Al-Haasa — Not random
At least one of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire is a neighbor
- Ottoman Empire owns Basrah
All of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire owns Kirkuk
- Ottoman Empire owns Iraq
- Event 301030 - The Sultan becomes 'Khalifa' for Ottoman Empire has already occurred
None of the following must occur:
- Ottoman Empire is a vassal of Al-Haasa
- Al-Haasa and Ottoman Empire are at war
Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1638
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1723)
Fearing Christian incursions, the states of the Arabian peninsula turn to the Ottoman Turks for military aid.Actions
A. Save us from the Infidels!
- Event 301099 - Protectorate in Al-Haasa for Ottoman Empire is triggered immediately
- +100 relations with Ottoman Empire
B. We Will Protect Ourselves
- -100 relations with Ottoman Empire
Al-Haasa — Not random
Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1723
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1723)
Sulayman rebels against 'Ali and sets up a rival court.Actions
A. Kill the Rebels!
- Global revolt risk +6 for 48 months
B. Seek a Truce
- Centralization -2
- Aristocracy +2
C. Flush the Traitor Out
- Quatar revolts
Al-Haasa — Not random
- Al-Haasa is a vassal of Ottoman Empire
Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1723
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1723)
As Ottoman power recedes, frontier provinces and vassal states begin to break away.Actions
A. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish
- Break vassalization with Ottoman Empire
- -150 relations with Ottoman Empire
B. We Will Remain Loyal to the Sultan-Caliph
- +150 relations with Ottoman Empire
Al-Haasa — Not random
Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1752
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1752)
Hamada wishes to be Sheikh as well.Actions
A. Death to Traitors!
- Global revolt risk +6 for 24 months
B. Let us Make Peace
- Centralization -1
- Aristocracy +1
Al-Haasa — Not random
Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1793
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1793)
Zayid and Barrak both seek the throne.Actions
A. Not Again!
- The capital province revolts
- Global revolt risk +6 for 12 months
Al-Haasa — Not random
- State religion is shia
Will happen within 360 days of January 2, 1795
Checked again every 360 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
Bedouins from the interior swept into the coasts carrying a new brand of Islam with them. They attempted to spread the word to the tribesmen of Oman as well.Actions
A. Accept the New Creed
- Change religion to sunni
- Religion in Quatar changes to sunni
- Religion in Damman changes to sunni
- Innovativeness -2
- Al Kharam will be considered a national province
B. Keep the Old Faith
- Global revolt risk +8 for 60 months
- A random province revolts
- A random province revolts
Al-Haasa — Not random
- Al-Haasa is a vassal of Ottoman Empire
The following must not occur:
- Monarch Muhammad III is active
Will happen within 5 days of January 1, 1812
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 30, 1817)
During Ottoman occupation after 1812, the Porte appointed Turkish governors.Actions
A. We have no choice...
- Monarch Local Sheikhs * will never rule
- Monarch Turkish Governors becomes active