Madurai — Not random
- Country is not at war
- Control Madurai
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1559
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1562)
During the governorship of Visvanatha, Madurai underwent several reforms that helped to strengthen its position. Among the administrative reforms were a new double-walled fortress around the capital, new canals, and the beginning of the polygar system which partioned of land to minor chiefs to take care of and then subsequently provided Madurai with manpower.Actions
A. Our power increases
- +2500 infantry in the capital province
- +1 base tax value in Madurai
- +1 base tax value in a random province
- Centralization -1
- Quality +1
- +10 national manpower
Madurai — Not random
- Event 362001 - Visvanatha's Administrative Reforms for Madurai has already occurred
- Control Madurai
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1563
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1570)
Under the Polygar system, the nayakas of Madurai transferred some of their control to minor chiefs. It was inevitable that an ambitious individual would try to use his minor holdings to throw off the yoke of the Madurai. During the reign of Kumara Krishnappa, several polygars attempted rebellion.Actions
A. Damn them!
- Lose 500 troops in a random province
- Global revolt risk +2 for 12 months
- A random province revolts
- -2 national manpower
Madurai — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 3823 - The Fall of The City of Victory for VijayanagarDescription
A combination of internal dissention and foreign attack has resulted in armies marching upon our capital in a lightning-quick campaign! Vijayanagar has been subjected to a thorough three-month sack, resulting in the complete disruption of the government, the massive loss of revenue, and the collapse of our authority in the provinces!Actions
A. Our ties to Vijayanagar weaken
- +5000 infantry in the capital province
- -250 relations with Vijayanagar
B. Support the Princes of Vijayanagar
- +5000 infantry in the capital province
- +25 relations with Vijayanagar