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Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1449
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 2, 1449)


After unifying the Palatinate in 1449, Friedrich der Siegreich formed the bases of municipalities and ground laws that reorganized the Palatinate.


A. Form the Ground Laws

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +100
  • Centralization +2
  • +1 base tax value in Pfalz

B. Don't form the Ground Laws

  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Serfdom -2

Palatinate — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Bavaria exists

Will happen on December 2, 1503


On December 1st 1503 Duke Georg the Rich of Bayern-Landshut died without a male successor. Despite several treaties made in the 15th century that should secure the inheritance for Bavaria-Munich he declared his daughter Elisabeth and her husband, the palatine elector Ruprecht, heirs of his duchy. This caused a war between the palatine and the bavarian Wittelsbach branches for the inheritance. The Palatinate eventually prevailed and managed to secure Landshut.


A. Awesome!

  • +7 base tax value in the capital province
  • +3 base manpower in the capital province
  • +6000 population in the capital province
  • Event 179001 - The rewards of mediation for Austria will never fire

Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 3000 days of February 29, 1508
Checked again every 3000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1524)


Ludwig V. reinforced the fortress elements of the castle of Heidelberg, among them the Artillery Garden and the Herb Tower. During this time the Library and the Ladies Building were erected and the Economy buildings enlarged. In 1524 Ludwig V. added the Ludwigsbau, an austere building with three storeys.


A. Fortify the City

  • -100 gold
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +50
  • Land tech investment: +50
  • Fortress level in Pfalz -3
  • Fortress level in Pfalz +1
  • Fortress level in Pfalz +1
  • Fortress level in Pfalz +1

B. We can't afford it

  • -5 victory points

Palatinate — Not random


  • Austria exists
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is protestant
    • State religion is reformed

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1527
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1529)


After Emperor Charles V had rejected the Protestants' confessional positions at the Imperial Parliament of Augsburg (1529-1530), the North German Protestant Imperial estates formed the League of Schmalkalden, with a joint army and treasury and seeking ties abroad (France). The League enjoyed early successes in the years 1532-1540 as the Emperor was threaten by Turkish danger and forced to conclude Religious peace settlements in Nuremberg (1532) and Kaaden (1534).


A. Give it our support

  • +100 relations with France
  • +100 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Baden
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with Strasburg

B. Ignore it

  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Hanover
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Baden
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Strasburg

Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 1 days of May 2, 1537
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after September 2, 1537)


In 1537 a lightning bolt hit the upper part of the castle destoying it, which caused turmoil in the nation.


A. Damn!

  • Stability -3
  • Infrastructure tech investment: -50

Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1556
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 2, 1556)


After extensive rebuilding in 1556, the castle is finished by elector Otto Heinrich in a wonderful style. At the time most people thought it was the most beautiful palace north of the Alps.


A. Great!

  • +30 relations with a random country
  • +25 relations with a random country
  • +20 relations with a random country
  • +15 relations with a random country

Palatinate — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is protestant
    • State religion is reformed

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1605
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The Holy Roman Empire had a fragile balance, split between 10 major and nearly 400 minor states and principalities, as well as two opposing religions. The power of the Emperor was quite limited beyond his direct domains and the erratic and inconsistent behavior of some of them as Rudolph II, such increased frictions. In 1608, the Protestant city of Donauwerth refused Catholics the right to practice their cult and was banned from the Empire. As a reaction, most German Protestant states formed the Evangelic Union to defend their freedom.


A. Prepare to Join

  • +100 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Baden
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Hanover
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Baden
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Austria

Palatinate — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is catholic
    • State religion is counterreform

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1607
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The German Catholic states felt threatened by the 1608 creation of the Evangelic Union of their northern Protestant neighbors, following the Donauwerth exclusion from the Empire. Feeling the urge to unite, they regrouped into a Catholic League that same year. The stage was set for the Thirty Years War.


A. Prepare to Join

  • -100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • -150 relations with Hanover
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Baden
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • +50 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • +50 relations with Brandenburg
  • +50 relations with Hanover
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Baden
  • +50 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Austria

Palatinate — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is protestant
    • State religion is reformed
  • Event 3643 - The Winter King in Prague for Bohemia has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Palatinate is a vassal of Bohemia

Will happen within 15 days of March 21, 1619
Checked again every 15 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1624)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3643 - The Winter King in Prague for Bohemia


1596-1632, King of Bohemia (1619-20), elector palatine (1610-20) as Frederick V. The Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed the Roman Catholic King Ferdinand (Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II) and chose Frederick as King. Influenced by his minister Christian of Anhalt, Frederick accepted but did not receive the aid expected from his father-in-law, James I of England, and from the Protestant Union against Ferdinand.


A. I will stay longer than a winter!

Palatinate — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1620
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1624)


At the start of the thirty years war the Heidelberg University was closed to protect the intellectuals and the University from destruction.


A. Close the University

B. Take the chance and leave the University open!

Palatinate — Not random


Will happen within 60 days of January 3, 1620
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1648)
unless prevented by
Action A of 29005 - Closing of the University for Palatinate
Action A of 29007 - The destruction of the University for Palatinate


The invading army catches the University open. They proceed to burn it to the ground and kill most of the intellectuals that are there. The total destruction of the university removes a vital part of the Palatinate economy.


A. The Area is completely destroyed!

Palatinate — Not random


Will happen within 60 days of January 3, 1620
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1648)
unless prevented by
Action A of 29005 - Closing of the University for Palatinate
Action A of 29006 - The destruction of the University for Palatinate


The invading army catches the University open. They proceed to burn it to the ground and kill most of the intellectuals that are there. The total destruction of the university removes a vital part of the Palatinate economy.


A. The Area is completely destroyed!

Palatinate — Not random


Will happen within 90 days of January 3, 1620
Checked again every 90 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1670)
unless prevented by
Action A of 29009 - Bibliotheca Palatina stolen for Palatinate


The armies of the Palatinate were able to sack Rome and regain the artifact the Bibliotheca Palatina!


A. Send the Bibliotheca Palatina back to Heidelberg where it belongs!

  • +30 victory points
  • -100 relations with Papal States

Palatinate — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1652
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 2, 1652)
unless prevented by
Action B of 29005 - Closing of the University for Palatinate


At the end of the thirty years war the Heidelberg University was reopened.


A. Reopen the University

  • Innovativeness +1

Palatinate — Not random


  • State religion is reformed

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1653
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1653)


In 1653 the University of Heidelberg publishes the Heidelberg Catechism. This book becomes the most prominent religious body of its time.


A. Great!

  • Innovativeness +1
  • +50 relations with Scotland
  • +75 relations with Hesse
  • +75 relations with Netherlands
  • Stability +1

Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1709
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after March 2, 1709)


There was a major freeze in the winter of 1708/1709 in the Palatinate. On the 10th of January in 1709 the Rhine river froze and was closed for five weeks. Wine froze into ice. Grapevines died. Cattle died in their sheds. Many Palatinates traveled down the Rhine to escape.


A. Let them go

  • -15000 population in Pfalz
  • Lose 10000 troops in Pfalz
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 24 months

B. Try to save them by burning whatever fuels we can find

  • -2500 population in Pfalz
  • Lose 1000 troops in Pfalz
  • -2 base tax value in Pfalz
  • Global revolt risk -1 for 24 months

Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 1 days of May 2, 1750
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 2, 1750)


In 1750 Karl Theodor had the largest barrel of wine made. Wine makers from the entire Rhine region were needed to fill the barrel. This collaboration and the following parties helped their relations with neighboring provinces.


A. Build the Barrel

  • +30 relations with a random country
  • +30 relations with a random country
  • +30 relations with a random country
  • +30 relations with a random country
  • -50 gold

B. We can't waste money on such trivial things

  • -5 victory points

Palatinate — Not random

Will happen within 1 days of May 2, 1764
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after September 2, 1764)


In 1764 a lightning bolt hit the upper part of the castle for the second time, which destroyed all of the repares that were done after the last war. This time the the castle was finally abandoned.


A. Damn!

  • Stability -3
  • Infrastructure tech investment: -50

Palatinate — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Bavaria exists

Will happen on December 30, 1777


On December 30th 1777 Duke Maximilian III Joseph, the last member of the Bavarian branch of the House of Wittelsbach, died. By virtue of a contract signed in 1724 for the case of one Wittelsbach dynasty dying out, the Palatine Elector Karl Theodor was the legitimate heir with claims to the Bavarian possessions. After more than 400 years of division the Wittelsbach possessions could be reunited again.


A. The Wittelsbach possessions shall be united again

  • Stability +1
  • Bayern will be considered a national province
  • Ansbach will be considered a national province
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -50 relations with Austria

Palatinate — Not random


  • Event 3666 - The Bavarian Succession of 1777 for Palatinate has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Control Erz
      • Control Sudeten
      • Control Silesia
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Austria owns Bohemia
      • Control Bohemia
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Austria owns Austria
      • Control Austria
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Austria owns Brabant
      • Control Brabant
  • Control Bayern

Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1778
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1783)
unless prevented by
Action A of 3666 - The Bavarian Succession of 1777 for Palatinate


The War of Bavarian Succession caused by Austria's attempts to annex Straubing was a short conflict without great military action which started with a Prussian invasion of Bohemia and was terminated in May 1779 when Empress Maria Theresia forced her son Joseph II to capitulate. The peace was concluded at Teschen on 16th May 1779 and Austria settled for the small Inn district.


A. We are victorious

  • +50 victory points
  • +100 relations with Prussia

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 186020 - Dutch assistance for German protestants for Netherlands


The Netherlands have sent us assistance to aid us against the Habsburgs


A. Great!

  • +4000 infantry in the capital province
  • +1000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +50 gold

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 29008 - The taking of the Bibiotheca Palatina for Bavaria


The Imperial General Tilly has stolen the Bibliotheca Palatina, and sent it to the Vatican! What should we do?


A. Protest, but nothing else

B. Vow Revenge and plan to get it back!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Papal States for 144 months
  • +1 badboy

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 28006 - King Philip for Burgundy


The Emperor has made Philip the Good of Burgundy King of Lotharingia, reviving the ninth century Kingdom of Lothar. The emperor has granted some of our lands to Burgundy!


A. Damn!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Burgundy for 2500 months
  • -50 relations with Austria
  • +6000 cavalry in the capital province

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 179001 - The rewards of mediation for Austria
Action B of 125006 - War of Succession in Landshut for Bavaria


On December 1st 1503 Duke Georg the Rich of Bayern-Landshut died without a male successor. Despite several treaties made in the 15th century that should secure the inheritance for Bavaria-Munich he declared his daughter Elisabeth and her husband, the palatine elector Ruprecht, heirs of his duchy. This caused a war between the palatine and the bavarian Wittelsbach branches for the inheritance. The Palatinate eventually prevailed and managed to secure Landshut.


A. Awesome!

  • +7 base tax value in the capital province
  • +3 base manpower in the capital province
  • +6000 population in the capital province

Palatinate — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Palatinate is a vassal of Cologne

Triggered by

Action A of 202002 - Ruprecht von der Pfalz, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne for Cologne


Ruprecht, the brother of the Palatine Elector Friedrich, was chosen as new Archbishop-Elector of Cologne and Duke of Westphalia in 1463. With the help of his brother he managed to stabilise the country's finances after the disastrous Feud of Soest and to recover some of the territories mortgaged by his predecessor.



  • Gain Cologne as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Cologne
  • -50 gold

Palatinate — Not random


  • Ansbach is a national (core) province

Triggered by

Action A of 179092 - The Bavarian Succession of 1777 for Austria


After the extinction of the Wittelsbach dynasty in Bavaria in 1777, Joseph II endeavored to strengthen the position of Austria within the Empire by exchanging territories with Charles Theodore of the Palatinate, the heir of the Bavarian throne (Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate for Lower Austria). Austria would then legitimatedly press her claims to Straubing, thereby expanding her influence into Southern Germany.



  • +30 gold
  • Cede Ansbach to Austria
  • Ansbach will no longer be considered a national province
  • +50 relations with Austria

Palatinate — Not random


  • Ansbach is a national (core) province

Triggered by

Action A of 179021 - Austria recovers Straubing for Austria


Despite resistance from Prussia, Austria managed to occupy and annex Straubing, thereby expanding into Southern Germany.



  • +30 gold
  • Cede Ansbach to Austria
  • Ansbach will no longer be considered a national province
  • +50 relations with Austria

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3207 - The Bavarian Succession of 1777 for Austria


After the extinction of the Wittelsbach dynasty in Bavaria (1777), Joseph II endeavored to strengthen the position of Austria within the Empire. His plan to exchange territories with Charles Theodore of the Palatinate, the heir of the Bavarian throne (Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate for Lower Austria) led to the War of the Bavarian Succession (1778-1779). Prussia intervened in July 1778 in what she saw as a dangerous Austrian expansion. It was a short conflict which started with a Prussian invasion of Bohemia but was terminated in May 1779s when Empress Maria Theresa forced her son Joseph II to capitulate. The peace was concluded at Teschen on 16th May 1779 and Austria settled for the small Inn district.


A. Make legal claims on Bayern

B. Withdraw from this unhealthy affair

  • Gain an alliance with Prussia
  • +150 relations with Prussia
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 24 months

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 137040 - The succession of Archduchess Mary for Burgundy
Action A of 137039 - The succession of Archduchess Mary for Burgundy


On 27 March 1482 Archduchess Marie incidentally fell from her horse while at hunting with a falcon in the surroundings of Bruges and died from injuries sustained. Although before dying she managed to have her husband Philipp be recognized from the cities in the Low Countries as legitimate successor to the throne of Burgundy, opposition was strong in the Valois ancestral lands of Bourgogne. The new Palatinate driven ducal policy, also conducted by the successors to the throne, was more focused to encourage the development of the thriving merchant cities in the Low Countries and the Rhineland.


A. We will rule over Burgundy

  • +50 relations with Austria
  • -50 relations with France
  • dutch will become an accepted culture
  • Holland will be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will be considered a national province
  • Brabant will be considered a national province
  • Artois will be considered a national province
  • Flandern will be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will be considered a national province
  • Inherit the realms of Burgundy
  • Set flag [DutchClaim] for events

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 398000 - The Hussite Wars for Romanists
Action A of 401000 - The Hussite Wars for Hussites


The Czech priest and professor Jan Hus developed radical reformatory demands on the base of the teachings of John Wyclif. Despite a guarantee of safe-conduct by Emperor Sigismund, he was executed at the stake for heresy at the Council of Constance in 1415. This could however not stop the Hussite movement in Bohemia. Hus' followers were rapidly growing, and when King Vaclav IV of Bohemia died and his brother Sigismund, already Emperor and King of Hungary was to succeed him, they, unwilling to forgive him the betrayal of Hus and afraid that he would suppress them, refused to acknowledge him and gained control of most of Bohemia proper - while the lands of the Bohemian crown and the catholic part of Bohemia accepted Sigismund. Due to its radical anti-clerical and anti-feudal tendencies Hussitism posed a big threat to the church and nobility in the countries adjacent to Bohemia. Several German and European princes therefore decided to oppose the Hussites and to support Sigismund in his struggle with them that lasted for almost two decades. Should we decide to fight these heretics, we should be aware that this would be internationally regarded as an intervention in favour of Sigismund as rightful King of Bohemia rather than a war of conquest, and that therefore, if Sigismund prevails and manages to restore royal authority, we would be expected to turn over any conquests in Bohemia to the Kingdom of Bohemia.


A. Express hostility

  • -200 relations with Hussites
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Hussites for 120 months

B. Covertly provide aid

  • -25 gold
  • +25 relations with Hussites

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3127 - Chambers of Reunion for France


The reunion policy of Louis XIV had been forced upon by the Empire in the 1684 by the Truce of Regensburg, mostly because the Emperor was preoccupied by the Turkish menace (siege of Vienna in 1683). The continued French claims and expansion to the detriment of the Habsburg possessions and the German states of the Empire led to the creation of the anti-French League of Augsburg (1686).


A. Defy French claims

  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Hanover
  • +100 relations with Spain
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Baden

B. Ignore it

  • +50 relations with France
  • -100 relations with England
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Netherlands
  • -50 relations with Hanover
  • -50 relations with Spain
  • -50 relations with Hesse
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -50 relations with Baden

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 125020 - Death of the last Bavarian Wittelsbach for Bavaria


On December 30th 1777 Duke Maximilian III Joseph, the last Bavarian Wittelsbach, died. By virtue of a contract signed in 1724 for the case of one Wittelsbach dynasty, dying out, the Palatine Elector Karl Theodor was the legitimate heir, with the condition, that he moved his court to Munich so that Bavaria could remain the main Wittelsbach country. Karl Theodor acknowledged the terms of the contract, making the Palatinate a mere, side country, although he loved his residence in Mannheim and felt like a stranger, among strangers in Munich. After more than 400 years of division the, Wittelsbach possessions were united again.


A. Accept the treaty and move to Munich (End Game)

  • Grant independence to Mainz
  • Grant independence to Cologne
  • Grant independence to Hesse
  • Grant independence to Baden
  • Grant independence to Wirtemberg
  • Grant independence to Switzerland
  • Grant independence to Saxony
  • Grant independence to Berg
  • Grant independence to Oldenburg
  • Grant independence to Hanover
  • Grant independence to Bremen
  • Cede Alsace to Austria
  • Cede Franche-Comté to Austria
  • Cede Luxembourg to Austria
  • Cede Brabant to Austria
  • Cede Artois to Austria
  • Cede Flandern to Austria
  • Cede Lorraine to France
  • Cede Champagne to France
  • Cede Bourgogne to France
  • Cede Kleves to Prussia
  • Cede Friesen to Netherlands
  • Cede Geldre to Netherlands
  • Cede Zeeland to Netherlands
  • Event 125021 - The Palatinate is united with Bavaria for Bavaria is triggered immediately
  • Event 125033 - The Palatinate is united with Bavaria for Bavaria is triggered immediately

B. Ignore the treaty and stay in Mannheim

  • Inherit the realms of Bavaria
  • Bayern will be considered a national province
  • Ansbach will be considered a national province
  • -200 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • Stability -2

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3665 - The Winter King of Prague for Palatinate


The emperor couldn't accept the decision of the Protestant nobles of Bohemia, as he also was King of Bohemia. He will send his experienced commander Jean Tcerclaes Tilly with his troops to Bohemia and in the battle of the White Mountain (8 November 1620), Fredrik of Pfalz reign will end and all protestant resistance in Austria and southern Germany will be crushed. Fredrik will escape from Bohemia. Thus he will be called the Winter King of Prague, due to his short reign.



  • Gain an alliance with Bohemia
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 60 months
  • -25 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • -25 relations with Brandenburg
  • -25 relations with Hanover
  • -25 relations with Hesse
  • -25 relations with Baden

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 137040 - The succession of Archduchess Mary for Burgundy


On 27 March 1482 Archuchess Marie incidentally fell from her horse while at hunting with a falcon in the surroundings of Bruges and died from injuries sustained. Although before dying she managed to have her husband Philipp be recognized from the cities in the Low Countries as legitimate successor to the throne of Burgundy, opposition was strong in the Valois ancestral lands of Bourgogne. But in order to keep his right to the Burgundian succession Philipp of Wittelsbach decided to annex Palatinate as new Archduke of Burgundy.


A. Accept Mary's will (End Game)

B. Palatinate cannot accept this

  • Stability -2
  • A random province revolts

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 137038 - Mary's suitors: the Duke of Cleves and Mark for Burgundy


Mary of Valois was the only daughter of Charles le Téméraire (Charles the Rush) and so heiress of all the rich Burgundian domains from the Saone River up to the Low Countries. After her father prematurely died, Mary was only nineteen and Louis XI of France seized the opportunity to take possession of the duchy of Burgundy and also of Franche-Comté, Picardie and Artois. He justified his military intervention with the fact that these lands had always been fiefs to the French crown and that with Charles' death, the last member of the French Valois dynasty they had 'de facto', according to the salic law, reverted to France. But the choice of which prince should marry the Archduchess would be of particular importance for the future political and economical stability of Western Europe, so he urged Mary to accept his son, the Dauphin Charles, as husband, in order to secure the inheritance of the Low Countries for his descendants too, even by force of arms if necessary. Mary, however, distrusted Louis and declined any French support and offer of marriage but, in order to be recognized as legitimate ruler over the Low Countries and to get financial and military help of Flemish cities against the French aggression, she made so great concessions as to reduce the Burgundian states effectively to a sort of federation of provinces. Satisfied that the country was sufficiently weakened and disorganized, Louis XI ordered his army into Artois and Hainault, but the imminence of danger seemed to revive in the Burgundian provinces a spirit of loyalty towards the Valois heiress and arrangements were made for the marriage of Mary with Philipp der Edelmütige, Elector Palatine who would provide substantial diplomatic and military resources to withstand any French aggression.


A. The destiny of Low Countries is in our hands

  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +2 for 60 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 24 months
  • +300 relations with Burgundy

Palatinate — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 125006 - War of Succession in Landshut for Bavaria


On December 1st 1503 Duke Georg the Rich of Bayern-Landshut died without a male successor. Despite several treaties made in the 15th century that should secure the inheritance for Bavaria-Munich he declared his daughter Elisabeth and her husband, the palatine elector Ruprecht, heirs of his duchy. This caused a war between the palatine and the bavarian Wittelsbach branches for the inheritance.


A. Press our claim

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Bavaria for 36 months
  • -100 relations with Bavaria

B. Acknowledge the treaties between Munich and Landshut
