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1419-1436: Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists
1419-1436: Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists
1419-1436: Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists
1419-1436: Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists
1419-1436: Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists
1419-1450: Coronation in Prague for Romanists
1419-1499: Catholicism prevails for Romanists
1420-1420: Crusades against the Hussites for Romanists
1426-1431: Economic consequences of endless warfare for Romanists
1457: Death of Ladislaus Postumus for Romanists
Triggered (1436): Hussites accept Sigismund for Romanists
Triggered (1424-1427): Hussites offer settlement for Romanists
Triggered (1424-1427): Hussites offer settlement for Romanists
Triggered (1419-1819): Ostmarch and Habsburgs Hereditary Lands for Romanists
Triggered (1419): The Hussite Wars for Romanists
Triggered (1419-1499): Victory against the Hussites for Romanists

Romanists — Not random


  • Romanists is a vassal of Hussites
  • Hussites and Hungary are at war
  • Country has at least 1 non-colonial province

Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 5, 1436)


Forced peace with Hussites was unacceptable. With the help of Hungarians, Romanists continue the fight.


A. We will never give in!

  • Break vassalization with Hussites
  • Stability +3

Romanists — Not random


  • Romanists is a vassal of Hussites
  • Hussites and Hungary are at war
  • Country has at least 2 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 5, 1436)


Forced peace with Hussites was unacceptable. With the help of Hungarians, Romanists continue the fight.


A. We will never give in!

  • Break vassalization with Hussites
  • Stability +3
  • +8000 infantry in a random province
  • Gain an alliance with Hungary
  • Start a war with Hussites

Romanists — Not random


  • Romanists is a vassal of Hussites
  • Hussites and Hungary are at war
  • Country has at least 2 non-colonial provinces
  • Event 398015 - Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists has already occurred

Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 5, 1436)


Forced peace with Hussites was unacceptable. With the help of Hungarians, Romanists continue the fight.


A. We will never give in!

  • Break vassalization with Hussites
  • Stability +3
  • +8000 infantry in a random province
  • Gain an alliance with Hungary
  • Start a war with Hussites

Romanists — Not random


  • Country is controlled by AI
  • The following must not occur:
    • Romanists is a vassal of Hussites
  • Hussites and Hungary are at war
  • The following must not occur:
    • Hussites and Romanists are at war
  • Country has at least 2 non-colonial provinces

Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 5, 1436)


Forced peace with Hussites was unacceptable. With the help of Hungarians, Romanists continue the fight.


A. We will never give in!

  • +8000 infantry in a random province
  • Gain an alliance with Hungary
  • Start a war with Hussites

Romanists — Not random


  • Country is controlled by AI
  • The following must not occur:
    • Romanists is a vassal of Hussites
  • Hussites and Hungary are at war
  • The following must not occur:
    • Hussites and Romanists are at war
  • Country has at least 2 non-colonial provinces
  • Event 398017 - Unacceptable Peace Treaty for Romanists has already occurred

Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 5, 1436)


Forced peace with Hussites was unacceptable. With the help of Hungarians, Romanists continue the fight.


A. We will never give in!

  • +8000 infantry in a random province
  • Gain an alliance with Hungary
  • Start a war with Hussites

Romanists — Not random


Will happen within 5 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1450)


Since the division of our Kingdom and the struggle between the faiths has finally ended, everything is ready for the coronation of the King of all of Bohemia in Prague with the crown of St. Wenceslas now.


A. Great!

Romanists — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Hussites exists
  • The following must not occur:
  • The following must not occur:
    • Flag [settlement] is set

Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1499)


Since the Hussite rebels have lost their last strongholds to their catholic opponents, the Kingdom of Bohemia can finally be united again as a loyal child of the Roman Church.


A. Great!

  • Inherit the realms of Bohemia
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -14
  • Revolt risk value in Ostmarch -4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -12

Romanists — Not random


  • Hussites exists

Will happen within 1 days of March 17, 1420
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1420)


Emperor Zikmund made several attempts to subdue the Hussites by military force and had these campaigns declared 'crusades' by the Pope. The first and biggest 'Hussite crusade' was called for on March 17th 1420. Although there were some men from as far as Castile, England and France in the armies, the crusading armies consisted mostly of Hungarians, Bohemians and Germans, i.e. subjects of Zikmund and his allies among the German princes. Morale and organization were usually bad, and one defeat, at one occasion even only the terrifying effect of a disciplined Hussite army singing its war songs, sufficed to scatter the army and end the campaign. Therefore all these attempts eventually failed. The 'crusaders' were often given permission to loot and rob in Bohemia, no matter if they were crossing Catholic or Hussite lands, which attracted all sorts of criminals and adventurers to the crusades and caused much dissent among the populace.


A. Attempt to subdue the heretics by crusades

  • Start a war with Hussites
  • AI file changed to ""
  • +15000 infantry in Moravia
  • +10000 cavalry in Moravia
  • Leader Vitzthum becomes active
  • Leader Beaufort becomes active
  • Quality -3
  • Offensive Doctrine -1
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia +10
  • Revolt risk value in Erz +6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten +8

B. Rely on support from the Bohemian Romanists

  • Start a war with Hussites
  • AI file changed to ""
  • Stability +1

Romanists — Not random


  • Country is at war

Will happen within 900 days of January 2, 1426
Checked again every 900 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1431)


The Hussite wars had a devastating effect on Bohemia's economy. Large areas were depopulated, German merchants were thrown out, trade activity virtually ceased and the peasantry was fighting in Hussite armies. Even after the end of the conflict, Bohemia could not recover completely from this.


A. How terrible

  • -8000 population in Bohemia
  • -4000 population in Ostmarch
  • -4000 population in Sudeten
  • -3000 population in Moravia
  • -3000 population in Silesia
  • -3000 population in Erz
  • -2 base tax value in Bohemia
  • -1 base tax value in Ostmarch
  • -1 base tax value in Sudeten
  • -1 base tax value in Moravia
  • -1 base tax value in Silesia
  • -1 base tax value in Erz

Romanists — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
    • Flag [settlement] is set
    • Flag [Hussites_suppressed] is set
  • Austria exists

Will happen on November 24, 1457


After the premature death of the youthful Ladislaus Postumus, son of Albrecht of Habsburg, who was considered legitimate King of Bohemia by the Romanists and ruled the territories under catholic domination, conflict over his succession arises because he lacks a direct successor. Recognizing the late King's relative, Emperor Frederick III, as heir to the Bohemian throne and thus establishing a hereditary Habsburg succession would allow hoping on more support from Austria and the Empire for the Romanist cause against the Hussites. On the other hand, the powerful leader of the Bohemian Romanists, Oldrich z Rozmberka, who has already reigned Bohemia while Ladislaus was a minor, is now seeing his chance to secure his power and obtain the Bohemian throne for his dynasty.


A. Emperor Frederick shall be King (End Game)

B. Oldrich z Rozmberka shall be King

  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Styria
  • Stability -2

Romanists — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 401011 - Compactates of Jihlava for Hussites


After the victory of the Utraquists and the elimination of the influence of radical Hussites who had before prevented a settlement with Zikmund and the Church, negotiations on the exact terms of a compromise, referring to both political and religious questions, continued for two years, and the differences were eventually resolved. On July 5th a Bohemian diet assembled at the Moravian town of Jihlava (or Iglau) accepted the 'compactata', four articles containing concessions to the religious demands of the Hussites that had found the consent of the Council of Basel, subjected themselves to the authority of the council and the Church and acknowledged Zikmund as King of Bohemia. This finally restored peace in Bohemia and relieved the Utraquists from excommunication. Zikmund entered Bohemia and assumed the rule of the Kingdom in Prague on August 23rd 1436.


A. Excellent!

  • Inherit the realms of Hussites
  • Set flag [settlement] for events
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization -1
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Offensive Doctrine +2
  • Land +1
  • Quality +2
  • Serfdom -3
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -25 relations with Austria
  • -25 relations with Teutonic Order
  • -25 relations with Brandenburg
  • -25 relations with Saxony
  • -25 relations with Luxemburg
  • -25 relations with Bavaria
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -14
  • Revolt risk value in Ostmarch -4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -14
  • Break vassalization with Hungary
  • Change religion to catholic

Romanists — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 401004 - Settlement initiative for Hussites


Exhausted by the devastating war and having suppressed the most radical forces, the heretic Hussite rebels, have offered us a settlement. This would allow our King Sigismund to finally come to rule all of Bohemia, however at the, price of some concessions to this movement, which might cause us some prestige in the catholic world.


A. Accept their terms and reunite Bohemia

  • Inherit the realms of Hussites
  • Set flag [settlement] for events
  • Move capital to Bohemia
  • Aristocracy -3
  • Centralization -1
  • Innovativeness +3
  • Mercantilism -2
  • Offensive Doctrine +2
  • Land +1
  • Quality +4
  • Serfdom -1
  • -150 relations with Papal States
  • -50 relations with Austria
  • -50 relations with Teutonic Order
  • -50 relations with Brandenburg
  • -50 relations with Meissen
  • -50 relations with Luxemburg
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -14
  • Revolt risk value in Ostmarch -4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -12
  • Stability -2
  • -50 victory points

B. Reject a compromise

  • Stability +1

Romanists — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 401005 - Settlement initiative for Hussites


Exhausted by the devastating war and having suppressed the most radical forces, the heretic Hussite rebels, have offered us a settlement. This would allow our King Sigismund to finally come to rule all of Bohemia, however at the, price of some concessions to this movement, which might cause us some prestige in the catholic world.


A. Accept their terms (End Game)

  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Ostmarch -4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -4
  • Event 401006 - Romanists accept for Hussites is triggered immediately

B. Reject a compromise

  • Stability +1

Romanists — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 179141 - Ostmarch and Habsburgs Hereditary Lands for Austria


In 976, the march ruled by the Babenberg family was described as regione vulgari vocabulo Ostarrîchi, that is, the region called 'Ostarrîchi' (the Eastern Realm) in the vernacular. The term Ostarrîchi is linguistic ancestor of the German name for Austria, Österreich. Under Ernest the Brave (1055–1075), the colonisation of the Waldviertel was begun and the Bohemian and Hungarian marches were united to Austria.


A. Ostmarch belongs to Austria

  • Ostmarch will no longer be considered a national province

Romanists — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 129001 - Death of Vaclav IV for Bohemia


The Czech priest and professor Jan Hus developed radical reformatory demands on the base of the teachings of John Wyclif. Despite a guarantee of safe-conduct by Emperor Sigismund, he was executed at the stake for heresy at the Council of Constance in 1415. This could however not stop the Hussite movement in Bohemia. Hus' followers were rapidly growing, and when King Vaclav IV of Bohemia died and his brother Sigismund, already Emperor and King of Hungary was to succeed him, they, unwilling to forgive him the betrayal of Hus and afraid that he would suppress them, refused to acknowledge him and gained control of most of Bohemia proper - while the lands of the Bohemian crown and the catholic part of Bohemia accepted Sigismund. Due to its radical anti-clerical and anti-feudal tendencies Hussitism posed a big threat to the church and nobility in the countries adjacent to Bohemia. Several German and European princes therefore decided to oppose the Hussites and to support Sigismund in his struggle with them that lasted for almost two decades. Should we decide to fight these heretics, we should be aware that this would be internationally regarded as an intervention in favour of Sigismund as rightful King of Bohemia rather than a war of conquest, and that therefore, if Sigismund prevails and manages to restore royal authority, we would be expected to turn over any conquests in Bohemia to the Kingdom of Bohemia.



Romanists — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 401013 - Hussites defeated for Hussites


We have succeeded in breaking the resistance of the heretic Hussites. The Kingdom of Bohemia can finally be united again as a loyal child of the Roman Church.


A. Great!

  • Inherit the realms of Hussites
  • Inherit the realms of Bohemia
  • +200 victory points
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -14
  • Revolt risk value in Ostmarch -4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -14
