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1498-1560: Dominance of Portugal for Malindi
1528-1560: Cooperation with Portugal against Mombasa for Malindi
1570-1588: Vassalization of Malindi for Malindi
1690-1720: The Omani Empire in Africa for Malindi

Malindi — Not random


  • Portugal exists
  • Event 260066 - Discovery of Malindi for Portugal has already occurred
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Malindi and Portugal are at war
    • Portugal is a vassal of Malindi

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1498
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1560)


When Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer, landed outside of Malindi, he received a warm welcome from the Sheik. In Malindi, he employed Shuhaib al-Din Ahmed to guide him from Malindi to India. Later when Pedro Alvares Cabral visited Malindi, the Sheik there accepted the King of Portugal as his lord.


A. The King of Portugal shall be our overlord

  • +100 relations with Portugal
  • -100 relations with Mombasa
  • Break vassalization with Mombasa
  • Break vassalization with Mogadishu
  • Break vassalization with Zanzibar
  • Break vassalization with Kilwa
  • Event 260067 - Vassalization of Malindi for Portugal is triggered immediately

B. We must battle the heathens!

  • -200 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Mombasa

Malindi — Not random


  • Portugal exists
  • Event 260066 - Discovery of Malindi for Portugal has already occurred
  • Mombasa exists
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Malindi and Portugal are at war
    • Portugal is a vassal of Malindi

Will happen within 30 days of October 2, 1528
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1560)


In October 1528 the fleet of Nuno da Cunha sought refuge in Malindi which was freely granted. However when the fleet became pinned against the coast by the north-east monsoon it became imperative that the fleet find a better harbor to winter over until the monsoon ended. He sailed for Mombasa where he was allowed to anchor, but he was insulted by the restrictions placed on him by the Sultan of Mombasa. He resolved to avenge this insult and the Sheik of Malindi, happy to see injury done to his rival, offered troops. Nuno da Cunha, appreciative of his support, offered the rulership of Mombasa to a relative of the Sheik, but he was turned down when the Portuguese proved to be too few in numbers to garrison the town.


A. We shall cooperate

  • +100 relations with Portugal
  • -100 relations with Mombasa
  • Break vassalization with Mombasa
  • Break vassalization with Mogadishu
  • Break vassalization with Zanzibar
  • Break vassalization with Kilwa
  • Event 260111 - Malindi cooperates against Mombasa for Portugal is triggered immediately

B. That is not our fight

  • -200 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Mombasa

Malindi — Not random


  • Portugal exists
  • Event 260066 - Discovery of Malindi for Portugal has already occurred
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Malindi and Portugal are at war
    • Portugal is a vassal of Malindi

Will happen within 100 days of May 2, 1570
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1588)


While waiting reinforcements for his planned expedition against Monomotapa Francisco Barreto, Capitão of Moçambique, cruised the East African coast to show the flag. He was received very hospitably by the Sheik of Malindi who relied on the Portuguese to protect him against his enemies.


A. The King of Portugal shall be our overlord

  • +100 relations with Portugal
  • -100 relations with Mombasa
  • Break vassalization with Mombasa
  • Break vassalization with Mogadishu
  • Break vassalization with Zanzibar
  • Break vassalization with Kilwa
  • Event 260069 - Vassalization of Malindi for Portugal is triggered immediately

B. We don't need protection

  • -200 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Mombasa

Malindi — Not random


  • Event 248003 - Swahilis seek aid for Oman has already occurred
  • Oman owns Mombasa
  • Oman controls Mombasa
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Country has at least 2 non-colonial provinces
    • Oman and Kilwa are at war

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1690
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1720)


By taking Mombasa in 1698 from Portugal after a three-year siege Oman became the dominant power along the Swahili Coast. They now controlled Malindi's access to markets in Arabia, Persia and India. In recognition of this the rulers of Malindi submitted to the Sultans of Oman.


A. Submit to Oman

B. Adhere to Portugal

  • +200 relations with Portugal
  • Stability -1
  • Trade tech investment: -250
