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Holstein — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of March 6, 1460
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1481)


As expected long before, Adolf VIII Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein died childlessly in 1459. His closest male relative was his nephew, Christian of Oldenburg, who had become King of Denmark in 1448. Christian was proclaimed Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein after swearing that both territories would remain 'up ewig ungedelt' (eternally undivided) and granting privileges to the estates in a charter signed in Riben on March 5th 1460.


A. Let Christian of Oldenburg inherit Schleswig and Holstein (End Game)

B. Christian becomes duke and count, but both territories remain separate

Holstein — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of March 7, 1460
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1481)


As expected long before, Adolf VIII Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein died childlessly in 1459. His closest male relative was his nephew, Christian of Oldenburg. Christian was proclaimed Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein after swearing that both territories would remain 'up ewig, ungedelt' (eternally undivided) and granting privileges to the estates in a charter signed in Riben on March 5th 1460.


A. Let Christian of Oldenburg inherit Schleswig and Holstein (End Game)

B. Christian becomes duke and count, but both territories remain separate

Holstein — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1494
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


While Hans ruled Denmark and Norway, his mother Dorothea tried to convince him that he should share his Kingdoms with his younger brother, Frederik. Hans gave in to his mothers requests and gave the Kingdom of Norway to his brother Duke Frederik of Holstein.


A. Great!

  • +200 relations with Denmark
  • Gain Norway as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Norway

Holstein — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is protestant
    • State religion is reformed

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1605
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The Holy Roman Empire had a fragile balance, split between 10 major and nearly 400 minor states and principalities, as well as two opposing religions. The power of the Emperor was quite limited beyond his direct domains and the erratic and inconsistent behavior of some of them as Rudolph II, such increased frictions. In 1608, the Protestant city of Donauwerth refused Catholics the right to practice their cult and was banned from the Empire. As a reaction, most German Protestant states formed the Evangelic Union to defend their freedom.


A. Prepare to Join

  • +100 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Baden
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Hanover
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Palatinate
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Austria

Holstein — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is catholic
    • State religion is counterreform

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1607
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The German Catholic states felt threatened by the 1608 creation of the Evangelic Union of their northern Protestant neighbors, following the Donauwerth exclusion from the Empire. Feeling the urge to unite, they regrouped into a Catholic League that same year. The stage was set for the Thirty Years War.


A. Prepare to Join

  • -100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • -150 relations with Hanover
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Baden
  • +50 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • +50 relations with Brandenburg
  • +50 relations with Hanover
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Palatinate
  • +50 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Austria

Holstein — Not random


  • Cologne is a vassal of Palatinate

Will happen on September 3, 1634


With the death of Ruprecht of Holstein-Gottorp, any influence of Holstein over Cologne has been lost.


A. Oh, well...

  • Break vassalization with Holstein
  • Stability -3

Holstein — Not random


  • Denmark exists
  • Sweden exists

Will happen within 10 days of June 16, 1697
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 2, 1700)


In 1697, the 15 years old Charles XII ascended the Swedish throne. Seeing the opportunity, the Russian Czar Peter I allied with Denmark and Poland-Saxony in 1699. However, with British and Dutch naval assistance, Charles XII landed on Zealand and promptly defeated the Danes, then moved to Estland where his badly outnumbered Swedes (1 to 5) won a crushing victory over the Russians. Instead of finishing the Russians, Charles moved against August II of Poland-Saxony and drove him out of Poland in 1704 (having the pro-Swedish Stanislaw Leszczynski elected King), then subjugating Saxony in 1706. While the Russians started the construction of St-Petersburg (1703) and rebuilt their armies, they also took parts of Estland (1704-1706). Charles then decided to march to Moscow via the Ukraine where the Cossacks under Mazeppa had again risen in revolt (1708). The harsh winter and Russian raids decimated his army and he was finally beaten at the battle of Poltava in 1709. The wounded King escaped to the Ottomans. The Russians were encircled by the Ottomans on the Prut River, but Peter succeeded through bribery to obtain a safe conduct in exchange for Azov. While Charles was still exiled in Turkey, Russian, Danish, Hanoverian and even Prussian troops captured most of the Swedish territory around the Baltic. Having emerged from Turkish internment, Charles got killed in 1718 in front of the Norwegian fortress of Frederickshald. The peace treaties that followed Sweden lost most of her Baltic empire.


A. Mobilize Defenses

  • +8000 infantry in the capital province
  • +3000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +10 artillery in the capital province
  • Stability -1
  • -200 relations with Denmark
  • +150 relations with Sweden
  • +100 relations with England
  • +100 relations with Netherlands

B. Diplomatic Effort

  • Stability +1
  • -150 relations with Denmark
  • +100 relations with Sweden
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Prussia
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Hanover
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • +50 relations with France
  • +6 diplomats
  • +200 gold

Holstein — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Friesland and Holstein are at war

Triggered by

Action B of 171005 - Pressure of the Hanse for Friesland


We cannot tolerate such activities...


A. Act, but not at once

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Friesland for 72 months

B. War!

  • Start a war with Friesland
  • +5 relations with Denmark
  • +15 relations with Bremen
  • +25 relations with Mecklenburg
  • +5 relations with Oldenburg

Holstein — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 247006 - Count Anton Günther dies without an heir for Oldenburg


In 1667 Count Anton Günther of Oldenburg died without a direct successor. The Count's closest relatives and potential heirs, Frederik III., King of Denmark, and Christian Albert of Holstein-Gottorp, had achieved a compact in 1649 giving the biggest part of Oldenburg to Denmark. However, it was Anton Günther's last wish to give Oldenburg to the dukes of Holstein-Gottorp.


A. Wonderful!

  • Oldenburg will be considered a national province
  • Inherit the realms of Oldenburg
  • -100 relations with Denmark

Holstein — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Holstein is a vassal of Bremen

Triggered by

Action A of 133005 - Archbishops from Holstein-Gottorp for Bremen


In 1585 Johann Adolf, successor to the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp was elected Archbishop of Bremen. Six years after becoming Duke, in 1596, he let the Archbishopric to his son Johann Friedrich. Both pursued a policy in the interest of Holstein-Gottorp and its Danish relatives.



  • +50 relations with Bremen
  • Gain Bremen as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Bremen

Holstein — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 159019 - The defeat at Ditmarsken for Denmark


Following his victory at Stockholm King Hans allied with his brother Frederik of Holstein and attacked the minor peasant republic, Ditmarsken. The result was a humiliating defeat and while both Hans and Frederik managed to escape capture they lost their entire army. This was primarily due to the fact that the weather turned the roads into mud. This, combined with the fact that their heavy cavalry wasn't designed for fighting on the narrow roads, made the army useless.


A. Damn!

  • Stability -1
  • Holstein revolts
  • Serfdom -1
  • Lose 2500 troops in a random province
  • Lose 2500 troops in a random province
  • Lose 2500 troops in a random province
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 18 months

Holstein — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 159021 - The gift to Frederik for Denmark


Following his victory at Stockholm King Hans of Denmark lent a part of his army to his brother Frederik. Frederik had always wanted to rule part of Hans's realm, which of course didn't sit well with Hans. So to appease his brother, King Hans decided to help him conquer Holstein. This was to a large extend successful, but at a battle against the peasant republic Ditmarsken, Hans's army were defeated. The end result was the vassalisation of Holstein, but a loss of respect of the Danish army.


A. Damn!

  • Stability -4
  • +200 relations with Denmark
  • Holstein revolts
  • Serfdom -1
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 18 months
