nagasandi and returned in February 1785 with the royal family and 20,000 inhabitants as prisoner. Thousand of Arakanese Muslims and Arakanese Buddhists were put to death. The Burmese soldiers destroyed mosques, temples, shrines, seminaries and libraries, including the Mrauk-U Royal Library. As for Arakanese Buddhists, their revered Mahamuni Image of Lord Buddha was taken away to Burma. The fall of Mrauk-U Empire was a mortal blow to the Muslims for every thing that was materially and culturally Islamic was razed to the ground.


A. They shall submit!

  • -100 relations with Arakan
  • Chin will be considered a national province
  • Tarakan will be considered a national province
  • Event 136022 - The submission of Arakan for Burma will never fire

B. We are cowards!

  • +50 relations with Arakan
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • At least one of the following must occur:
        • Own Chin
        • Own Tarakan
      • The following must not occur:
        • Arakan exists
    • Arakan is a vassal of Burma
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Chin is a national (core) province
    • Tarakan is a national (core) province

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1785
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
unless prevented by
Action A of 136005 - Subjugation of Arakan for Burma


In 1784 Burmese King Boddawphaya sent 30,000 soldiers to conquer Arakan at the request of Rakhine noble Nagasandi and returned in February 1785 with the royal family and 20,000 inhabitants as prisoner. Thousand of Arakanese Muslims and Arakanese Buddhists were put to death. The Burmese soldiers destroyed mosques, temples, shrines, seminaries and libraries, including the Mrauk-U Royal Library. As for Arakanese Buddhists, their revered Mahamuni Image of Lord Buddha was taken away to Burma. The fall of Mrauk-U Empire was a mortal blow to the Muslims for every thing that was materially and culturally Islamic was razed to the ground.


A. The land is ours!

  • Chin will be considered a national province
  • Tarakan will be considered a national province

Burma — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Burma is a vassal of Ayutthaya

Triggered by

Action A of 65122 - Capture of Ayutthaya for Ayutthaya


In 1569, Burmese troops under the command of King Bayinnaung overran the Thai troops and captured the capital of Ayutthaya. The occupation lasted only for 15 years, when the future King Naresuan rebelled and expelled Burmese forces from Ayutthaya.


A. Excellent!

  • Gain Ayutthaya as vassals
  • -50 relations with Ayutthaya
  • Trade tech investment: +300
  • +1000 population in the capital province
  • +100 gold

Burma — Not random

Triggered by

Action A, B of 147032 - Another Rebellion in Lu Chuan for China


Wang Zhen, the powerful eunuch in Ming government, decided to send 150,000 men, led by general Jiang Gui and commanded by military secretary Wang Ji, to eliminate the Lu Chuan rebellion started by Si Ren Fa. Rebel forces were defeated and Ming army entered Lu Chuan. However, Si Ren Fa escaped to Myanmar. Ming government decreed that whichever tribe hands over Si Ren Fa to China would be rewarded with the land of Lu Chuan. Myanmar was hesitant about handing over Si Ren Fa, as they did not trust China about rewarding the land to them and feared revenge by Si Ren Fa's son, who fled to Meng Yang.


A. Hand over Si Ren Fa

  • Sichuan Pendi will be considered a national province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Lu Chuan for 60 months
  • -70 relations with China

B. Take over the land and hand over Si Ren Fa

  • Sichuan Pendi will be considered a national province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Lu Chuan for 1 months
  • Start a war with Lu Chuan
  • +80 relations with China
  • -100 relations with Mu Bang
  • -100 relations with Meng Yang
  • Event 378002 - New rebellion against China for Lu Chuan is triggered immediately

Burma — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 106004 - Disappearance of a King for Lan Xang


King Setthathirath of Lan Xang mysteriously disappeared in 1571 on his way home from a punitive expedition against Cambodia, perhaps in battle with the unconquered tribes in the highlands. Lan Xang then entered a period of twenty years of anarchy and Burmese domination.


A. Let us take advantage!

  • +100 gold
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Lan Xang for 240 months
  • Start a war with Lan Xang

B. We are cowards!

  • +50 relations with Lan Xang
  • Stability +1

Burma — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 147036 - End of Lu Chuan Rebellion for China


After the Ming invasion into Meng Yang, commander Wang Ji knew that the rebels could not be eliminated, and thus made an agreement with Si Lu, allowing them to reside in Meng Yang, but erected a stone tablet at Irrawaddy River, with the words 'thou shall not cross until the seas dry up and the rocks crumble'. The Ming Emperor then granted Myanmar authority to govern the Meng Yang area and to capture Si Ji Fa.


A. The land is ours!

  • Kachin will be considered a national province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Meng Yang for 60 months
  • -100 relations with Meng Yang

Burma — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 120014 - Taksin: a Thai Hero for Ayutthaya


Ayutthaya is forcefully revolting against us, causing unforseen trouble and discontent


A. Hmmmpphhh!

  • Shan revolts
  • Shan revolts
  • Stability -2

Burma — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Burma is a vassal of Ayutthaya

Triggered by

Action B of 120014 - Taksin: a Thai Hero for Ayutthaya


In 1767, a second Burmese invasion, led by Alaungpaya's son Hsinbyushin, succeeded in capturing Ayutthaya after a siege of fourteen months. In their hurry to withdraw from the conquered capital, the Burmese killed, looted and set fire to the whole city, thereby expunging four centuries of Thai civilization. Showing complete disregard for their common religion, the Buddhist Burmese plundered Ayutthaya's rich temples, melting down all the available gold from Buddha's images. Members of the royal family, along with 90,000 captives and the accumulated booty, were removed to Burma.


A. Splendid!

  • Gain Ayutthaya as vassals
  • -50 relations with Ayutthaya
  • Trade tech investment: +300
  • +3000 population in the capital province
  • +200 gold

Burma — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 120008 - Restoration of Thai Independence for Ayutthaya


Together with his younger brother, Ekatotsarot, Naresuen began to gather armed followers. He had gained an insight into Burmese armed strength and strategies during his formative years. He trained his troops in the art of guerilla warfare and their hit-and-run tactics earned them the nicknames Wild Tigers and Peeping Cats. Naresuen's opportunity to restore Siamese independence came following the death of Bayinnaung, in 1581. Revolts in the Shan states and at Ava were tying young King Nandabayin down at home when Naresuen declared Ayutthaya's freedom, in 1584. During the following nine years, the Burmese made several attempts to resubjugate Siam, but Naresuen had taken thorough defensive measures and repulsed all invasions. On one of these occasions, he killed the Burmese crown prince in single combat, both of them mounted on elephants.


A. Hmmmpphhh!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ayutthaya for 98 months
  • Mandalay revolts
  • Shan revolts
  • Stability -2

Burma — Random


The Buddhist Kings of Southeast Asia have always treasured the possession of white elephants, enhancing royal prestige and ensuring the country's prosperity.


A. Splendid!

  • Stability +1
  • Global revolt risk -3 for 12 months
