
Toggle table of contents
1419-1439: Erik issues war taxes in Norway for Denmark
1419-1439: Erik issues war taxes in Sweden for Denmark
1419-1439: The future heir for Denmark
1419-1439: Rebellion in Sweden for Denmark
1419-1600: Fate of the Kalmar Union for Denmark
1429-1566: The Sound Due for Denmark
1433-1435: The Engelbrekt Rebellion for Denmark
1440-1447: Erik takes Gotland for Denmark
1448-1481: Christian of Oldenburg is elected King of Denmark for Denmark
Triggered (1449-1459): The invasion of Gotland for Denmark
1470-1497: Rise of Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) for Denmark
1479-1479: Foundation of the University of Copenhagen for Denmark
1482-1501: Sweden defies Hans's claim to their throne for Denmark
1482-1501: The coronation of King Hans for Denmark
1482-1501: Hans claims Norway for Denmark
1482-1501: Hans claims Sweden for Denmark
1483-1483: The Scandinavian Constitution for Denmark
1485-1513: Swedish nobles demand greater independence for Denmark
1485-1513: Swedish nobles pledge alligiance to Sweden for Denmark
1490-1513: The fate of Holstein for Denmark
1493-1496: Vornedskab for Denmark
1494-1513: The fate of Norway for Denmark
1494-1513: The fate of Norway for Denmark
1497-1501: Sweden is stalling for Denmark
1497-1501: Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) submits to Hans for Denmark
1501-1513: The defeat at Ditmarsken for Denmark
1501-1513: The defeat at Ditmarsken for Denmark
1501-1513: The gift to Frederik for Denmark
1501-1513: Christine is rescued for Denmark
1503-1513: Christine is not going to be released for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Christine is released for Denmark
1509-1509: The Great Naval Reform for Denmark
1513: King Hans dies without having captured Sweden for Denmark
1517-1520: The Pluralistic Reforms of Christian II for Denmark
1517-1535: Trolle supports the Danish army for Denmark
1520-1530: Battle of Åsunden for Denmark
1520-1530: The Stockholmian Massacre for Denmark
1533: The Count's Feud for Denmark
1566-1566: Peder Oxe for Denmark
1576: Tycho Brahe for Denmark
1585-1819: Greenland is reclaimed for Denmark
1610-1610: The Modernisation of the Navy for Denmark
1616-1616: Danish East Indian Company for Denmark
1625-1629: The Threat to Protestantism in Germany for Denmark
1625-1635: The Mercantile Reforms of Christian IV for Denmark
Triggered (1634-1648): Fredrik of Denmark is elected Archbishop of Bremen for Denmark
1642-1699: The northern lion rears its ugly head for Denmark
1657-1657: Danish intervention in the first Northern War for Denmark
1660-1663: The Absolutism for Denmark
1673-1674: Peder Griffenfeld for Denmark
1683-1684: Den Danske Lov for Denmark
1697-1700: The Great Northern Conflict for Denmark
1721-1721: Containing Russia for Denmark
1721-1773: Colonization of Greenland begins for Denmark
1721-1721: Lands of the House Gottorp for Denmark
1722-1754: Ludvig Holberg for Denmark
1728: The Great Fire in Copenhagen for Denmark
1730-1740: The Mercantile Reforms of Christian VI for Denmark
1733-1733: Stavnsbåndet for Denmark
1733-1733: Stavnsbåndet for Denmark
1735-1738: Pietism for Denmark
1735: Grain monopoly for Denmark
1740-1741: The Effects of the Pragmatic Sanction for Denmark
1766: The Regency of J.H.E. Bernstorff for Denmark
1770-1770: The Regency of Struensee for Denmark
1773-1773: The Regency of Ove Høegh-Guldberg for Denmark
1774-1781: Colonization of Greenland continues for Denmark
1780-1790: End of Pietism for Denmark
1781-1781: The Great Agricultural Reform for Denmark
1782-1799: Greenland colonized by royal decree for Denmark
1784-1784: The Regency of A.P.Bernstorff for Denmark
1784-1785: The Landbo Commission for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Centralization of the Kalmar Union for Denmark
Triggered (1460-1481): Christian of Oldenburg is elected Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Christine is not going to be released for Denmark
Triggered (1460-1481): Denmark inherits Holstein for Denmark
Triggered (1667, 1667): Denmark inherits Oldenburg for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Friesland still supports the pirates for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Norway Declares Independence for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Norway Requests Annexation for Denmark
Triggered (1494-1513): Norway accepts the declaration at Kalundborg for Denmark
Triggered (1482-1501): Norway crowns Hans as their King for Denmark
Triggered (1482-1501): Norway refuses to acknowledge Hans for Denmark
Triggered (1494-1513): Norway rejects the declaration at Kalundborg for Denmark
Triggered (1667, 1667): Oldenburg ignores our claim for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): Oldenburg is incorporated into Denmark for Denmark
Triggered (1613-1669): Peace of Stolbovo for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event, 1482-1501, 1482-1501): Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) refuses to crown Hans for Denmark
Triggered (1482-1501, 1482-1501): Sweden crowns Hans as their King for Denmark
Triggered (1501-1504): Sweden declares itself independent for Denmark
Triggered (1521-1525): Sweden remains in the Kalmar Union for Denmark
Triggered (1471-1497): The Battle at Brunkeberg for Denmark
Triggered (1743-1743): The Election of a Swedish Crown prince for Denmark
Triggered (1743-1743): The Election of a Swedish Crown prince for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event, 1521-1525): The End of the Kalmar Union for Denmark
Triggered (1560-1590): The Fate of the Livonian Order for Denmark
Triggered (1560-1590): The Fate of the Livonian Order for Denmark
Triggered (1560-1590): The Fate of the Livonian Order for Denmark
Triggered (triggered event): The Rebellion Spreads for Denmark
Triggered (1517-1518): Trial of Trolle for Denmark
Triggered (1501-1513): War has come for Denmark

Denmark — Not random


  • Country is at war
  • Monarch Erik af Pommern is active
  • Norway is a vassal of Denmark

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1439)


During his wars King Erik needed money for troops badly. Therefore he issued a series of war taxes in Norway.


A. Issue the war taxes

  • +40 gold
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 360 months
  • -25 relations with Norway
  • Event 244003 - Erik issues war taxes for Norway is triggered immediately

B. We can manage without Norwegian gold

  • +25 relations with Norway

Denmark — Not random


  • Country is at war
  • Monarch Erik af Pommern is active
  • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1439)


During his wars King Erik needed money for troops badly. Therefore he issued a series of war taxes in Sweden.


A. Issue the war taxes

  • +80 gold
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 360 months
  • -25 relations with Sweden
  • Event 291018 - Erik issues war taxes for Sweden is triggered immediately

B. We can manage without Swedish gold

Denmark — Not random


  • Event 159045 - Rebellion in Sweden for Denmark has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • The following must not occur:
      • Stability is at -2 or higher
    • It is the year 1437 or later

Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1419
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1439)


In 1437 the Danish State Council summoned Erik from Gotland because the increased unrest among the peasantry had unleashed a fullscale revolt. Erik arrived in Denmark with the demand that the State Council should accept Bogislaw IX of Pomerania as his heir. The Danish State Council rejected this demand and Erik returned to Gotland from where he began a profitable pirating business.


A. Reject Bogislaw IX as the heir of Erik

  • Stability +1
  • -100 gold
  • Centralization -1
  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • +50 relations with Norway
  • A random province revolts
  • Event 259007 - Bogislaw dies before Erik for Pomerania will never fire

B. Accept Bogislaw IX as the heir of Erik

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 5, 1439)
unless prevented by
Action B of 159043 - Erik issues war taxes in Sweden for Denmark


Following the wars against the counts of Holstein the unrest in Sweden was very high due to the war taxes imposed by Erik. In 1434 this resulted in major rebellion in northern and central Sweden. Erik had no choice but to sign a treaty that severely reduced his power in Sweden or face a full-scale Swedish war. He ended up signing the treaty and was now obliged to heed the advice of the Swedish State Council as well as only allow Swedish nobles to govern Swedish provinces. Erik was furious and left for his castle in Gotland, leaving the administration of Denmark in the hands of the Danish State Council.


A. Sign the treaty

B. The treaty is unacceptable

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Svealand
  • Own Østlandet
  • The following must not occur:
    • Sweden exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Norway exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Svealand is a national (core) province
  • Østlandet is a national (core) province

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1419
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1600)


Finally all of the Kalmar Union was again under the direct rule of the Danish Crown. The time had now come to decide the fate and future of the old and troublesome Union.


A. Maintain the old union

  • Stability +2
  • Innovativeness -1

B. Dissolve the union and seize direct control

  • Stability -6
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 120 months
  • +5 badboy
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Centralization +2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Småland will be considered a national province
  • Västergötland will be considered a national province
  • Svealand will be considered a national province
  • Bergslagen will be considered a national province
  • Lappland will be considered a national province
  • Österbotten will be considered a national province
  • Tavastland will be considered a national province
  • Nyland will be considered a national province
  • Savolaks will be considered a national province
  • Västerbotten will be considered a national province
  • Finland will be considered a national province
  • Gästrikland will be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Sjælland
  • Control Sjælland

Will happen within 180 days of January 2, 1429
Checked again every 180 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1566)


The Sound Due was introduced by King Erik in 1429 and was not abolished until 1857. All ships passing through the Sound ('Øresund') were forced to anchor off Helsingør and pay dues to the Danish Crown. The merchants had no choice but to comply since the Sound was the only water lane into the Baltic Sea. The due was enormous, and its impact on politics was almost as big as on the economy - the Danish King could easily decide on different levels of tariffs for the various nationalities of the ships passing through. Swedish merchants were often particularly targeted, which was an important contributing factor to the bitter enmity between the nations.


A. Impose the Sound Due

  • Mercantilism +2
  • +4 base tax value in the capital province
  • -50 relations with Sweden
  • -50 relations with Mecklenburg
  • -50 relations with Pomerania
  • -50 relations with Teutonic Order
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with France
  • Center of trade in Mecklenburg closes
  • Sjælland becomes a center of trade

Denmark — Not random


  • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark

Will happen within 720 days of January 2, 1433
Checked again every 720 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1435)


Union King Erik was a harsh man, and his sheriffs reflected all of his worst traits. One of the cruellest was Jösse Eriksson, a nobleman of Danish birth and appointed sheriff of Bergslagen in Sweden. Acting like a petty chieftain, Jösse took whatever he fancied from the oppressed people - including their women. Finally, the peasants and miners had had enough and sent Engelbrekt to demand that Jösse be replaced by a decent man. King Erik agreed and sent an almost equally cruel sheriff, a German named Hans von Eberstein, to Bergslagen. The flames of revolt rose up in 1434...


A. Replace Jösse with Hans von Eberstein

B. Replace Jösse with a lenient sheriff

  • -100 gold
  • Centralization -1
  • Stability -2

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Gotland
  • Pomerania exists

Will happen within 120 days of March 2, 1440
Checked again every 120 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1447)


In 1440, Erik, having been deposed in Denmark and Sweden, was succeeded by his nephew, Christopher of Bavaria, who had been chosen for the thrones. After he had been deposed as king in Sweden and Denmark, the Norwegian Riksråd remained loyal to him, and wanted him to remain king of Norway only. Erik left Denmark and settled at his castle Visborg in Gotland. In 1448, Erik handed over Gotland to Denmark in return for the permission to leave for Pomerania.


A. Pomerania rules Gotland

  • Cede Gotland to Pomerania

Denmark — Not random


  • Oldenburg exists

Will happen within 10 days of January 7, 1448
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1481)


When Christoffer III died without heirs in 1448, the Rigsraad, the danish convention of nobles, first chose Count Adolf VIII of Holstein. But since he waS himself old and childless, he suggested to crown his nephew, Christian of Oldenburg instead, and so did the Rigsraad. Christian accepted the proposal and ascended the danish and norwegian throne. He left the County of Oldenburg to his younger brother Gerhard. The Oldenburg dynasty remained on the danish throne until 1863.


A. Rule Oldenburg as part of the Holy Roman Empire through Gerhard

B. Incorporate Oldenburg into Denmark

Denmark — Not random


  • Pomerania owns Gotland

Will happen within 10 days of May 12, 1448
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1458)


In 1439 the Danish forces overrun and annex Gotland. Gotland agrees to Danish rule and everlasting peace under Erik.


A. Gotland needs Danish rule

Denmark — Not random


  • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1470
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1497)


The newly appointed regent of Sweden Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) has been gathering support for Swedish independence of the Kalmer Union. How shall we handle the rebellion?


A. Let the rebels meet our armies

  • -100 relations with Sweden
  • Lose 3000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 3000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 2000 troops in a random province

B. Accept Sten Stures demands

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Sjælland

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1479
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1479)


In 1475 Pope Sixtus IV approved Christian I's request for the construction of a Danish University and four years later (in 1479) the University of Copenhagen was opened. Like most universities of the later middle ages it housed the four classic sciences of Theology, Philosophy, Medicine, and Law.


A. Found the university

  • Innovativeness +1
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +100
  • -50 gold
  • +20 relations with Papal States

B. We don't need it

  • -5 victory points

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of May 2, 1482
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 9, 1501)
unless prevented by
Action A of 159010 - Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) refuses to crown Hans for Denmark


When the Danish King Hans tried to make claims on the Swedish crown Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) went to the Swedish nobles to get their support against Hans. Because of Christian I acceptance of an independent Sweden the nobles narrowly accepted Sten Stures proposal of rejecting Hanses demand.


A. Sweden is ours by right

  • Start a war with Sweden
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 36 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 18 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 18 months

B. Sweden will be ours in time

  • Stability -1
  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • -15 victory points

C. Accept Sten Stures rejection

  • Stability -2
  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • -30 victory points

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:

Will happen within 30 days of May 2, 1482
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 9, 1501)


In may 1482 Hans the son of Christian I and Dorothea of Brandenburg were crowned King of Denmark. According to an old agreement he was to rule both Denmark, Norway and Sweden.


A. They will honor the agreement

  • Stability +1
  • Innovativeness -1

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of June 2, 1482
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 9, 1501)


After his coronation King Hans claimed the Norwegian territory. Since Norway didn't have a ruling body this claim was accepted both by European rulers and by the Norwegian nobles.


A. Claim Norway

  • Stability +1
  • -50 relations with Sweden
  • Østlandet will be considered a national province
  • Bergenshus will be considered a national province
  • Trøndelag will be considered a national province
  • Narvik will be considered a national province
  • Finnmark will be considered a national province
  • Jämtland will be considered a national province
  • Iceland will be considered a national province
  • Event 244000 - The coronation of King Hans for Norway will never fire

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of June 2, 1482
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 9, 1501)


After his coronation King Hans claimed the Swedish territory. Since Sweden didn't have a ruling body this claim was accepted both by European rulers and by the Swedish nobles.


A. Claim Sweden

  • Stability +1
  • -50 relations with Novgorod
  • -50 relations with Muscovy
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • Småland will be considered a national province
  • Västergötland will be considered a national province
  • Svealand will be considered a national province
  • Bergslagen will be considered a national province
  • Lappland will be considered a national province
  • Österbotten will be considered a national province
  • Tavastland will be considered a national province
  • Nyland will be considered a national province
  • Savolaks will be considered a national province
  • Västerbotten will be considered a national province
  • Finland will be considered a national province
  • Gästrikland will be considered a national province
  • Event 291002 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden will never fire
  • Event 291003 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden will never fire

Denmark — Not random


  • Sweden exists
  • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark

Will happen within 300 days of February 2, 1483
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1483)


In 1481 King Christian I died and left the throne to his son Hans. Since the Battle of Brunkeberg in 1471, Sweden had not been a part of the Union in anything but the name. In 1483 the Councils of the Scandinavian Kingdoms drafted the Halmstad Recess, an attempt to provide a Scandinavian constitution which asserted the supremacy of the high nobility, but Sten Sture den äldre (the elder), the chancellor of Sweden, refused to send a delegation to Halmstad. The Swedes delayed signing the document until 1484, and then with certain provisos.


A. Draft the Scandinavian Constitution

  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Centralization +1
  • Stability +2

B. Drop the whole idea

  • Stability -1

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 360 days of June 2, 1485
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


Not long after King Hans had secured control over Svealand did the Swedish nobles begin their request for a more independent Sweden. King Hans resisted the requests at first, but soon he had to deside between either a full scale civil war or granting Sweden independence as vassals.


A. Let Sweden have self-government

  • Grant independence to Sweden
  • Gain an alliance with Sweden
  • Stability +3
  • -3 badboy
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization +1
  • Småland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Västergötland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Svealand will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bergslagen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Lappland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Österbotten will no longer be considered a national province
  • Tavastland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Nyland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Savolaks will no longer be considered a national province
  • Västerbotten will no longer be considered a national province
  • Finland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Gästrikland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Event 291008 - Hans defeated in Ditmarsken for Sweden will never fire

B. There is no and never will be a Sweden

  • Stability -6
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 120 months
  • Småland revolts
  • Västergötland revolts
  • Svealand revolts
  • Bergslagen revolts
  • Lappland revolts
  • Österbotten revolts
  • Tavastland revolts
  • Nyland revolts
  • Savolaks revolts
  • Västerbotten revolts
  • Finland revolts
  • Gästrikland revolts

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 360 days of June 2, 1485
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


When Sweden was recreated the nobles that claimed rule overthe old Sweden provinces gathered at Stockholm. Here they agreed to pledge alligiance to the new Swedish crown.


A. Treacherous bastards!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • Småland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Västergötland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Svealand will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bergslagen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Lappland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Österbotten will no longer be considered a national province
  • Tavastland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Nyland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Savolaks will no longer be considered a national province
  • Västerbotten will no longer be considered a national province
  • Finland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Gästrikland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Småland to Sweden
  • Cede Västergötland to Sweden
  • Cede Svealand to Sweden
  • Cede Bergslagen to Sweden
  • Cede Lappland to Sweden
  • Cede Österbotten to Sweden
  • Cede Tavastland to Sweden
  • Cede Nyland to Sweden
  • Cede Savolaks to Sweden
  • Cede Västerbotten to Sweden
  • Cede Finland to Sweden
  • Cede Gästrikland to Sweden

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Holstein

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1490
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


In 1490 King Hans gave Holstein to his younger brother Frederik. This happened after much debate since Hans's mother Dorothea desired that Frederik should get not only Holstein but also Slesvig. Hans wouldn't part with both Slesvig and Holstein so he allowed Frederik to choose one of the provinces. Frederik chose Holstein. However Slesvig and Holstein had been promised that they would never be devided, so the brothers agreed to rule both provinces together. In reality though Frederik ruled Holstein alone as duke, and Hans kept Slesvig.


A. Let Frederik have Holstein

  • Stability +1
  • Grant independence to Holstein
  • Gain an alliance with Holstein

B. Holstein shall remain a part of Denmark

  • Stability -3
  • Holstein revolts
  • Global revolt risk +1 for 240 months

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 720 days of February 2, 1493
Checked again every 720 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 2, 1496)


Up until the late 15th century the peasants in Denmark, like in Sweden, had been blessed with liberties uncommon to their class in Europe at the time. Under King Hans however, this took a bitter end with the adoption of 'vornedskab', or serfdom. Peasant sons were no longer allowed to move from their lands, and particularly the peasants who worked the fields of the aristocracy soon found themselves oppressed like never before.


A. Adopt Vornedskab

  • Serfdom +3
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 120 months

B. Let the peasants be free

  • Serfdom -1
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Stability -4

Denmark — Not random


  • Norway is a vassal of Denmark
  • Holstein exists
  • The following must not occur:

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1494
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


While Hans ruled Denmark and Norway his mother Dorothea tried to convince him, that he should share his Kingdoms with his younger brother Frederik. She suggested that Hans should give Norway to Duke Frederik of Holstein. Hans had no desire to part with Norway however, so in 1494 he called for a Assembly of the Estates of the Realm in Kalundborg. Here it was declared that the Kingdoms of Denmark and Norway should forever be one.


A. Declare Norway and Denmark indivisible

  • Stability -1
  • -50 relations with Holstein
  • Centralization +2

B. Give Norway to Frederik

Denmark — Not random


  • Norway is a vassal of Denmark
  • The following must not occur:
    • Holstein exists
  • The following must not occur:

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1494
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


While Hans ruled Denmark and Norway his mother Dorothea tried to convince him, that he should give Norway to his younger brother Frederik. Hans had no desire to part with Norway however, so in 1494 he called for a Assembly of the Estates of the Realm in Kalundborg. Here it was declared that the Kingdoms of Denmark and Norway should forever be one.


A. Declare Norway and Denmark indivisible

  • Stability -1
  • Centralization +2

B. Give Norway to Frederik

Denmark — Not random


  • Sweden exists
  • Event 291002 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark
  • The following must not occur:
    • Denmark is a vassal of Sweden

Will happen within 180 days of January 2, 1497
Checked again every 180 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 9, 1501)
unless prevented by
Action A of 291004 - Swedish nobles support Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) for Sweden
Action B, C of 291002 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden


By 1497 it was painfully clear that Swedens regent Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) had been stalling the coronation of King Hans. Hans mobilised an army which headed for Stäket north of Stockholm. Stäket were under siege by Sten Sture den äldre (the elder), but with the arrival of King Hans's army Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) was forced to retreat to Stockholm.


A. Attack Sten Sture

  • Lose 4000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 4000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 4000 troops in a random province
  • Event 291005 - The arrival of King Hans for Sweden is triggered immediately

B. Accept Sten Sture as King of Sweden

  • Stability -2
  • +100 relations with Sweden

Denmark — Not random


  • Sweden exists
  • Event 291005 - The arrival of King Hans for Sweden has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark
  • The following must not occur:
    • Denmark is a vassal of Sweden

Will happen within 30 days of November 2, 1497
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 9, 1501)
unless prevented by
Action B of 291005 - The arrival of King Hans for Sweden


In november 1497 Hans was crowned King of Sweden, and he returned to Denmark with his army. Sten Stures peasant army had been defeated in two great battles, and he had no other option than to capitulate to Hans. Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) still had great support among the Swedish commoners though, and Hans desided to let him live.


A. Let Sten Sture live

  • Stability +1
  • Gain Sweden as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Sweden
  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • Centralization -1
  • +2500 infantry in the capital province
  • +2500 infantry in the capital province
  • +2500 cavalry in the capital province
  • Event 291006 - Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) submits to Hans for Sweden is triggered immediately

B. Sten Sture must die

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1501
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


Following his victory at Stockholm King Hans allied with his brother Frederik of Holstein and attacked the minor peasant republic Ditmarsken. The result was a humiliating defeat and while both Hans and Frederik managed to escape capture they lost their entire army. This was primarily due to the fact that the weather turned the roads into mud. This combined with the fact that their heavy cavalry wasn't designed for fighting on the narrow roads made the army useless.


A. Damn!

  • Stability -1
  • Lose 2500 troops in a random province
  • Lose 2500 troops in a random province
  • Lose 2500 troops in a random province
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 18 months
  • Event 279001 - The defeat at Ditmarsken for Holstein is triggered immediately

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1501
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


Following his victory at Stockholm King Hans attacked the minor peasant republic Ditmarsken. The result was a humiliating defeat and while Hans managed to escape capture he lost his entire army. This was primarily due to the fact that the weather turned the roads into mud. This combined with the fact that his heavy cavalry wasn't designed for fighting on the narrow roads made the army useless.


A. Damn!

  • Stability -2
  • Holstein revolts
  • Serfdom -1
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 18 months

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1501
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


Following his victory at Stockholm King Hans of Denmark lent a part of his army to his brother Frederik. Frederik had always wanted to rule part of Hans's realm, which of course didn't sit well with Hans. So to appease his brother King Hans desided to help him conquer Holstein. This was to a large extend successful, but at a battle against the peasant republic Ditmarsken Hans's army were defeated. The end result was the vassalisation of Holstein, but a loss of respect of the Danish army.


A. Frederik better be grateful

  • Stability -1
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 18 months
  • Gain Holstein as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Holstein
  • +200 relations with Holstein
  • Event 279002 - The subjugation of Holstein for Holstein is triggered immediately

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of August 10, 1501
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)
unless prevented by
Action B, D of 291009 - Denmark withdraws for Sweden
Action A of 291010 - War has come for Sweden


When the triumphant Danish forces marched into Stockholm King Hans had the extreme pleasure of releasing his wife Christine from the hands of the Swedish. Now Sweden had no hold over him any longer, and he had sent a clear signal to the rest of Europe that this King would not be blackmailed.


A. United with my Queen at last!

  • Stability +3
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 60 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 60 months
  • +25 victory points

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1503
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)
unless prevented by
Action A, B, D of 291009 - Denmark withdraws for Sweden


After long negotiations it became apparent, that Christine wasn't going to be released.


A. Consider military actions

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 36 months
  • -25 relations with Sweden

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1503
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)
unless prevented by
Action C, D of 291009 - Denmark withdraws for Sweden


After long negotiations Christine was finally released.


A. Great!

  • Stability +1
  • +25 relations with Sweden

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Sjælland
    • Own Jylland
    • Own Holstein
    • Own Østlandet
    • Own Bergenshus
    • Own Trøndelag

Will happen within 360 days of February 2, 1509
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1509)


Under King Hans, who came to the throne in 1481, the fleet was given a more organised structure, and during his reign large ships were built by royal order. The 'Engelen' was built in Sønderborg, where there was a good supply of oak for shipbuilding. The 'Maria', which was just as big, seems to have been built in Copenhagen, which has gradually become the home port of the fleet. By 1509 Denmark had one of the largest and best navies in Europe.


A. Expand the Navy

  • Land -2
  • Naval tech investment: +2000
  • -150 gold

B. Expand the Army

  • Land +1
  • Land tech investment: +1500
  • -100 gold

C. Build Fortifications

  • Fortress level in the capital province +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • -200 gold

Denmark — Not random


Will happen on January 3, 1513


When King Hans died without having captured Sweden, Denmark was the laughing stock of Europe. Hans had claimed that Sweden was rightfully his, and he had failed to bring it under his control. This made the Danish royal family look weak and made their claim to Sweden dubious at best. In Denmark their position was further damaged has the nobles twisted the situation to their advantage.


A. Accept the humiliation

  • -50 victory points
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 18 months
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization -1
  • Småland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Västergötland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Svealand will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bergslagen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Lappland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Österbotten will no longer be considered a national province
  • Tavastland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Nyland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Savolaks will no longer be considered a national province
  • Västerbotten will no longer be considered a national province
  • Finland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Gästrikland will no longer be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 720 days of January 2, 1517
Checked again every 720 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1520)


Upon succeeding to the throne, Christian II bypassed the Rigsråd and used the chancellery to grant commercial privileges to merchants, overriding the claims of Danish nobles and traders of the Hanseatic League. In 1517 Christian accused the governor of Copenhagen Castle of poisoning his lover Dyveke, and thereafter he ignored the Rigsråd and the royal charter. He created an essentially bourgeois government with the burgomaster of Malmö, Hans Mikkelsen, as his special counsellor


A. Reform the Government

  • Mercantilism -2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 72 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province
  • +1 base tax value in a random province
  • +1 base tax value in a random province
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

B. Maintain Status Quo

  • Stability +2

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1517
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1535)
unless prevented by
Action A of 291011 - Trial of Trolle for Sweden


Gustav Trolle was the Archbishop of Sweden and a clearly pro-union politician. He was one of the richer men in Sweden and his castle (Stäket) was situated strategically between Stockholm and Bergslagen, and could thus in the event of war be used to prevent reinforcements from arriving that way. In addittion to this the struggle between Sten Sture den yngre (the younger) and Trolle was a matter of land and riches, but despite of this Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) couldn't gather the support he needed to remove Trolle. So when the Danish army marched into Stäket Trolle supplied them with both food, weapons and manpower.


A. Long live Archbishop Trolle!

  • +50 gold
  • +2000 infantry in Svealand
  • +1000 cavalry in Svealand
  • +5 national manpower

Denmark — Not random


  • Country is not at war
  • Sweden exists
  • Event 159028 - Trial of Trolle for Denmark has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Monarch Christian II is active
    • Monarch Christian II is active
  • Own Småland
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Sweden is a vassal of Denmark
    • Denmark is a vassal of Sweden

Will happen within 10 days of January 21, 1520
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1530)


At the Battle of Åsunden's ice Christian II defeated the swedish army under Sten Sture den yngre (the younger)'s command. Sture was fatally wounded during the battle and died soon afterwards. Within a few months most of Sweden was in the hands of King Christian II. He arranged to have himself crowned King of Sweden in exchange of returning the conquered territories to their rightful noble owners.


A. I will rule Sweden

  • Gain Sweden as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Sweden
  • +400 relations with Sweden
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization +1
  • Cede Småland to Sweden
  • Cede Västergötland to Sweden
  • Cede Svealand to Sweden
  • Cede Bergslagen to Sweden
  • Cede Lappland to Sweden
  • Cede Österbotten to Sweden
  • Cede Tavastland to Sweden
  • Cede Nyland to Sweden
  • Cede Savolaks to Sweden
  • Cede Västerbotten to Sweden
  • Cede Finland to Sweden
  • Cede Gästrikland to Sweden
  • Event 291012 - Battle of Åsunden for Sweden is triggered immediately

B. The Crown shall keep the Swedish lands

  • Stability -3
  • Gain Sweden as vassals
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization -1
  • Småland revolts
  • Västergötland revolts
  • Svealand revolts
  • Bergslagen revolts
  • Lappland revolts
  • Österbotten revolts
  • Tavastland revolts
  • Nyland revolts
  • Savolaks revolts
  • Västerbotten revolts
  • Finland revolts
  • Gästrikland revolts

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of November 5, 1520
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1530)


The fourth of November 1520 King Christian II was crowned as King of Sweden having promised amnesty for any and all that opposed him, and he had invitited a large part of the Sture-party to his coronation. Suddenly, the 7th of November, King Christian summoned the nobles to the Great Hall, where he proceeded to accuse them of heresy and conspiracy against the True Church. The reason cited for this was the removal of Trolle, and Trolle himself demanded, that he be repaid for the destruction of his castle and his removal. Sten Sture's widow, Kristian Gyllenstierna, however, made the fatal mistake of showing King Christian the list of the names of the people who had signed the document of Trolles removal. Christian took the opportunity, and declared all the involved (except Hans Brask, the Bishop of Skara) to be heretics and enemies of the Church, a few days later the executions began, it is estimated that between 60 and 90 noblemen were executed, and many more burghers and regular Stockholmers.


A. Execute the heretical traitor!

  • Stability -2
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • -200 relations with Sweden
  • Småland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Event 291013 - The Stockholmian Massacre for Sweden is triggered immediately

B. Let us only demand what is Trolle's due

  • Stability -1
  • +75 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Sweden
  • Småland will no longer be considered a national province

C. Pay Trolle's compensation out of the state treasury

Denmark — Not random

Will happen on April 12, 1533


When Frederik I died in 1533 the bishops and most of the aristocracy were initially opposed to the election of his son Christian, duke of Holstein, as King because he was a Lutheran. The burghers and peasants on their part wanted a return of the deposed Christian II who was imprisoned at Sønderborg. The mayors of Copenhagen and Malmö devised a plan together with the Hansa to free Christian II and turn the two largest Danish cities into partners of the Hanseatic League. The Danish Council gained the help of arch-enemy Gustav Vasa to thwart the plot, which became known as 'Grevefejden' (The Count's Feud) because the rebel forces were led by Count Christoffer of Oldenburg.


A. Support Christian of Holstein

  • Change religion to protestant
  • Mercantilism +1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • +100 relations with Holstein
  • Global revolt risk +8 for 48 months
  • Stability -3

B. Support Christian II

  • Aristocracy -2
  • Mercantilism -2
  • Monarch Christian III will never rule
  • Monarch Christian II becomes active
  • +100 relations with Mecklenburg
  • +100 relations with Pomerania
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -6

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1566
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1566)


Peder Oxe was a financial genius who was recalled from exile by Frederik II when the Nordic Seven Years War had ruined the Danish economy. With Oxe at the helm from 1567 it did not take long before the state finances had recovered. He convinced the aristocracy to contribute more and reorganized the Sound Due so that the revenues tripled. He also improved the agriculture and educational system. Until his death in 1577, Peder Oxe and a few other lords were the de-facto rulers of Denmark.



  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 260 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +5 for 260 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 260 months
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +500
  • Stability +2

Denmark — Not random

Will happen on March 2, 1576


The danish astronomer Tycho Brahe came from the nobility, and was intended by his family for a career as a lawyer and diplomat, but he became an astronomer. With financial help from the King of Denmark, he went on to set up an observatory on the island of Hveen in Copenhagen Sund. The observatory, called Uraniborg, was equipped with exceptionally large and accurate instruments. At Uraniborg Tycho made twenty years worth of astronomical observations. Tycho intended that this work should prove the truth of his cosmological model, in which the Earth (with the Moon in orbit around it) was at rest in the centre of the Universe and the Sun went round the Earth (all other planets being in orbit about the Sun and thus carried round with it).


A. Welcome!

  • -40 gold
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +75

B. What an annoying man! Get out of my palace!

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Vestbygden
    • Own Eiriksfjord
  • The following must not occur:
    • Norway exists

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1585
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


In 1585 the country of Greenland where rediscovered by John Davis and Martin Frobisher, having been forgotton since it lost contact with Norway in 1410. Christian IV claimed the long lost Norwegian territory part of Denmark. This claim of territory was widely accepted in Europe due to the Danish control of Norway, and granted Danish whalers an edge in the competition against the Dutch.


A. Claim sovereignty over Greenland

  • -25 relations with Netherlands
  • Vestbygden will be considered a national province
  • Eiriksfjord will be considered a national province
  • Trade tech investment: +50
  • Mercantilism +1

B. Abandon the claims on Greenland

  • Stability -1
  • +25 relations with Netherlands
  • Mercantilism -1

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Sjælland
    • Own Jylland
    • Own Holstein
    • Own Østlandet
    • Own Bergenshus
    • Own Trøndelag

Will happen within 330 days of February 2, 1610
Checked again every 330 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1610)


The reign of Frederik II saw a marked increase in Danish sea power, and the King took a deep personal interest in building up the fleet. This policy was continued and further developed by his legendary son, Christian IV, who sailed with the fleet every year during his reign. Christian IV's intense interest in the fleet was manifest at all levels, from the naval base at Bremerholm to the duties of his admirals and the equipment of the ships.


A. Reform the Navy

  • Land -2
  • Naval tech investment: +2000
  • -150 gold

B. Reform the Army

  • Land +1
  • Land tech investment: +1500
  • -100 gold

C. Build fortifications

  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • -200 gold

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1616
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1616)


The founding of the first Danish East India Company was based chiefly on hopes and ambitions that had been aroused by the enormous revenues produced by the initial ventures of the British and Dutch companies. At the same time, there was a desire upon the part of the Danish monarch to play a dominant role in contemporary world trade, a desire that was apparently not always wholeheartedly endorsed by the Danish merchants of the period. In fact, the Danish trading venture proved to be without large or durable profits. The company itself lasted for only 34 years, and, throughout its existence, the company brought only seven cargoes of Asiatic goods to Copenhagen.


A. Found an East Indian Company

  • -500 gold
  • Land -1
  • +6 colonists
  • +6 merchants
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • Naval tech investment: +1000

B. It is a useless venture

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is protestant
    • State religion is reformed
  • Event 3643 - The Winter King in Prague for Bohemia has already occurred

Will happen within 25 days of January 2, 1625
Checked again every 25 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1629)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3643 - The Winter King in Prague for Bohemia


The first phase of the Thirty Years War saw the defeat of the rebellious protestant nobles of Bohemia who were punished severely and their lands expropriated because of their decision to depose Ferdinand of Austria in favor of the Protestant Palatine elector as Bohemian King. Consequently religious persecutions began in Bohemia to eradicate Protestantism from that land. To penalize Friedrich V of the Palatinate and to reward Maximilian of Bavaria, Ferdinand deprived Friedrich of his electorate and of the Upper Palatinate and granted both to Bavaria. That was an obvious violation of imperial law, but since no German prince was really in a position to defy Ferdinand and Maximilian, it was done and Maximilian had achieved a recognition proportionate to his power. An attempt to help the Lutheran rulers of neighboring Lower Saxony made by King Christian IV of Denmark who, himself a Lutheran and, as Duke of Holstein, an Imperial nobleman, feared that Denmark's sovereignty as a Protestant nation was being threatened. The Danish army had to face the fiercer imperial troops formed by mercenaries under the command of Albrecht von Wallenstein, who was given by Emperor Ferdinand II free hand in pillaging all the territories his army would have crossed or captured from the enemy.


A. Make it our cause

  • Stability -1
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 36 months
  • Holstein will be considered a national province
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • +150 relations with Sweden
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • -100 relations with Cleves
  • -150 relations with Cologne
  • -150 relations with Bavaria
  • -150 relations with Papal States
  • -150 relations with Spain
  • -200 relations with Austria

B. Don't mess around in Germany

  • Stability +1
  • Hinterpommern will no longer be considered a national province
  • Oldenburg will no longer be considered a national province
  • Holstein will no longer be considered a national province
  • -50 relations with Netherlands
  • -50 relations with Sweden
  • -50 relations with Brandenburg
  • -50 relations with Hanover
  • -50 relations with Hesse
  • -50 relations with Palatinate
  • -50 relations with Saxony
  • +25 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Spain
  • +100 relations with Austria

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 3600 days of January 2, 1625
Checked again every 3600 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1635)


Christian IV was inclined to occupy himself with every minor detail of his administration while losing sight of the larger problems. Not only did he personally lay down the lines of Denmark's mercantilist policy, he even established the import duties, he started state-subsidized and privileged trading companies and manufactories--all of them with no marked success--and insisted on auditing their accounts personally.


A. Mercantilist Reforms

  • Mercantilism +2
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • Naval tech investment: +500

B. Free Trade Reforms

  • Stability -3
  • Mercantilism -2
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • Naval tech investment: +500

Denmark — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Denmark is a vassal of Bremen

Will happen on September 5, 1634


In 1634, the future King Fredrik III of Denmark was chosen as Archbishop of Bremen. He did however not have much control over his new possession that was devastated by the Thirty Years War and occupied by pillaging mercenary troops.



  • +50 relations with Bremen
  • Gain Bremen as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Bremen

Denmark — Not random


  • Skåne is a national (core) province of Sweden
  • Jämtland is a national (core) province of Sweden
  • Sweden is a neighbor
  • The following must not occur:
    • Denmark is a vassal of Sweden
  • The following must not occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Own Jämtland
      • Own Skåne
      • Own Gotland
      • Country has at least 15 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 30 days of August 14, 1642
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1699)


Historically the treaty of Bromsebrö was signed on August 13, 1645 and was the result of Danish strength failing and Swedish power rising during the Thirty Years War. Sweden became so strong that Denmark could not contain its neighbour any longer despite having owned lands all around Sweden (Norway, Skane, Gotland) but had to accept the loss of Jämtland, Gotland and the remains of its Baltic possessions. Halland (western part of Skane) was ceded to Sweden for 30 years as pawn that Denmark fulfilled the conditions of the treaty.


A. Oh no!

  • Gotland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Ingermanland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Estland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Livland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Jämtland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Skåne will no longer be considered a national province
  • Hinterpommern will no longer be considered a national province
  • Oldenburg will no longer be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random


  • Sweden and Poland are at war
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Denmark and Poland are at war
    • Denmark and Sweden are at war

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1657
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1657)


Danish intervention becomes inevitable in order to prevent Sweden from total domination in the Baltics.


A. We must prevent the Swedish domination in Baltic area!

  • -400 relations with Sweden
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 6 months

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 720 days of January 2, 1660
Checked again every 720 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1663)


Absolutism in Denmark was a result of the lengthy political crisis and the acute state of emergency which resulted from the last of the Karl Gustav wars against Sweden in 1657-60. Despite his weak position when elected King in 1648, Frederik III's political skill allowed him to succeed in ousting two of his main adversaries in the Rigsråd as early as the 1650s. The two were the seneschal Corfitz Ulfeldt and the governor of Norway Hannibal Sehested, who were both married to Frederik's half-sisters. The King's heroic conduct during the siege of Copenhagen in the winter of 1659 had, in addition, made him widely popular at a time when the nobility and the Rigsråd were increasingly being discredited. In October 1660, these events led the estates - the nobility only reluctantly - to create a hereditary monarchy. The new system meant that the King was no longer dependent on the Rigsråd, and he immediately used his new power to introduce absolutism, which was temporarily established on 10 January 1661 in the Hereditary Monarchy Act before being fully set out in Kongeloven (the King's Law) of 1665, the basic law of Danish absolutism.


A. Establish Absolutism

  • Stability -3
  • Aristocracy -4
  • Centralization +2

B. Maintain the present system

  • Stability +3
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization -1

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 330 days of February 2, 1673
Checked again every 330 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1674)


Peder Griffenfeld was perhaps the most brilliant advisor a Danish King has ever had. Peder was born Schumacher to a wealthy Copenhagen family. After study and travel abroad in 1654-62, he returned to enter state service as royal librarian. Soon winning the favour of the absolutist King Frederick III, he became secretary of the King's chamber, in which post he drafted the 1665 Kongeloven ('King's Law'), which was a justification of absolutism. In 1670, the year of the King's death, Schumacher was made Count Griffenfeld. By 1674 he had risen to the post of high chancellor of Denmark under King Christian V.



  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +3 for 120 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +2 for 120 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 120 months
  • Stability +2

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 330 days of February 2, 1683
Checked again every 330 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1684)


The concentration of power in the person of the King strengthened the tendency toward juridical unity in the entire Kingdom. On 15 April 1683 Christian V signed the Danish Law ('Danske Lov'), a comprehensive Statute Book, which represented a break with the regional juridical variations of earlier times (the provincial laws, or 'landskabslove'). In the Danish Law it was expressly forbidden to criticize the King, the government and Absolutism, while the situation was also maintained regarding censorship. Yet, the Danish Law of 1683 and Norwegian Law of 1687 were exceptional for their time in their uncommonly humane legislation. The peasant laws were also important, providing as they did tenant farmers with legal recourse against abuses by the landlords.


A. Sign the Danish Law

  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization +2
  • Serfdom -1
  • Stability -2

B. Keep the old system

  • Stability +2

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Holstein exists
    • Sweden owns Jylland
    • Sweden owns Skåne
    • Sweden owns Østlandet
    • Sweden owns Bergenshus
    • Sweden owns Trøndelag
    • Sweden owns Narvik
    • Sweden owns Finnmark
    • Sweden owns Jämtland
    • Sweden owns Gotland

Will happen within 10 days of June 16, 1697
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 2, 1700)


In 1697, the 15 years old Charles XII ascended the Swedish throne. Seeing the opportunity, the Russian Czar Peter I allied with Denmark and Poland-Saxony in 1699. However, with British and Dutch naval assistance, Charles XII landed on Zealand and promptly defeated the Danes, then moved to Estland where his badly outnumbered Swedes (1 to 5) won a crushing victory over the Russians. Instead of finishing the Russians, Charles moved against August II of Poland-Saxony and drove him out of Poland in 1704 (having the pro-Swedish Stanislas Leszinski elected King), then subjugating Saxony in 1706. While the Russians started the construction of St-Petersburg (1703) and rebuilt their armies, they also took parts of Estland (1704-1706). Charles then decided to march to Moscow via the Ukraine where the Cossacks under Mazeppa had again risen in revolt (1708). The harsh winter and Russian raids decimated his army and he was finally beaten at the battle of Poltava in 1709. The wounded King escaped to the Ottomans. The Russians were encircled by the Ottomans on the Prut River, but Peter succeeded through bribery to obtain a safe conduct in exchange for Azov. While Charles was still exiled in Turkey, Russian, Danish, Hanoverian and even Prussian troops captured most of the Swedish territory around the Baltic. Having emerged from Turkish internment, Charles got killed in 1718 in front of the Norwegian fortress of Frederickshald. The peace treaties that followed Sweden lost most of her Baltic empire.


A. Try to balance things

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Holstein for 36 months
  • Stability -2
  • +5000 infantry in a random province
  • Gain 10 warships in the capital province
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • +100 relations with Saxony

B. The Navy adequate founds

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Holstein for 36 months
  • Stability -1
  • Gain 30 warships in the capital province
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • +100 relations with Saxony

C. The Army adequate founds

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Holstein for 36 months
  • Stability -1
  • +15000 infantry in a random province
  • +2000 cavalry in the same province
  • +10 artillery in the same province
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • +100 relations with Saxony

Denmark — Not random


  • Russia controls Estland
  • Russia controls Kurland

Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1721
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1721)


The death of King Karl XII of Sweden marked the end of the last great inter-Scandinavian conflicts. During this period the two countries agreed to put centuries of hostilities behind themselves and instead focus on containing Europe's new superpower, the expansionistic Russia of Tzar Peter the Great.


A. Pro-Sweden

  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • Ingermanland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Estland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Livland will no longer be considered a national province

B. Take no definite stance

  • -25 relations with Denmark
  • +25 relations with Russia
  • Ingermanland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Estland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Livland will no longer be considered a national province

C. Pro-Russia

  • +100 relations with Russia
  • Ingermanland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Estland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Livland will no longer be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1721
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1773)


In 1721 colonization and conversion of Greenland is initiated by Hans Egede. These colonizations where funded and operated as a joint danish/norwegian project without involvement of the state.


A. Accept the private colonization attempts

  • +500 population in Vestbygden
  • +500 population in Eiriksfjord
  • -1000 population in the capital province
  • Vestbygden converts to the state religion
  • -1 colonists
  • -1 missionaries

B. Accept the attempts and provide extra funding

  • -200 gold
  • +1000 population in Vestbygden
  • +1000 population in Eiriksfjord
  • -1500 population in the capital province
  • Vestbygden converts to the state religion
  • Eiriksfjord converts to the state religion
  • -3 colonists
  • -2 missionaries

C. Refuse to allow colonization of Greenland

  • Stability -1
  • Serfdom +1

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Holstein
  • Control Holstein

Will happen within 200 days of January 21, 1721
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1721)


In 1721, the results of the Danish policy of trying to attain the small independent lands of the house Gottorp in Holstein finally suceeded and these lands were peacefully incorporated into Denmark.


A. Celebrate!

  • +5000 population in Holstein
  • +1 base tax value in Holstein

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Bergenshus
  • The following must not occur:
    • Norway exists

Will happen within 900 days of January 2, 1722
Checked again every 900 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 29, 1754)


In the early 18th century the French Enlightenment and English rationalism started to influence Scandinavian literary circles, and satires became fashionable. The prime apostle of these new schools of thought in Scandinavia was the Norwegian-born dramatist, poet, historian, philosopher, and scientist Ludvig Holberg whose joyous and witty works had an enormous impact on most Scandinavian writers of the following generations. Holberg may perhaps be called the father of modern Norwegian and Danish literature.


A. An excellent polymath!

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +100

Denmark — Not random


  • Own Sjælland

Will happen on October 21, 1728


On the 21. of October 1728 some extremely unfortunate circumstances lead to the great fire of Copenhagen. The fire started in a small attic and would easily have been containable, had the fire brigade not been out drinking in the hours leading up to the fire. What started as a small fire ended in a hellish inferno which raged for more than 60 hours. After the fire died out and the smoke had cleared the humanitarian damages turned out to be relatively small but the administrative ones where disasterous: The entire archives of city (including the works of the university) went up in flames along with the administrative files from the old capital of Roskilde which were on loan to Copenhagen that day!


A. This is a disaster!

  • Infrastructure tech investment: -1000
  • -500 population in the capital province
  • -2 base tax value in the capital province

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 3600 days of January 2, 1730
Checked again every 3600 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1740)


Christian VI was a firm believer in heavy-handed mercantilism and large state controlled manufactories. Although his protectionist reforms did have a positive effect on the for Denmark all-important agriculture, they were mostly costly failures that retarded the commercial development of the nation for decades to come.


A. Mercantilist Reforms

  • -600 gold
  • Gain Naval Equipment Manufactory in a random province
  • Gain Goods Manufactory in a random province
  • Mercantilism +4
  • +2 base tax value in the capital province
  • +2 base tax value in Skåne
  • +2 base tax value in Jylland

B. No Reforms

C. Free Trade Reforms

  • Mercantilism -2
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • +6 merchants
  • Stability -2

Denmark — Not random


  • Country has at least 6 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1733
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1733)
unless prevented by
Action A, B of 159052 - Stavnsbåndet for Denmark


The serfdom, or 'vornedskab', was first abolished in 1702 (it was in use only on the islands), then re-invented for all of Denmark in 1733 under the name of 'stavnsbåndet' - male peasants below the age of 36 were forbidden to move from the manor without the consent of the landowner. (Less than 5 percent of the land was owned by peasants.) The new law had the effect of securing cheap labor for the nobles as well as a good supply of soldiers for the state but was, of course, intensely hated by the victims.


A. Pass the law

  • Aristocracy +1
  • Serfdom +3
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 120 months
  • +2 base manpower in a random province
  • +2 base manpower in a random province
  • +2 base manpower in a random province
  • +2 base manpower in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • Event 159052 - Stavnsbåndet for Denmark will never fire

B. Drop the law

Denmark — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Country has at least 6 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1733
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1733)
unless prevented by
Action A, B of 3306 - Stavnsbåndet for Denmark


The serfdom, or 'vornedskab', was first abolished in 1702 (it was in use only on the islands), then re-invented for all of Denmark in 1733 under the name of 'stavnsbåndet' - male peasants below the age of 36 were forbidden to move from the manor without the consent of the landowner. (Less than 5 percent of the land was owned by peasants.) The new law had the effect of securing cheap labor for the nobles as well as a good supply of soldiers for the state but was, of course, intensely hated by the victims.


A. Pass the law

  • Aristocracy +1
  • Serfdom +3
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 120 months
  • +2 base manpower in the capital province
  • +2 base tax value in the capital province
  • Event 3306 - Stavnsbåndet for Denmark will never fire

B. Drop the law

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is protestant
    • State religion is reformed

Will happen within 720 days of January 2, 1735
Checked again every 720 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1738)


Like his consort, Sophie Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kulmbach, Christian VI was imbued with German pietism and devoutly encouraged a pietistic national church. He banned theater performances on Sundays and holidays, and after 1738 actors and entertainers were not even allowed to enter the country. Frivolous amusements were also banned at court, but the royal couple's love of splendor led to costly buildings, such as Christiansborg Castle (built 1733-45).


A. Endorse Pietism

  • Innovativeness -2
  • Stability +1
  • +3 missionaries

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Østlandet
    • Own Bergenshus
    • Own Trøndelag
  • The following must not occur:
    • Norway exists

Will happen on September 16, 1735


On the 16. of September 1735 King Christian VI outlawed import of foreign grain into Denmark and Southern Norway. This prohibition ensured that Danish farmers always had access to a stable market where they could unload their produce at reasonable prices as well as rendering Norway totally dependent on Danish grain.


A. Impose the grain monopoly

  • Mercantilism +2
  • Centralization +1
  • +1 base tax value in the capital province
  • Trade tech investment: -500

B. Don't impose it

  • Mercantilism -1

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of July 2, 1740
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1741)


The Pragmatic Sanction, solemnly rendered by Emperor Charles VI on 19th April 1713, established the indivisibility of the Habsburg patrimony, and ruled the order of succession by order of first born child, even to a woman. This made Maria-Theresa, born in 1717, the heir of the Empire. The Pragmatic Sanction was recognized by Spain in 1725 (confirmed in 1731), Russia in 1726, Prussia in 1728, the United Provinces in 1731, Hanover in 1732, the Heiliges Reich (except Bavaria) in 1732 and France in 1738 only. Bavarian refusal would lead to the War of the Austrian Succession.


A. Neutral

  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • +50 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Prussia
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Hanover
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • Stability +2

B. Pro-Habsburg

  • -150 relations with Bavaria
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Prussia
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • Stability -1
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 12 months

C. Anti-Habsburg

  • +150 relations with Bavaria
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Prussia
  • +150 relations with France
  • -150 relations with England
  • -150 relations with Russia
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Hanover
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • Stability -3
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 12 months

Denmark — Not random

Will happen on January 17, 1766


In 1766 Christian VII was crowned King of Denmark, succeeding his father Frederik V. Christian was unfortunately quite insane. His mental instability has been attributed to a brutal childhood governor and to morally corrupt court pages. After his 1766 marriage to Caroline Matilda, the daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales, he gave himself up to debauchery. During his entire reign the country was run by others. First up was the foreign minister J.H.E. Bernstorff, a devious and competent man who managed to get Catherine II of Russia to renounce certain of her claims to parts of the duchy of Holstein. However, Bernstorff's position grew increasingly precarious and he was dismissed from office on Sep. 15, 1770.



  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +4 for 50 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +3 for 50 months
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 50 months
  • +100 relations with Russia

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 240 days of May 2, 1770
Checked again every 240 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1770)


Johann Friedrich Struensee took over as the real ruler of Denmark after Bernstorff was dismissed. Originally a German physician, Struensee came to know the Danish King when he was named to accompany the mentally unstable Christian VII on a European tour (1768-69), a post that led to Struensee's appointment as court physician in 1769. Dominating the King, he became the lover of Queen Caroline Matilda in 1770. He was soon able to abolish the council of state and the office of statholder (governor) of Norway in 1770. In June 1771 he had the King name him privy Cabinet minister, and in July he was made a count. From March 1771 until January 1772 Struensee introduced a number of reforms, including freedom of the press, reduction of peasant labor service, a unitary judiciary, and reform of Copenhagen's municipal government. Having alienated many officials,however, he was the victim of a conspiracy in January 1772, when he was arrested and tortured to death for his liaison with the Queen.



  • Global revolt risk +2 for 24 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 24 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +4 for 24 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 24 months
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +500
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Serfdom -1
  • Aristocracy -1

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1773
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1773)


Høegh-Guldberg was of humble background. He earned a theology degree in 1753, and in 1761 became professor of rhetoric at Sorø academy. He was appointed tutor to Prince Frederik, half brother of the future King Charles VII, in 1764. As Frederick's private secretary in 1771, he shared Frederik's hostility to Count Johann Friedrich Struensee, then supreme in Denmark through his domination of Christian VII - Høegh-Guldberg took part in a conspiracy that led to Struensee's arrest and execution in 1772. Thereafter, Høegh-Guldberg, along with Prince Frederik and the dowager Queen Juliana Maria, gained significant power in the Danish state. In 1774 Høegh-Guldberg was made confidential cabinet secretary. Soon, without consulting the other council ministers, he was issuing orders signed by the incompetent Christian VII. He took over control of foreign policy after dismissing foreign minister Count A.P. Bernstorff in 1780. Høegh-Guldberg was forced out of power during a 1784 coup d'état led by Prince Frederik.



  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +3 for 120 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +2 for 120 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 120 months

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1774
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1781)


By 1774 the danish state assumed control of the colonization of Greenland.


A. Time has come to assume control

  • Stability -1
  • +6 colonists
  • Centralization +1

B. Let the private colonizations continue

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 3000 days of January 2, 1780
Checked again every 3000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1790)


Towards the end of the century, pietism in Denmark-Norway slowly and silently slipped out of the public sphere. Theaters, symphonies and other secular activities which had previously been banned returned to colour everyday life once again and science was free once more.


A. How times change...

  • Innovativeness +1

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1781
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1781)


Denmark was and is primarily an agricultural nation, and it was one of the first to adopt the new farming methods and tools that were invented in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Fields were reallotted, improved ploughs were used, crop rotation was introduced and new high-yield crops (potato, Indian corn) from the new world were taken into wide use. Not all of the reforms were greeted with joy by the peasants, but the most unpopular by far involved the splitting of villages into separate farms so that the peasants could live closer to their fields.


A. Reform the agriculture

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +250
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • +2 base tax value in a random province
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 48 months

B. Do not upset the people

Denmark — Not random


Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1782
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1799)
unless prevented by
Action B of 25104 - Colonization of Greenland continues for Denmark


In 1782 a royal decree was issued that the west coast of Greenland were to be colonized. This were the first major colonization attempt by the Danish King, since he assumed control of the colonizations in 1774.


A. The colonization of Greenland must be completed!

  • -300 gold
  • +1000 population in Vestbygden
  • +1000 population in Eiriksfjord
  • -2 colonists
  • -2000 population in the capital province
  • +10 victory points

B. Greenland is a barren place, let's go elsewhere

  • -100 gold
  • Gain an explorer in the capital province

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 80 days of January 2, 1784
Checked again every 80 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1784)


Recalled to office in April 1784, Bernstorff, until his death, served as foreign minister in a moderate liberal government. He supported a series of reform measures including the regulation of landlord-peasant relations and the emancipation of the serfs. In foreign affairs, Bernstorff carefully pursued a policy of neutrality. When the French Revolution broke out, he condemned any interference in the domestic affairs of France and avoided every anti-French coalition. In March 1794 he negotiated a neutrality treaty with Sweden for protecting the merchant shipping of both countries by combined squadrons. Bernstorff's foreign policy won him the respect of European diplomats - his domestic policy gained him such popularity among the Danes that his death (June 21, 1797) was regarded as a national calamity.



  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +5 for 156 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +3 for 156 months
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 156 months
  • Stability +2
  • Serfdom -1

Denmark — Not random

Will happen within 360 days of May 2, 1784
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1785)


In 1784, by order of the crown prince, Count Ludvig Reventlow drew up a plan to improve the conditions for the serfs ('fæstebønder'). The plan was approved on Jul. 18 and the so called Landbo Commission was appointed to see to its execution. Thanks to the strong leadership of Reventlow, a compassionate humanitarian, the original commission was expanded in 1786 and, through gradual improvements and temporary setbacks, eventually led to the complete abolishment of serfdom ('stavnsbåndet') in Denmark in 1800.


A. Assign the commission

  • Stability -3
  • Serfdom -3
  • Aristocracy -1

B. Stavnbåndet works well

  • Global revolt risk +4 for 120 months

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 291014 - Centralization of the Kalmar Union for Sweden


The centralization of the Kalmer Union under Christian II brought internal unrest, but finally the Union were truly united again. The expansion of the Danish territory also brought a needed decentralization of command, and reduction of the nobles power as the increased number of nobles lacked unity.


A. Great!

  • Inherit the realms of Sweden
  • Stability -2
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 120 months
  • Centralization -2
  • Aristocracy -1
  • -100 relations with Holstein
  • -100 relations with Novgorod
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Oldenburg
  • -50 relations with Mecklenburg
  • -50 relations with Pomerania
  • -50 relations with Bremen
  • -50 relations with Pskov
  • -50 relations with Teutonic Order
  • -50 relations with Livonian Order
  • -50 relations with Courland
  • -25 relations with Cologne

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 279003 - Death of the last Schauenburg for Holstein


As expected long before, Adolf VIII Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein died childlessly in 1459. His closest male relative was his nephew Christian of Oldenburg who had become King of Denmark in 1448. Christian was proclaimed Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein after swearing that both territories would remain 'up ewig ungedelt' (eternally undivided) and granting privileges to the estates in a charter signed in Riben on March 5th 1460. He also had to guarantee that both territories would be governed separately from Denmark.


A. Grant the privileges of Riben

  • Gain Holstein as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Holstein
  • +200 relations with Holstein

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action D of 291009 - Denmark withdraws for Sweden


Following Christines capture by the Swedish, Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) had her executed despite of King Hans's attemps to negotiate her release.


A. Her death shall be avenged!

  • Stability -1
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 60 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 36 months
  • -75 relations with Sweden

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 279003 - Death of the last Schauenburg for Holstein


As expected long before, Adolf VIII Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein died childlessly in 1459. His closest male relative was his nephew Christian of Oldenburg who had become King of Denmark in 1448. Christian was proclaimed Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein after swearing that both territories would remain 'up ewig ungedelt' (eternally undivided) and granting privileges to the estates in a charter signed in Riben on March 5th 1460.


A. Inherit Schleswig and Holstein and grant the privileges

  • Inherit the realms of Holstein
  • Holstein will be considered a national province
  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Stability +1

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 247007 - Count Anton Günther dies without an heir for Oldenburg
Action A of 247006 - Count Anton Günther dies without an heir for Oldenburg


In 1667 Count Anton Günther of Oldenburg died without a direct successor. The Count's closest relatives and potential heirs, Frederik III., King of Denmark, and Christian Albert of Holstein-Gottorp, had achieved a compact in 1649 giving the biggest part of Oldenburg to Denmark. Oldenburg would be danish for more than hundred years.


A. Take Oldenburg, but let it remain part of the Holy Roman Empire

  • Oldenburg will be considered a national province
  • Inherit the realms of Oldenburg
  • Centralization -1

B. Incorporate Oldenburg into Denmark

  • Oldenburg will be considered a national province
  • Inherit the realms of Oldenburg
  • Centralization +1
  • -100 relations with Austria

Denmark — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Friesland and Denmark are at war

Triggered by

Action B of 171005 - Pressure of the Hanse for Friesland


We cannot tolerate such activities...


A. Act, but not at once

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Friesland for 72 months

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B, C of 3846 - The End of the Kalmar Union for Norway


The Norwegian nobles and clergy have renounced the King and declared independence from our wise overlordship! I never thought I'd see the day... The Norwegians have always been loyal and trustworthy, but now they shall have to be punished!


A. Curses!

  • Østlandet will be considered a national province
  • Bergenshus will be considered a national province
  • Trøndelag will be considered a national province
  • Narvik will be considered a national province
  • Finnmark will be considered a national province
  • Jämtland will be considered a national province
  • Iceland will be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3846 - The End of the Kalmar Union for Norway


The Norwegian nobles and clergy are weak and mostly happy with our rule. With Sweden out of the Union, the pro-Danish faction in Norway seeks even closer ties with us. From now on, Norway shall be a part of Denmark!


A. Excellent!

  • Inherit the realms of Norway
  • Østlandet will be considered a national province
  • Bergenshus will be considered a national province
  • Trøndelag will be considered a national province
  • Narvik will be considered a national province
  • Finnmark will be considered a national province
  • Jämtland will be considered a national province
  • Iceland will be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 244001 - The meeting in Kalundborg for Norway


In 1494 at the Assembly of the Estates of the Realm in Kalundborg the Kingdoms of Norway and Denmark were declared to be indivisible.


A. Great!

  • Inherit the realms of Norway
  • Østlandet will be considered a national province
  • Bergenshus will be considered a national province
  • Trøndelag will be considered a national province
  • Narvik will be considered a national province
  • Finnmark will be considered a national province
  • Jämtland will be considered a national province
  • Iceland will be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 244000 - The coronation of King Hans for Norway


The year following Hans's coronation in Danmark he was acknowledged by the Norwegian rigsråd as their lawful King.


A. Good!

  • Stability +1
  • Gain Norway as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Norway

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 244000 - The coronation of King Hans for Norway


Norway has broken the agreement that Hans was to be their King!


A. Norway is ours by right

  • Start a war with Norway
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 36 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 18 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 18 months

B. Norway will be ours in time

  • Stability -1
  • +50 relations with Norway
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Norway for 36 months
  • -15 victory points

C. Let the Norwegians choose their own King.

  • Stability -2
  • +100 relations with Norway
  • -30 victory points

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 244001 - The meeting in Kalundborg for Norway


In 1494 at the Assembly of the Estates of the Realm in Kalundborg Hans were forced by Norwegian nobles to accept ruling the Kingdom of Norway as a seperate Kingdom.


A. In time they will accept the inevitable.

  • Aristocracy +2
  • Centralization -2

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 247007 - Count Anton Günther dies without an heir for Oldenburg
Action C of 247006 - Count Anton Günther dies without an heir for Oldenburg


In 1667 Count Anton Günther of Oldenburg died without a direct successor. The Count's closest relatives and potential heirs, Frederik III., King of Denmark, and Christian Albert of Holstein-Gottorp, had achieved a compact in 1649 giving the biggest part of Oldenburg to Denmark. The impertinent estates of Oldenburg dared to ignore our legitimate claim and to make a local noble Count of Oldenburg.


A. This is outrageous

  • Oldenburg will be considered a national province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Oldenburg for 120 months

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 247001 - Christian of Oldenburg is elected King of Denmark for Oldenburg


The nobles in Oldenburg accepted Christian's proposal to integrate the Duchy of Oldenburg into Denmark.


A. Great!

  • Inherit the realms of Oldenburg
  • Centralization -1
  • Oldenburg will be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Olonets
    • Own Vologda
    • Own Arkhangelsk
    • Own Vladimir
    • Own Novgorod
    • Own Pskov
    • Own Tver
    • Own Tula
    • Own Welikia
    • Own Karelia
    • Own Kola
    • Own Ingermanland
    • Own Kexholm

Triggered by

Action A of 40078 - Peace of Stolbovo for Russia


In 1617, following a messy Russian Time of Troubles, and Polish-Swedish intervention, peace between Russia and Sweden was finally reached in the Treaty of Stolbovo, with English mediation. In it, Sweden renounced all claims to the Russian throne and Novgorod, gave back three towns for 20,000 rubles, and held Gdov until new boundaries were delimited. Russia gave up Ivangorod, Jama, Kopor'e, Nöteborg, abandoned claims on Livonia, ceded Kexholm to Sweden, and agreed not to aid Poles against Sweden.


A. Sign it

  • Cede Kola to Russia
  • Cede Olonets to Russia
  • Cede Vologda to Russia
  • Cede Arkhangelsk to Russia
  • Cede Vladimir to Russia
  • Cede Novgorod to Russia
  • Cede Pskov to Russia
  • Cede Tver to Russia
  • Cede Tula to Russia
  • Cede Welikia to Russia
  • Cede Karelia to Russia
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • Estland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Ingermanland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Livland will no longer be considered a national province

B. Refuse to sign it

  • -150 relations with Russia

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 291005 - The arrival of King Hans for Sweden
Action C of 291002 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden
Action B of 291003 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden


Despite Hans's legal claim to Sweden their regent Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) decided that Hans shouldn't become King of Sweden.


A. Sweden is ours by right

B. Sweden will be ours in time

  • Stability -1
  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months
  • -15 victory points

C. Accept Sten Stures refusal

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 291002 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden
Action A of 291003 - The coronation of King Hans for Sweden


Not long after Hans was proclaimed King of Denmark and Norway, the Swedish regent Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) recognized that he had no other option than to honor the agreement.


A. Good!

  • Stability +1
  • Gain Sweden as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Sweden

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 291008 - Hans defeated in Ditmarsken for Sweden


The 9th of August 1501 King Hans recieved a letter of independence from the Swedish nobles. He mobilized the fleet and army and headed for Stockholm, but by the time he arrived the Stockholm Castle had fallen to the rebel army and the Swedish held his Queen Christine as hostage. She had kept the enemy at bay for seven month with only a 1000 men, but had surrendered to the Swedish three days before Hans arrived. Hans wouldn't risk the life of Christine who he claimed the Swedish treatened to torture so he withdrew to Denmark. Christine wasn't released before 1503.


A. Withdraw and negotiate for Christines release

  • Stability +1
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 36 months
  • +25 relations with Sweden
  • Event 291009 - Denmark withdraws for Sweden is triggered immediately

B. Use Christine's capture as casus belli

  • Stability -1
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 36 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 60 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 36 months

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3219 - The End of the Kalmar Union for Sweden


When Gustav Vasa tried to claim the throne of Sweden and withdraw the country from the Kalmar Union, he faced a massive unexpected resistance from the Swedish nobles. The end result was that Sweden proclaimed their everlasting support of the Kalmar Union. This gave King Christian an opputunity to proclaim a united union and integrate Sweden into his other holdings, however this would lead the unrest both in his current holdings and in Sweden. In the former because the nobles didn't want to share the power to proclaim a new King with the Swedish, and in the latter because this would be seen as an end to Sweden as a independent country.


A. Sweden shall become one with our other holdings

B. Let Sweden remain seperat of our other holdings

  • Stability +2
  • +200 relations with Sweden

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 291000 - The Battle at Brunkeberg for Sweden


In 1471 the Danish monarch Christian I decided to make good on his claim to the Swedish throne, and his fleet set sail for Stockholm. There it met with the mobilized armies of his allies among the swedish nobility. However the Swedish regent Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) massed an army combining both Swedish nobles, the commoners from Dalarna and the burghers of Stockholm, and met him in battle at Brunkeberg outside the city walls. Here King Christian lost the battle and he was forced to leave swedish ground. Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) would remain ruler of sweden for several years.


A. Let Sweden keep her independence for now

  • +2000 infantry in the capital province
  • +2000 infantry in the capital province
  • +1500 cavalry in the capital province

B. This insult can only mean war

  • Stability -1
  • Skåne revolts
  • Gotland revolts
  • +2000 infantry in the capital province
  • +2000 infantry in the capital province
  • +1500 cavalry in the capital province
  • Start a war with Sweden

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3252 - The Election of a Swedish Crown prince for Sweden


The Swedes have scorned our prince and elected Adolf Frederik from Holstein-Gottorp as their new crown prince!


A. We have been insulted

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 12 months
  • -200 relations with Sweden
  • -100 relations with Russia
  • Stability +1

B. Such is politics

  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • +100 relations with Russia
  • Stability +1

Denmark — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Denmark is a vassal of Sweden

Triggered by

Action B of 3252 - The Election of a Swedish Crown prince for Sweden


The Swedes have elected our dear prince Frederik heir to the Swedish throne! It would appear that the Union of Kalmar has risen from the dust.


A. Excellent!

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 291014 - Centralization of the Kalmar Union for Sweden
Action A of 3219 - The End of the Kalmar Union for Sweden


The crown councils of Norway, Sweden and Denmark had agreed in 1397 to the Union of Kalmar, a kind of united monarchy of northern nations where Danish influence was dominant. Constant fighting in the late 1470's between Sweden and Denmark led to the dissolution of the Union in 1523, under the reign of Swedish King Gustav I Vasa (1523-1560), long after Regent Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) of Sweden had defeated the Danes at the battle of the Brunkeberg (1471). The Union has fallen.



  • -50 relations with Sweden
  • Centralization +1

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3620 - The Fate of the Livonian Order for Livonian Order


Following Russian attacks in the 1550's, and out of collapse of the Livonian Order, Master Gotthard Ketteler salvaged Kurland from the Order's territory as a secular duchy under Polish sovereignty. This vassalage brought Poland into conflict with Russia, allied with Denmark and started the 1563-1570 War of the Three Crowns against Sweden. At the 1582 armistice of Jan Zapolski, Russia was beaten, gave up Livland and Polotsk and Sweden won the Baltic province of Estland while Livland and Kurland remained under Polish control. At this time the Grandmaster has accepted an Agreement with Poland and Sweden.


A. Accept the Agreement

  • +150 relations with Courland
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • Stability +1
  • +200 gold

B. Defy the Agreement

  • Livland will be considered a national province
  • -50 relations with Courland
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • -150 relations with Poland
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 60 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Poland for 60 months
  • Stability -2

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3620 - The Fate of the Livonian Order for Livonian Order


Following Russian attacks in the 1550's, and out of collapse of the Livonian Order, Master Gotthard Ketteler salvaged Kurland from the Order's territory as a secular duchy under Polish sovereignty. This vassalage brought Poland into conflict with Russia, allied with Denmark and started the 1563-1570 War of the Three Crowns against Sweden. At the 1582 armistice of Jan Zapolski, Russia was beaten, gave up Livland and Polotsk and Sweden won the Baltic province of Estland while Livland and Kurland remained under Polish control. At this time the Grandmaster has accepted an Agreement with Denmark and Russia.


A. Accept Agreement

  • Gain Courland as vassals
  • Livland will be considered a national province
  • +150 relations with Courland
  • +100 relations with Russia
  • Stability +1

B. Only accept our part of the Agreement

  • Gain Courland as vassals
  • Livland will be considered a national province
  • Estland will be considered a national province
  • Ingermanland will be considered a national province
  • -100 relations with Courland
  • -100 relations with Russia
  • Stability -2

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action C of 3620 - The Fate of the Livonian Order for Livonian Order


Following Russian attacks in the 1550's, and out of collapse of the Livonian Order, Master Gotthard Ketteler salvaged Kurland from the Order's territory as a secular duchy under Polish sovereignty. This vassalage brought Poland into conflict with Russia, allied with Denmark and started the 1563-1570 War of the Three Crowns against Sweden. At the 1582 armistice of Jan Zapolski, Russia was beaten, gave up Livland and Polotsk and Sweden won the Baltic province of Estland while Livland and Kurland remained under Polish control. The Grandmaster has announced that the Knights have converted back to Catholicism and will defend their freedom.


A. Defy the Knights

  • Livland will be considered a national province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Livonian Order for 60 months
  • Stability -2
  • -150 relations with Livonian Order
  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • +50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with Poland

B. Accept this Government

  • Stability +1
  • +200 gold
  • +150 relations with Livonian Order
  • -50 relations with Sweden
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • -50 relations with Poland

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3217 - The Engelbrekt Rebellion for Sweden


The Swedish rebel Engelbrekt has spread his accursed rebellion to our peaceful realm!



  • Skåne revolts
  • Skåne revolts
  • Gotland revolts

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 291011 - Trial of Trolle for Sweden


Gustav Trolle was the Archbishop of Sweden and a clearly pro-union politician. He was one of the richer men in Sweden and his castle (Stäket) was situated strategically between Stockholm and Bergslagen, and could thus in the event of war be used to prevent reinforcements from arriving that way. In addittion to this the struggle between Sten Sture den yngre (the younger) and Trolle was a matter of land and riches, in 1517 the swedish Riksdag therefore decided to remove the bishop from his position and raze his castle, even though this was something that only the Pope was allowed to do. Christian II used this as an excuse to declare war on Sweden and in 1520 he placed a large army under the command of Otto Krumpen and charged him with reconquering Sweden.


A. Sweden is mine by right!

  • Leader Otto Krumpen becomes active
  • +50 relations with Papal States
  • Småland will be considered a national province

Denmark — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 291010 - War has come for Sweden


Despite of the fact that Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) held Queen Christine of Denmark captured the Danish King desided to wage war against Sweden. This cause Sten Sture den äldre (the elder) to promptly have Queen Christine executed. This caused major unrest among the Danish nobles as they blamed King Hans for his lack of judgement in waging war against Sweden when they held his Queen captured.


A. Sten Sture will pay dearly for this!

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +1 for 120 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Sweden for 60 months
