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Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on July 30, 1419


Religious dissent in Bohemia, caused by the low moral state of the clergy and the great schism, had grown slowly in the 14th century. It found a leading figure in Jan Hus, a priest and professor of theology at the university of Prague. Influenced by the teachings of John Wyclif, he developed several reformatory demands, including the administration of the communion in both kinds to all church members, a much stricter adhesion to the bible and the Commandments, a radical reformation of the clergy and the abolition of Papal infallibility. These views were attacked as heretic by the University of Prague in 1403, however since he enjoyed the protection of the King he could continue to spread them and even became rector of the university. In 1410, when his influence had grown significantly and he had gathered already a large amount of followers, the Archbishop of Prague excommunicated him, which did not stop him from teaching his ideas and increasing what had soon become a popular movement, though. In 1414 he was summoned to the Council of Constance to justify his views, having been guaranteed safe-conduct by Emperor Sigismund. Ignoring this safe-conduct, the Council condemned him as a heretic and had him burned at the stake. Thereby he became a martyr for the Bohemians and his views became even more popular.


A. What can we do?

  • Stability -2
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia +4
  • Revolt risk value in Ostmarch +4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia +4
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten +4
  • Serfdom -1

Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on August 17, 1419


A broken man, Vaclav IV died of a second stroke on August 16th 1419. His brother, Emperor Sigismund, immediately claimed the throne and was acknowledged as rightful heir by the crown lands and by the remaining catholics in Bohemia, mostly in the crown lands Moravia, Silesia and Lusatia where there still was a catholic majority, however the Hussites who at that time already dominated most of Bohemia proper refused to accept him, fearing suppression of their faith and despising him for his betrayal of Jan Hus that led to his execution at the stake in 1415. Armed resistance against royal authority and violence against Romanists, especially Germans, began almost immediately. Queen Sophia, widow of Vaclav, first acted as regent in Bohemia and tried to maintain at least a bit of central authority in Prague and to secure the throne for her brother-in-law, however she was opposed by the Hussites in Prague and had few effective control over Bohemia. On November 13th, she had to conclude a truce with thecitizens of Prague, having failed to suppress them with hired mercenaries, basically acknowledging that the Hussite movement had become impossible to control, let alone suppress it. For almost two decades large parts of Bohemia would be in Hussite hands.


A. Destroy this heretic movement!

  • Flag graphics set to default
  • Become Romanists
  • Grant independence to Hussites
  • Move capital to Moravia
  • +200 relations with Hungary
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • +100 relations with Teutonic Order
  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • +100 relations with Meissen
  • +100 relations with Luxemburg
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • Centralization +2
  • Innovativeness -1
  • Serfdom +1
  • Event 401000 - The Hussite Wars for Hussites is triggered immediately
  • AI file changed to ""

B. Reject the traitor and fight for the Hussite faith

  • Flag graphics set to default
  • Become Hussites
  • Grant independence to Romanists
  • Break royal marriage with Hungary
  • -300 relations with Hungary
  • -200 relations with Austria
  • -200 relations with Teutonic Order
  • -200 relations with Livonian Order
  • -200 relations with Papal States
  • -200 relations with Brandenburg
  • -200 relations with Meissen
  • -200 relations with Luxemburg
  • -200 relations with Bavaria
  • Lose 10000 troops in a random province
  • Size of loans changed to 100 ducats
  • Change religion to hussite
  • Aristocracy -4
  • Centralization -1
  • Innovativeness -1
  • Serfdom -2
  • german will no longer be an accepted culture
  • Event 398000 - The Hussite Wars for Romanists is triggered immediately
  • AI file changed to ""

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 1 days of August 19, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1499)


The Hussite rebels are defeated, and royal authority in Bohemia has been restored. What remains is the question how to deal with the remaining Hussites. It is evident that the radicals among them need to be persecuted harshly, but there are also, especially among the nobility, lots of moderates, the so-called Utraquists. If we decide to suppress them as well, we would cleanse Bohemia completely from heresy and strengthen the authority of the catholic King, on the other hand, this might make many Hussites leave the country which would weaken the country's military and economic strength substantially. Therefore some of the King's advisors advocate giving certain concessions to the Romanists.


A. Suppress radicals and compromise with the Utraquists

B. Be intransigent towards all these heretics

  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch Anarchy will never rule
  • Monarch Bohemian Diet will never rule
  • Monarch Oldrich z Rozmberka (Regent) * becomes active
  • Leader O. z Rozmberka becomes active
  • -150 relations with Hungary
  • -3000 population in Moravia
  • -15000 population in Ostmarch
  • -10000 population in Bohemia
  • -3000 population in Sudeten
  • -1 base tax value in Moravia
  • -2 base tax value in Ostmarch
  • -2 base tax value in Bohemia
  • -1 base tax value in Sudeten
  • -1 base manpower in Moravia
  • -2 base manpower in Ostmarch
  • -2 base manpower in Bohemia
  • -1 base manpower in Sudeten
  • Culture in Sudeten changes to german
  • Religion in Moravia changes to catholic
  • Religion in Ostmarch changes to catholic
  • Religion in Bohemia changes to catholic
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • Event 129003 - Coronation of Albrecht of Habsburg for Bohemia will never fire
  • Event 129043 - Coronation of Albrecht of Habsburg for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 1 days of January 2, 1430
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1480)


We have lost the Slovak territories again. All hope of forming a united Hussite nation of Czechs and Slovaks is gone, and our Hussite brethren in Slovakia will be exposed to harsh persecution.


A. Arrrgh

  • Clear flag "[Hussite_Slovakia]"
  • slovak will no longer be an accepted culture
  • -20 victory points

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 1 days of December 10, 1437
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 28, 1439)
unless prevented by
Action A of 129043 - Coronation of Albrecht of Habsburg for Bohemia
Action B of 129002 - The fate of the Bohemian Hussites for Bohemia


Sigismund, King of Germany, Hungary and Bohemia, died without male issue. Having faced this for some time, Sigismund had chosen his longtime ally and friend Albrecht of Austria, who had proven to be a capable soldier during the Hussite Wars, as his successor in all three Kingdoms and married him to his sole daughter Elizabeth. The last years of his reign were almost exclusively dedicated to ensuring the succession. He eventually got Bohemia to accept Albrecht, however when Albrecht rose to the Bohemian throne after Sigismund's death, a part of the Utraquist nobility and the remaining Taborites stood up in revolt against him, dissatisfied with Sigismund's reign, afraid of the Compactata being ignored and leery of German influence. Therefore Albrecht's short reign was unstable and he entered his Kingdom only once to be coronated.


A. Respect Sigismund's wish and elect Albrecht

  • Centralization -1
  • Break vassalization with Hungary
  • -100 relations with Hungary
  • Stability -3
  • The capital province revolts
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia +3
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten +3
  • Event 129043 - Coronation of Albrecht of Habsburg for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 1 days of December 10, 1437
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 28, 1439)
unless prevented by
Action A of 129003 - Coronation of Albrecht of Habsburg for Bohemia
Action B of 129002 - The fate of the Bohemian Hussites for Bohemia


Sigismund, King of Germany, Hungary and Bohemia, died without male issue. Having faced this for some time, Sigismund had chosen his longtime ally and friend Albrecht of Austria, who had proven to be a capable soldier during the Hussite Wars, as his successor in all three Kingdoms and married him to his sole daughter Elizabeth. The last years of his reign were almost exclusively dedicated to ensuring the succession. He eventually got Bohemia to accept Albrecht, however when Albrecht rose to the Bohemian throne after Sigismund's death, a part of the Utraquist nobility and the remaining Taborites stood up in revolt against him, dissatisfied with Sigismund's reign, afraid of the Compactata being ignored and leery of German influence. Therefore Albrecht's short reign was unstable and he entered his Kingdom only once to be coronated.


A. Respect Sigismund's wish and elect Albrecht

  • Centralization -1
  • -150 relations with Hungary
  • Stability -3
  • The capital province revolts
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia +3
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten +3
  • Event 129003 - Coronation of Albrecht of Habsburg for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1440
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after March 1, 1460)
unless prevented by
Action A, B, C of 129025 - The Letter of Peace for Bohemia


In 1439 Albrecht of Habsburg, King of Hungary, fell ill, probably of cholera, while campaigning against the Ottomans. Within one month he died, leaving two minor daughters and his pregnant wife Elizabeth. For the case of the unborn child being male, Albrecht declared that his son would be his successor in all his fiefs just before his death. Upon his death, the Bohemian nobility formed two conflicting parties. The 'national' one, led by George of Podiebrad and consistingmainly of Utraquist Hussites,insisted on Bohemia's right to elect its King and a strict adherence to the Compactates thatguaranteed religious freedom to the moderate Hussite. Remembering the Jagiellons' support for the Hussite rebels and preferring a Slavic monarch to a German one, they wanted to offer the Bohemian throne to the Polish prince Casimir. Opposedto them was the 'Romanist' or 'Austrian' party under Oldrich of Rozmberk that acknowledged the hereditary rights of Albrecht's unborn child and advocated a return to the Roman church. The two parties finally came to an agreement calledthe 'Letter of Peace'. In this treaty both parties recognized the validity of the compacts, confirmed the appointment of Jan of Rokycan, a moderate Utraquist, as Bishop of Prague against the will of the Pope, and agreed on a compromise regarding the succession of Albrecht. The Nationalists abandoned the candidature of Casimir, but pressed their demand for an adult King -which was in the interest of most Romanists who did not want to be ruled by a baby as well. Thus the throne was offered to Duke Albrecht of Bavaria-Munich.


A. Sign the Letter and offer the throne to Albrecht of Bavaria

B. Acknowledge the hereditary right of Albrecht's heir (possibly End Game)

C. Offer the throne to Casimir of Poland

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1440
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after March 1, 1460)
unless prevented by
Action A, B, C of 129004 - The Letter of Peace for Bohemia


In 1439 Albrecht of Habsburg, King of Hungary, fell ill, probably of cholera, while campaigning against the Ottomans. Within one month he died, leaving two minor daughters and his pregnant wife Elizabeth. For the case of the unborn child being male, Albrecht declared that his son would be his successor in all his fiefs just before his death. Upon his death, the Bohemian nobility formed two conflicting parties. The 'national' one, led by George of Podiebrad and consistingmainly of Utraquist Hussites,insisted on Bohemia's right to elect its King and a strict adherence to the Compactates thatguaranteed religious freedom to the moderate Hussite. Remembering the Jagiellons' support for the Hussite rebels and preferring a Slavic monarch to a German one, they wanted to offer the Bohemian throne to the Polish prince Casimir. Opposedto them was the 'Romanist' or 'Austrian' party under Ulrich of Rozmberk that acknowledged the hereditary rights of Albrecht's unborn child and advocated a return to the Roman church. The two parties finally came to an agreement calledthe 'Letter of Peace'. In this treaty both parties recognized the validity of the compacts, confirmed the appointment of Jan of Rokycan, a moderate Utraquist, as Bishop of Prague against the will of the Pope, and agreed on a compromise regarding the succession of Albrecht. The Nationalists abandoned the candidature of Casimir, but pressed their demand for an adult King -which was in the interest of most Romanists who did not want to be ruled by a baby as well. Thus the throne was offered to Albrecht of Wittelsbach who eagerly accepted, having lost his hereditary possession of Bavaria-Munich.


A. Sign the Letter and elect Albrecht of Wittelsbach

  • -50 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • Break vassalization with Austria
  • Stability +4
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -3
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -3
  • Monarch Albrecht II Bavorský ° becomes active
  • Monarch Anarchy will never rule
  • Monarch Bohemian Diet will never rule
  • Monarch Ladislav Pohrobek will never rule
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule
  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Event 129004 - The Letter of Peace for Bohemia will never fire
  • Event 179106 - Ladislaus Postumus for Austria will never fire
  • Event 179137 - Ladislaus Postumus for Austria will never fire
  • Event 258101 - The Bohemian throne for Poland will never fire

B. Acknowledge the hereditary right of Albrecht's heir (possibly End Game)

  • +50 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • Stability -2
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -3
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -3
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 160 months
  • Centralization -3
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Event 129004 - The Letter of Peace for Bohemia will never fire
  • Event 258101 - The Bohemian throne for Poland will never fire

C. Offer the throne to Casimir of Poland

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Bohemian Diet is active

Will happen within 60 days of January 2, 1446
Checked again every 60 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1447)


Albeit nominally King of Bohemia, Ladislaus remained in Austria under the control of his uncle, Emperor Friedrich III. Meanwhile Bohemia still lacked a regular government, the struggle between Nationalists and Romanists broke out again and threatened to turn into civil war. In order to save the country from falling into anarchy, the estates of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Lusatia were summoned for a general meeting in 1446. This diet attempted to establish an effective administration of the Kingdom for as long as its King was a child. It was decreed that the members of the estates were to be divided into three bodies, the 'curiae', representing the nobles, the knights and the towns - who were granted such a big deal of influence for the first time - that deliberated separately and only met for a final decision in which each of the three had one vote. The efforts to appoint a regent however failed as well as the negotiations with the Pope, regarding the religious status of Bohemia.


A. What a pity

  • Stability +1
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy -1

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1448
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 27, 1453)


After the diet of 1446's failure to restore order by appointing a regent that was mainly due to the Romanists' unwillingness to cooperate and their secret efforts to sabotage the negotiations with the Pope, the Nationalist leader George of Podiebrad decided to appeal to the fortune of war. He assembled a considerable army in Kutna Hora, marched to Prague and seized the town almost without resistance. Having put himself in control of most of the country and enjoying popular support, he assumed the regency over the Kingdom. While both the Diet and the young King's guardian Friedrich III sanctioned his title in 1451, the Romanists and the few remaining fanatic Taborites violently opposed him.


A. Support Jiri Podiebrad and the Nationalists

  • Stability +2
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 108 months
  • Leader Jiriz Podiebrad becomes active
  • Leader Viktorin Podiebrad becomes active
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad (Regent) becomes active
  • Centralization +2
  • Event 129012 - Election of Oldrich of Rozmberk for Bohemia will never fire

B. Support Oldrich of Rozmberk and the Romanists

  • Stability -1
  • +200 relations with Papal States
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • The capital province revolts
  • Sudeten revolts
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 108 months
  • Monarch Oldrich z Rozmberka (Regent) * becomes active
  • Leader O. z Rozmberka becomes active
  • Centralization +2
  • Event 129011 - Election of Jiri Podiebrad for Bohemia will never fire
  • Event 129044 - Election of Jiri Podiebrad for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen on November 23, 1457
unless prevented by
Action A of 129002 - The fate of the Bohemian Hussites for Bohemia


After the premature death of the youthful King Ladislaus Postumus, son of Albrecht of Habsburg, conflict over his succession in the Kingdom of Bohemia arises. Ladislaus' closest relative, Emperor Frederick III, insists on the dynastic principle and claims to be rightful heir. While such a union with Austria is indeed rather popular among those who have already supported Albrecht of Habsburg and before the Luxemburg Kings, the idea is opposed by the powerful former regent Oldrich z Rozmberka who now sees his own chance on the throne.


A. Oldrich z Rozmberka shall be King

  • Monarch Oldrich I * becomes active
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule
  • Stability -2
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Styria
  • Event 129048 - Ostmarch and Habsburgs Hereditary Lands for Bohemia is triggered immediately

B. Jiri z Podiebrad shall be King

C. Emperor Frederick shall be King (End Game)

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen on November 23, 1457
unless prevented by
Action B of 129010 - Civil War for Bohemia
Action A of 129044 - Election of Jiri Podiebrad for Bohemia


After Ladislaus Postumus' death in 1457 there was no question about his succession. Although there was a number of foreign candidates, it was obvious that the only possible choice was the most powerful and most popular man in Bohemia: George of Podiebrad. On February 27th 1458 the estates unanimously elected him, with even his Romanist enemies, voting for Podiebrad. The election was enthusiastically welcomed by the populace. Podiebrad soon began to restore order, to consolidate his authority and to revive the economy. Thus the first years of his reign seemed quite prosperous and Bohemia, likely to return to the power within the Empire it had enjoyed during the reign of Charles IV. The Romanists however, continued to oppose him and secretly conspired against Podiebrad with the Pope.


A. Elect Podiebrad

  • Stability +2
  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 140 months
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Culture in Silesia changes to polish
  • Break vassalization with Austria
  • Event 129044 - Election of Jiri Podiebrad for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Ladislav Pohrobek is active
  • The following must not occur:
    • Bohemia is a vassal of Austria
  • The following must not occur:

Will happen on November 23, 1457
unless prevented by
Action A of 129011 - Election of Jiri Podiebrad for Bohemia
Action B of 129010 - Civil War for Bohemia


After Ladislaus Postumus' death in 1457 there was no question about his succession. Although there was a number of foreign candidates, it was obvious that the only possible choice was the most powerful and most popular man in Bohemia: George of Podiebrad. On February 27th 1458 the estates unanimously elected him, with even his Romanist enemies, voting for Podiebrad. The election was enthusiastically welcomed by the populace. Podiebrad soon began to restore order, to consolidate his authority and to revive the economy. Thus the first years of his reign seemed quite prosperous and Bohemia, likely to return to the power within the Empire it had enjoyed during the reign of Charles IV. The Romanists however, continued to oppose him and secretly conspired against Podiebrad with the Pope.


A. Elect Podiebrad

  • Stability +2
  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 140 months
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Culture in Silesia changes to polish
  • Event 129011 - Election of Jiri Podiebrad for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Ladislav Pohrobek is active
  • Event 129010 - Civil War for Bohemia has already occurred

Will happen on November 23, 1457
unless prevented by
Action A of 129010 - Civil War for Bohemia


King Ladislaus has died in 1457, probably poisoned by the despicable George of Podiebrad. Oldrich of Rozmberk, the leader of the Romanist faction that won the civil war has been elected as new King and will restore order and catholicism in Bohemia. There is still violent resistance from the heretic Hussites, but with the support of the Holy Father we will hopefully succeed in returning the country to the one true faith.


A. Elect Rozmberk

  • Stability +1
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Serfdom +2
  • Global revolt risk +6 for 50 months
  • +200 relations with Papal States
  • Break vassalization with Austria
  • Monarch Oldrich I * becomes active
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule

Bohemia — Not random


  • Flag [Hussite_Slovakia] is set
  • Own Carpathia
  • Own Presburg
  • Control Carpathia
  • Control Presburg

Will happen within 3000 days of January 2, 1460
Checked again every 3000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1480)


Having been under Hussite control for quite a long time now, the Slovak territories by now have a Hussite majority and their ties to the Kingdom of Hungary are weakened substantially, replaced by growingly close ties to Bohemia. The resistance of catholics and of the German and Hungarian part of the population did not result in a loss of control of the land, and by now it has fainted. The Slovak territories no longer have to be considered conquered lands, but more and more integral parts of the Kingdom of Bohemia.


A. The crown of St. Wenceslas shall happily embrace them

  • Revolt risk value in Carpathia -6
  • Revolt risk value in Presburg -6
  • Carpathia will be considered a national province
  • Presburg will be considered a national province
  • Religion in Carpathia changes to hussite
  • Religion in Presburg changes to hussite
  • +30 victory points

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Albrecht II Bavorský ° is active

Will happen on March 1, 1460


Albrecht of Wittelsbach, King of Bohemia, has died. Since he was often busy in his homeland Bavaria, seemed too much in favour of catholicism and relied mostly on German officials, opposition to Wittelsbach rule has grown throughout his reign. Two parties among the Bohemian nobility have formed: a 'national' one with the Hussite Jiri Podiebrad its leader and the 'Romanists', headed by the catholic Oldrich of Rozmberk. Popular opinion in Bohemia demands the election of Podiebrad, the nobility and especially the church prefer Rozmberk.


A. Elect Jiri Podiebrad King

  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 140 months
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Break vassalization with Bavaria
  • Stability +4
  • -200 relations with Bavaria
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad becomes active
  • Leader Jiriz Podiebrad becomes active
  • Leader Viktorin Podiebrad becomes active

B. Elect Oldrich Rozmberk

  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Serfdom +2
  • Global revolt risk +6 for 50 months
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • Break vassalization with Bavaria
  • Stability +4
  • -100 relations with Bavaria
  • Monarch Oldrich I * becomes active
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Leader O. z Rozmberka becomes active

C. Accept the Wittelsbachs as hereditary Kings (End Game)

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad is active

Will happen on March 30, 1462


The more moderate wing of the Hussites of Bohemia had been granted limited religious freedom in 1436 by the Compactates and since then practiced its faith openly in Bohemia, tolerated by the Catholic church. When Pius II rose to the holy see, he was determined to end this situation. He got George of Podiebrad who was a Hussite himself to promise converting to catholicism and suppressing all heresy in Bohemia just before his election in 1458. Podiebrad however, while indeed planning to return to the Roman Church himself, had no intention to persecute his former coreligionists and insisted on the Compactates. As a reaction, on March 31st 1462 Pius declared that the Compactates had been valid only for the generation that lived back then and were now invalid and demanded Bohemia's full return to catholicism. At an assembly of the estates in Prague, George refused and said he would to his death remain true to the communion of both kinds, and that he was ready to risk his life and his crown in defense of his faith.


A. Reject the Bishop of Rome's preposterous demands

  • -300 relations with Papal States
  • Stability +2
  • Global revolt risk +2 for 12 months

B. Obey His Holyness and suppress heresy

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Oldrich I * is active

Will happen on April 29, 1462


King Oldrich of Rozmberk has died. Although he has male issue, the majority of the Romanist party, unwilling to raise the Rozmberks to a higher rank, the estates of Bohemia unanimously decided to choose George of Podiebrady as king, an utraquist ally in the Hussite wars. Such a union would support the independence of Bohemia, ensure that all religions aim were to adhere to the ancient privileges of Bohemia.


A. Elect Podiebrad

  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad becomes active

B. The Rozmberks will become hereditary Kings

  • Monarch Jan II * becomes active
  • Monarch Vok I * becomes active
  • Monarch Petr I Kulhavý * becomes active
  • Monarch Vilém I * becomes active
  • Monarch Petr II Vok * becomes active
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Stability -3
  • Centralization +3
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 240 months

C. The Habsburgs will become hereditary Kings (End Game)

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen on November 29, 1465
unless prevented by
Action B of 129013 - Conflict with the Church for Bohemia


After George's refusal of the church's demands to suppress the Hussite faith in 1462 the Romanist party in Bohemia became even more embittered against the King whom they regarded both as a heretic and as a political enemy who was about to curtail the nobility's privileges. At a meeting in Zelena Hora on November 28th 1465 most of them formed a confederacy championed by Zdenek of Sternberg against him and began open revolt. The lands of the crown, Silesia, Moravia and Lusatia, that were almost entirely catholic opposed George most strongly. He completely lost control of these lands to the Catholics after the formation of the confederacy. While the Royalists obtained some successes in Bohemia and quickly seized all castles held by the rebels there, they failed in Silesia, Moravia and Lusatia. George's rule and the survival of the Hussite faith were seriously endangered.


A. Ouch!

  • Silesia revolts
  • Moravia revolts
  • Erz revolts
  • Bohemia revolts
  • Revolt risk value in Silesia +4
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia +4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz +4

Bohemia — Not random


  • Event 132013 - The Bohemian throne for Brandenburg has already occurred
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Control Silesia
    • Control Moravia
    • Control Erz
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Silesia
    • Own Moravia
    • Own Erz

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1467
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after March 2, 1471)
unless prevented by
Action A of 132013 - The Bohemian throne for Brandenburg


Friedrich of Brandenburg, usurper to the Bohemian throne, has invaded the Bohemian crown lands. The catholic rebels of the Zelena Hora confederacy welcome him as a liberator and have proclaimed him King in Breslau. All of Silesia, Moravia and Lusatia acknowledges him and is under his control. Only Bohemia itself remains loyal to Jiriz Podiebrad.


A. They will regret this

  • Stability -2
  • Cede Silesia to Brandenburg
  • Cede Moravia to Brandenburg
  • Cede Erz to Brandenburg

Bohemia — Not random


  • Event 188119 - The Bohemian throne for Hungary has already occurred
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Control Silesia
    • Control Moravia
    • Control Erz
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Silesia
    • Own Moravia
    • Own Erz

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1467
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after March 2, 1471)
unless prevented by
Action B of 188119 - The Bohemian throne for Hungary


In order to back the rebels of Zelena Hora and depose Podiebrad, Pope Paul II excommunicated Jiriz Podiebrad on December 23rd 1466, released all his subjects from their oaths of allegiance and searched for a reliably catholic prince who would drive him away and take the Bohemian throne. After Friedrich II of Brandenburg's refusal to champion the campaign, Pius turned to Matthias Corvinus of Hungary. Betraying his former ally Podiebrad, Matthias accepted and invaded Moravia. The supporters of Podiebrad successfully prevented him from entering Hungary, but the lands of the Bohemian crown all fell to the King of Hungary. At a meeting in the Moravian town of Olmütz on May 3rd 1469, the catholic nobility proclaimed him King of Bohemia.


A. They will regret this

  • Stability -2
  • Cede Silesia to Hungary
  • Cede Moravia to Hungary
  • Cede Erz to Hungary

Bohemia — Not random


  • Event 129016 - Matthias Corvinus proclaimed King by the Catholics for Bohemia has already occurred
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský is active
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Hungary owns Moravia
    • Hungary owns Silesia
    • Hungary owns Erz
  • The following must not occur:
    • Bohemia and Hungary are at war

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1471
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1485)


Even after the death of Jiri Podiebrad and the election of Vladislav Jagiello, warfare between Bohemia and Matthias Corvinus of Hungary who maintained his claim to the Bohemian throne continued. Despite Polish support for Bohemia, no side eventually managed to gain the upper hand: while Matthias failed in all his attempts to invade Bohemia proper and was threatened by Hungarian rebels and Friedrich III, the lands of the Bohemian crown, Silesia, Moravia and Lusatia, were almost completely occupied by him and could, despite several determined attacks, never be recovered. Realizing this, and desiring to secure their positions, both parties agreed on a peace in Olmütz which came into effect in 1478. By the treaty, Corvinus was to retain the lands of the Bohemian crown until his death when Bohemia could buy them back for 400.000 Florins and was allowed to style himself King of Bohemia in these lands, but gave up his claim on the rest of Bohemia.


A. Offer a permanent peace

B. Chase the usurper away from Bohemian lands

  • Stability -2
  • -100 relations with Hungary

Bohemia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad is active
    • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad is active
  • Country has at least 5 non-colonial provinces

Will happen on March 23, 1471


Jiriz Podiebrad died in 1471, in the middle of his struggle with Mathias Corvinus of Hungary who headed a 'crusade' against Bohemia and claimed its throne. Since his supporters were in a precarious military situation, having lost all lands of the Bohemian crown to the King of Hungary, Podiebrad had shortly before his death, despite being father of several adult sons himself, asked prince Vladislav of Poland to succeed him in order to save Hussitism and Bohemian independence. Vladislav indeed succeeded him and initiated a half century of Jagiellon rule in Bohemia which proved to be backwards, intolerant in religious matters, devastating for Bohemia's economy and eventually resulted in the disaster of 1526. However had Podiebrad been in a better situation, he might very well have used the opportunity to establish his dynasty as hereditary national Kings of Bohemia.


A. Elect Vladislav Jagiello

  • Event 258103 - The Bohemian throne for Poland is triggered immediately
  • Stability +2
  • Revolt risk value in Silesia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -4
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • Change technology group to Orthodox

B. Establish a national czech dynasty

  • Monarch Viktorin I * becomes active
  • Monarch Vavrinec I * becomes active
  • Monarch Bartolomej * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel II Vojtech * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich II * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich III * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel III * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich IV Václav * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel IV Bedrich * becomes active
  • Leader Viktorin I becomes active
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -4
  • Stability -3
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Centralization +1
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 240 months

Bohemia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad is active
    • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad is active
  • The following must not occur:
    • Country has at least 5 non-colonial provinces

Will happen on March 23, 1471


Jiri Podiebrad died in 1471, in the middle of his struggle with Mathias Corvinus of Hungary who headed a 'crusade' against Bohemia and claimed its throne. Since his supporters were in a precarious military situation, having lost all lands of the Bohemian crown to the King of Hungary, Podiebrad had shortly before his death, despite being father of several adult sons himself, asked prince Vladislav of Poland to succeed him in order to save Hussitism and Bohemian independence. Vladislav indeed succeeded him and initiated a half century of Jagiellon rule in Bohemia which proved to be backwards, intolerant in religious matters, devastating for Bohemia's economy and eventually resulted in the disaster of 1526.


A. Elect Vladislav Jagiello

  • Event 258103 - The Bohemian throne for Poland is triggered immediately
  • Stability +2
  • Revolt risk value in Silesia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -4
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -4
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • Change technology group to Orthodox

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský is active

Will happen within 1500 days of January 2, 1475
Checked again every 1500 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1480)


When getting elected King as a 15-year-old in 1471, Vladislav II had several promises to the Bohemian emissaries, including the absolute maintenance of the Compactata and supporting the Utraquist Archbishop of Prague Jan Rokycan. Therefore his election had been regarded as a victory of the Nationalists and Hussites who trusted in him to protect their religious freedom and national autonomy. Their hopes were soon disappointed: while indeed remaining officially faithful to the Compactata, he secretly promoted catholicism. His government officials were only part of the section of the Hussites closest to Rome and always willing to accept compromises with the Church while all Hussite extremists, especially the recently emerged Bohemian Brethren, were persecuted harshly. Among the Hussites, these policies caused massive dissent and unrest. In Prague, several riots took place and the city hall was stormed by radical Hussites. In order to protect their interest they considered endangered by the King, Hussite nobles began to organize themselves in a league again, openly acting against the King.


A. Secretly promote Catholicism and persecute extremists

  • Innovativeness -2
  • Centralization -2
  • Bohemia revolts
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 130 months

B. Don't provoke Hussite resistance

  • Stability -3
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 240 months
  • Event 129029 - Meeting at Kutna Hora for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 150 days of January 2, 1485
Checked again every 150 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1486)
unless prevented by
Action B of 129028 - Reactionary policies for Bohemia


After a decade of unrest and decay of central authority, a meeting of all Bohemian estates at Kutna Hora in 1485 managed to restore peace and stability. Catholics and Hussites agreed to tolerate each other's faith, promised to refrain from violence and formally confirmed the Compactata. While the imminent threat of a civil war had been prevented, the decision - in which King Vladislav had not participated - meant a further reduction of royal authority.


A. Restore peace

  • Global revolt risk -3 for 12 months
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Centralization -1

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský is active

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1487
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1488)


A decree issued by Vladislav II in 1487 under the pressure of the high nobility established serfdom in Bohemia. This dealt a devastating blow to the military and economic strength of the country, and its free peasantry had been the backbone of both its prosperous economy and especially the superior armies of the Hussite leaders and Jiri Podiebrad. The King became dependent completely on support from the nobility through feudal levy, loosing the greatest advantage he had enjoyed over his neighbours.


A. Introduce serfdom

  • Serfdom +4
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization -1
  • -5 base manpower in the capital province
  • -3 base manpower in Sudeten
  • Stability +1
  • -2 base tax value in the capital province
  • -2 base tax value in Sudeten

B. The Bohemian peasantry will stay free!

  • Stability -3
  • The capital province revolts
  • A random province revolts
  • A random province revolts
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 60 months
  • Event 129031 - Peasant rebellion in Moravia for Bohemia will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1494
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1495)
unless prevented by
Action B of 129030 - Establishment of serfdom for Bohemia


After the death of Matthias Corvinus and the return of Moravia to the Bohemian crown, serfdom was imposed there like it had been in Bohemia before. In a desperate attempt to keep its freedom, the peasantry of Moravia rebelled against feudal subjugation and seized the city of Mährisch-Neustadt in 1494.


A. They will pay!

  • Stability -1
  • Moravia revolts
  • -2 base manpower in Moravia
  • -1 base tax value in Moravia

Bohemia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský is active
    • Monarch Vladislav I ° is active

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1513)


During his reign, the incompetent and weak King Vladislav allowed the nobility to gradually recover the privileges they had lost during the Hussite wars and under Jiri Podiebrad and more, negating the social and political development of the last century. The King could only obtain funds with the consent of the high nobility, and the rights granted to the townsmen before were entirely abolished. Those changes were definitely codified in a decree called the 'Regulations of King Vladislav' issued in 1500. While it confirmed and increased the rights and influence of the nobles and the knights, it ignored those of the burghers. The towns were no longer represented in diets and virtually helpless against encroachments from the nobility. Great discord among the towns was the logical consequence.


A. Issue the Regulations

  • Stability +1
  • Aristocracy +3
  • Centralization -1
  • Serfdom +1
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 240 months

B. Defy the nobility and confirm the towns' rights

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1513
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after September 28, 1517)
unless prevented by
Action B of 129032 - Regulations of King Vladislav for Bohemia


As a reaction to the revocation of their rights by the Regulations the towns of Bohemia and Moravia in 1513 formed a confederacy to defend their status. As their head they chose Prince Bartolomej of Münsterberg, grandson and legitimate successor of Jiri Podiebrad. They recruited an army and put themselves in charge of the surroundings of their city areas, resisting the nobility and royal authority.


A. How dare they!

  • Stability -1
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 12 months
  • The capital province revolts
  • A random province revolts

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen on September 28, 1517


After several years of severe instability and unrest due to the towns' resistance against the abolition of their rights and constant feuding between rival parties among the nobility, the estates, including the towns, convened on the anniversary of Wenceslas, national saint of Bohemia, September 28th 1517. At that meeting, soon known as the 'Diet of St. Wenceslas', they finally managed to achieve a settlement regarding the issues that had been dividing Bohemia. In exchange for renouncing several old privileges, the towns had their most important rights, municipal autonomy and a place in the diet, confirmed again by the nobility. The three estates agreed to 'live together in friendly intercourse, as men belonging to the same country and race'. The compromise achieved at the diet was of outstanding significance for Bohemia's further constitutional history. Besides, the diet also confirmed the regency of the supreme burgrave Zdenek Leo of Rozmital and limited the influence of the minor King Ludvik and his guardians to a minimum.


A. The estates reach an compromise

  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization +1
  • Serfdom -1
  • Stability +2
  • Global revolt risk -7 for 12 months

B. The nobility prevails

  • Aristocracy +2
  • Centralization -1
  • Serfdom +1

C. The towns prevail

  • Stability -5
  • Global revolt risk -7 for 12 months
  • Aristocracy -4
  • Centralization +1
  • Serfdom -3

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) is active

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1522
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1525)


When his father Vladislav II died, Ludvik II was only 10 years old and received Maximilian of Austria and Sigismund of Poland as guardians. Bohemia was left to the control of its great nobles, with the supreme burgrave Zdenek Leo of Rozmital having put himself effectively in charge of the country. When in 1522 Ludvik visited Bohemia for the first time, he immediately dismissed all Bohemian state officials, including Rozmital, intending to increase his authority in the country. He appointed Karel of Münsterberg as royal regent during his absence and Jan of Wartenberg as supreme burgrave.


A. Dismiss the officials and try to increase royal control

  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Stability -2
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Karel z Minsterberka (Regent) becomes active

B. Keep the officials

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1525
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 29, 1526)
unless prevented by
Action B of 129035 - Arrival of King Ludvik for Bohemia


The new officials appointed by King Ludvik in 1522, Karel of Münsterberg and Jan of Wartenberg, were supporters of the advanced Hussites who also seemed to show some sympathy for the teachings of Luther. There were even rumours of them planning to seize power, convert the country officially to Lutheranism and make Karel, who was a grandson of Jiri Podiebrad and his successor to the Duchy of Münsterberg, national King. Although these were unconfirmed and probably created by their enemies, their sympathy for heresy was enough for Ludvik, who at that time was hoping for support from the Pope against the Ottomans, to dismiss them and restore Zdenek Leo of Rozmital in his offices as regent and supreme burgrave.


A. Restore Leo of Rozmital as regent and burgrave

  • Stability +1
  • Monarch Karel z Minsterberka (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) becomes active
  • Centralization -1
  • Innovativeness -1

B. Keep the officials

  • Stability -2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • -50 relations with Papal States

C. Münsterberg and Wartenberg seize power

  • Change religion to protestant
  • Stability -4
  • Global revolt risk +8 for 240 months
  • Start a war with Hungary
  • Monarch Karel II Vojtech * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich II * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich III * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel III * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich IV Václav * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel IV Bedrich * becomes active
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Centralization +1

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) is active

Will happen within 100 days of June 2, 1525
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 29, 1526)


Shortly after being restored to his offices, Zdenek Leo of Rozmital renewed his family's old feud with the Rozmberks, trying to take advantage of his new powers. The feud between the country's two most powerful dynasties made the already unstable situation turn suddenly into civil war. Most of the nobles and cities of Bohemia took sides, often hoping to settle their private conflicts in the process. Meanwhile, Hungary which was also ruled by King Ludvik was being invaded by the Ottomans and he sent a desperate plea for help to his Bohemian subjects. While the Rozmberks and their supporters granted the help, intending to gain the King's support, the members of the Rozmital faction purposefully delayed sending their forces.


A. Curses!

  • Centralization -2
  • Stability -4
  • The capital province revolts
  • A random province revolts
  • A random province revolts

Bohemia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) is active
    • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) is active
    • Monarch Karel z Minsterberka (Regent) is active

Will happen on August 29, 1526


In the year 1526 King Lajos II died childless, Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg, also King-elect of Bohemia and thus Elector of the Empire managed to have the Kingship become hereditary in his family.


A. Accept the Habsburgs as Elected Kings

  • Stability +1
  • +200 gold
  • Gain a royal marriage with Austria
  • Gain an alliance with Austria
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • Cede Silesia to Austria
  • Cede Moravia to Austria
  • Cede Ostmarch to Austria
  • Cede Erz to Brandenburg
  • Event 3187 - The Habsburg Inheritance of Bohemia for Austria is triggered immediately

B. Accept the Habsburgs as Hereditary Kings

Bohemia — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Austria exists
  • Own Austria
  • Control Austria
  • Country is not at war
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Monarch Ferdinand I is active
    • Monarch Maxmilián II * is active
    • Monarch Rudolf II * is active
    • Monarch Matyáš * is active
    • Monarch Ferdinand II * is active
    • Monarch Ferdinand II * is active
    • Monarch Ferdinand III * is active
    • Monarch Leopold I * is active
    • Monarch Josef I * is active
    • Monarch Karel V * is active
    • Monarch Marie Terezie * is active
    • Monarch Josef II * is active
    • Monarch Leopold II * is active
    • Monarch František II * is active

Will happen within 10 days of August 30, 1526
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)


With Vienna under control, Habsburg dynasty could rule from the historical heart of its possessions.


A. Return to Vienna

  • Move capital to Austria
  • Flag graphics set to default
  • Become Austria
  • Salzburg will be considered a national province
  • Austria will be considered a national province
  • Krain will be considered a national province
  • Steiermark will be considered a national province
  • Tirol will be considered a national province
  • Baden will be considered a national province

B. Forget Vienna

  • Stability +1

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 28 days of June 3, 1541
Checked again every 28 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 3, 1541)


Ferdinand kept pressuring the Bohemian Diet for hereditary rights. Finally, he found the opportunity he was looking for. On June 2, 1541, all of Bohemia's state records were burned in a major fire at Prag Castle. Ferdinand convened the Bohemian Diet and ordered them to make his royal title hereditary unless they could find recorded evidence to the contrary. Since the contrary evidence had just gone up in smoke, the Diet acceded to Ferdinand's demands.


A. We will acceed to the will of Ferdinand

Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on March 2, 1599
unless prevented by
Action B of 5080 - Tycho Brahe for Denmark


The danish astronomer Tycho Brahe came from the nobility, and was intended by his family for a career as a lawyer and diplomat, but he became an astronomer. With financial help from the King of Denmark, he went on to set up an observatory on the island of Hveen in Copenhagen Sund. The observatory, called Uraniborg, was equipped with exceptionally large and accurate instruments. At Uraniborg Tycho made twenty years' worth of astronomical observations. After quarrelling with the King of Denmark, Tycho closed down his observatory and sought a place for himself and his instruments at various courts. In 1599 he was appointed Imperial Mathematician to the Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolph II, in Prague.


A. Aye, let's appoint him as our Imperial Mathematician

  • -30 gold
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +50
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 12 months

B. We have other priorities

Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on October 25, 1601
unless prevented by
Action B of 5080 - Tycho Brahe for Denmark
Action B of 5081 - Tycho Brahe offers his services for Bohemia


The astronomer Johannes Kepler joined Tycho Brahe as an assistant in Praga, to help with mathematical calculations. When Tycho died, Kepler succeeded him as Imperial Mathematician. Tycho's observations of planetary positions, which were made using instruments with open sights (a telescope was not used for astronomy until about 1609), were much more accurate than any made by his predecessors. They allowed Kepler, who was a convinced follower of Copernicus, to deduce his three laws of planetary motion and to construct astronomical tables, the Rudolphine Tables, whose enduring accuracy did much to persuade astronomers of the correctness of the Copernican theory.


A. A great piece of work!

  • Innovativeness +1
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +50

Bohemia — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
  • Own Bohemia
  • Monarch Rudolf II * is active

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1609
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1609)
unless prevented by
Action A, B of 3193 - The Royal Letter of Bohemia for Austria


Pressed by the Estates of Bohemia and fearing the increasing power of his brother Ferdinand, Emperor Rudolf issued the Royal Letter of Bohemia. The letter gave religious freedom for all Protestants in Bohemia and the later recall of the letter would be one of the causes for the thirty years war.


A. Issue it

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Petr II Vok * is active
  • Austria exists

Will happen on November 7, 1611


After the childless death of the last male Rozmberk, King Petr II Vok, there is no male successor among our royal dynasty. Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand is putting pressure on us to elect him. Since no other viable candidate applies, the only alternative would be the proclamation of a republic with the Bohemian Diet as supreme authority.


A. Accept Ferdinand of Habsburg (End Game)

B. The Diet will rule the country

  • Monarch Bohemian Diet * becomes active
  • Stability -2
  • Centralization -3

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Petr II Vok * is active
  • The following must not occur:
    • Austria exists

Will happen on November 7, 1611


After the childless death of the last male Rozmberk, King Petr II Vok, there is no male successor among our royal dynasty. Since there seems to be no viable candidate for the succession, popular opinion is in favour of the proclamation of a republic with the Bohemian Diet as supreme authority.


A. The Diet will rule the country

  • Monarch Bohemian Diet * becomes active
  • Stability -2
  • Centralization -3

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of March 21, 1619
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1624)


In 1608 the tension increased between the catholic parts and the protestant parts of the empire. The Protestants entered a union under the prince Fredrik of Pfalz that was supported by Brandenburg and Hessen-Kassel. The Catholics answered by forming a union of their own, the catholic league. It was led by Maximilian of Bavaria. In 1618 the Protestants of Bohemia rebelled. They continued to choose a protestant King of Bohemia, prince Fredrik of Pfalz. The emperor couldn't accept this, as he also was King of Bohemia. He sent his experienced commander Jean Tcerclaes Tilly with his troops to Bohemia and in the battle of the White Mountain (8 November 1620), Fredrik of Pfalz reign ended and all protestant resistance in Austria and southern Germany was crushed. Fredrik escaped from Bohemia and was named winter King due to his short reign.


A. Elect Friedrich V of Pfalz

  • Break vassalization with Austria
  • Gain a royal marriage with Palatinate
  • Gain an alliance with Palatinate
  • Change religion to protestant
  • Stability +2
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • -200 relations with Austria
  • Aristocracy -3
  • Serfdom -3
  • Monarch Fridrich Falcký * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel Ludvík * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel Falcký * becomes active
  • Monarch Filip I Vilém * becomes active
  • Monarch Jan Vilém * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel Filip * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel Theodor * becomes active
  • Monarch Maxmilián Josef * becomes active
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Event 3097 - The Winter King of Prague for Austria is triggered immediately

B. Stay Loyal to the Habsburgs

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Karel IV Bedrich * is active
  • The following must not occur:
    • Flag [Utraquist_Podiebrad] is set
  • Austria exists

Will happen on May 30, 1647


After the childless death of the last male Podiebrad, King Karel IV Bedrich, there is no male successor among our royal dynasty. Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand is putting pressure on us to elect him. Since no other viable candidate applies, the only alternative would be the proclamation of a republic with the Bohemian Diet as supreme authority.


A. Accept Ferdinand of Habsburg (End Game)

B. The Diet will rule the country

  • Monarch Bohemian Diet * becomes active
  • Stability -2
  • Centralization -3

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Karel IV Bedrich * is active
  • The following must not occur:
    • Austria exists

Will happen on May 30, 1647


After the childless death of the last male Podiebrad, King Karel IV Bedrich, there is no male successor among our royal dynasty. Since there seems to be no viable candidate for the succession, popular opinion is in favour of the proclamation of a republic with the Bohemian Diet as supreme authority.


A. The Diet will rule the country

  • Monarch Bohemian Diet * becomes active
  • Stability -2
  • Centralization -3

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 186020 - Dutch assistance for German protestants for Netherlands


The Netherlands have send us assistance to aid us against the habsburgs


A. Great!

  • +4000 infantry in the capital province
  • +1000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +50 gold

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 125040 - The Bohemian throne for Bavaria
Action B of 125039 - The Bohemian throne for Bavaria


Duke Albrecht of Bavaria has accepted our offer of the Bohemian throne. He will be crowned King in Prague now.


A. Fine

  • Monarch Albrecht II Bavorský ° becomes active
  • Monarch Anarchy will never rule
  • Monarch Bohemian Diet will never rule
  • Monarch Ladislav Pohrobek will never rule
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule
  • Stability +2
  • Gain an alliance with Bavaria
  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy +1

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 125040 - The Bohemian throne for Bavaria
Action A of 125039 - The Bohemian throne for Bavaria


Busy fighting his hostile relatives and willing neither to risk a conflict with the Habsburgs nor to deal with the rebellious and heretic Bohemians Albrecht of Bavaria refused the proferred Bohemian throne. This left the Bohemian nobility with no choice but to accept the still unborn child of Albrecht of Habsburg as his successor. On February 22nd 1440, Queen Elizabeth gave birth to a son who received the name of Ladislaus and eventually rose to the thrones of Bohemia and Hungary. The new Bohemian King stayed in Austria under the guardianship of Friedrich III and Bohemia was left in virtual anarchy.


A. Accept Ladislaus

  • +100 relations with Austria
  • Stability -2
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 160 months
  • Centralization -3

Bohemia — Not random


Triggered by

Action A, B of 129040 - Death of Ladislaus Postumus for Bohemia
Action A of 398014 - Coronation in Prague for Romanists
Action A of 129002 - The fate of the Bohemian Hussites for Bohemia
Action A of 338058 - Crusade against the Hussites is successful for Ostmarch


In 976, the march ruled by the Babenberg family was described as regione vulgari vocabulo Ostarrîchi, that is, the region called 'Ostarrîchi' (the Eastern Realm) in the vernacular. The term Ostarrîchi is linguistic ancestor of the German name for Austria, Österreich. Under Ernest the Brave (1055–1075), the colonisation of the Waldviertel was begun and the Bohemian and Hungarian marches were united to Austria.


A. Ostmarch belongs to Austria

  • -1 base manpower in Ostmarch
  • Culture in Ostmarch changes to german
  • Ostmarch will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Ostmarch to Austria
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • Event 179141 - Ostmarch and Habsburgs Hereditary Lands for Austria will never fire

Bohemia — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
    • Flag [Taborites] is set
    • Flag [Utraquist_republic] is set
    • Flag [Utraquist_Podiebrad] is set
  • Ostmarch is a national (core) province of Spain

Triggered by

Action A of 179141 - Ostmarch and Habsburgs Hereditary Lands for Austria


In 976, the march ruled by the Babenberg family was described as regione vulgari vocabulo Ostarrîchi, that is, the region called 'Ostarrîchi' (the Eastern Realm) in the vernacular. The term Ostarrîchi is linguistic ancestor of the German name for Austria, Österreich. Under Ernest the Brave (1055–1075), the colonisation of the Waldviertel was begun and the Bohemian and Hungarian marches were united to Austria.


A. Ostmarch belongs to Austria

  • Ostmarch will no longer be considered a national province

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 188120 - Peace of Olmütz for Hungary


Matthias Corvinus of Hungary has agreed to peace. Vladislav's rule in Bohemia is thus finally secured.


A. Good!

  • Cede Silesia to Hungary
  • Cede Moravia to Hungary
  • Cede Erz to Hungary
  • Stability +2
  • +100 relations with Hungary

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 401018 - Permanent establishment of the Hussite Kingdom for Hussites


With their legitimacy finally secured, the Podiebrad dynasty will bear the crown of St. Wenceslas for the centuries to come.



  • Monarch Viktorin I * becomes active
  • Monarch Vavrinec I * becomes active
  • Monarch Bartolomej * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel II Vojtech * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich II * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich III * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel III * becomes active
  • Monarch Jindrich IV Václav * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel IV Bedrich * becomes active
  • Monarch Bohemian Diet * becomes active
  • Leader Jiriz Podiebrad becomes active
  • Leader Viktorin Podiebrad becomes active
  • Leader Viktorin I becomes active
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Flag graphics extension set to "Hussite"

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 258101 - The Bohemian throne for Poland
Action A of 258057 - The Bohemian throne for Poland


Prince Casimir of Poland has accepted our offer of the Bohemian throne. He will be crowned King in Prague now.


A. Fine

  • Monarch Kazimir I ° becomes active
  • Monarch Vladislav I ° becomes active
  • Monarch Anarchy will never rule
  • Monarch Bohemian Diet will never rule
  • Monarch Ladislav Pohrobek will never rule
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Stability +2
  • Gain an alliance with Poland
  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy +1

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 258101 - The Bohemian throne for Poland
Action B of 258057 - The Bohemian throne for Poland


Casimir of Poland has rejected the Bohemian crown. This leaves the Bohemian diet with no choice but to accept the still unborn child of Albrecht of Habsburg as his successor. On February 22nd 1440 Queen Elizabeth gave birth to a son who received the name of Ladislaus and eventually rose to the thrones of Bohemia and Hungary. The new Bohemian King stayed in Austria under the guardianship of Friedrich III and Bohemia was left in virtual anarchy.


A. Accept Ladislaus

  • +100 relations with Austria
  • Stability -2
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 160 months
  • Centralization -3

Bohemia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Masovia
    • Own Podlasia
    • Own Volyn
    • Own Podolia
    • Own Galizien
    • Own Krakow
    • Own Wielkopolska
    • Own Danzig
    • Own Poznan

Triggered by

Action A of 258103 - The Bohemian throne for Poland


With the election of Vladislav Jagiello as King of Bohemia, Polish lands could be restituted to the Crown of Poland.


A. Restitute them

  • Cede Masovia to Poland
  • Cede Podlasia to Poland
  • Cede Volyn to Poland
  • Cede Podolia to Poland
  • Cede Galizien to Poland
  • Cede Krakow to Poland
  • Cede Wielkopolska to Poland
  • Cede Danzig to Poland
  • Cede Poznan to Poland

B. Keep them under Bohemian rule

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 120 months
  • -50 victory points

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 401016 - Permanent establishment of the Hussite republic for Hussites


Since there still is no possible monarch that would be accepted by all Hussite factions, Bohemia will remain a Kingdom without a King, ruled by the government council.



  • Monarch Taborite regency * becomes active
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Flag graphics extension set to "Hussite"

Bohemia — Not random


  • Bohemia is a vassal of Palatinate

Triggered by

Action A of 3196 - The Edict of Restitution for Austria


The Bohemian-Palatine phase of the Thirty Years War saw the defeat of the rebellious protestant nobles of Bohemia who were punished severely and their lands expropriated because of their decision to depose Ferdinand of Austria in favor of the Protestant Palatine elector as Bohemian King. Consequently religious persecutions began in Bohemia to eradicate Protestantism from that land.


A. Alas!

  • Break vassalization with Palatinate
  • Gain a royal marriage with Austria
  • Change religion to catholic
  • Stability +1
  • +350 relations with Austria
  • Religion in Bohemia changes to catholic
  • Religion in Erz changes to catholic
  • Religion in Sudeten changes to catholic
  • Religion in Silesia changes to catholic
  • Religion in Moravia changes to catholic
  • Culture in Sudeten changes to german
  • Monarch Fridrich Falcký * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Ludvík * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Falcký * will never rule
  • Monarch Filip I Vilém * will never rule
  • Monarch Jan Vilém * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Filip * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Theodor * will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián Josef * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * becomes active
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * becomes active
  • Monarch Leopold I * becomes active
  • Monarch Josef I * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel V * becomes active
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * becomes active
  • Monarch Josef II * becomes active
  • Monarch Leopold II * becomes active
  • Monarch František II * becomes active

Bohemia — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Bohemia is a vassal of Palatinate

Triggered by

Action A of 3196 - The Edict of Restitution for Austria


The Bohemian-Palatine phase of the Thirty Years War saw the defeat of the rebellious protestant nobles of Bohemia who were punished severely and their lands expropriated because of their decision to depose Ferdinand of Austria in favor of the Protestant Palatine elector as Bohemian King. Consequently religious persecutions began in Bohemia to eradicate Protestantism from that land.


A. Alas!

  • Gain a royal marriage with Austria
  • Change religion to catholic
  • Stability -3
  • +350 relations with Austria
  • Religion in Bohemia changes to catholic
  • Religion in Erz changes to catholic
  • Religion in Sudeten changes to catholic
  • Religion in Silesia changes to catholic
  • Religion in Moravia changes to catholic
  • Culture in Sudeten changes to german
  • Monarch Fridrich Falcký * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Ludvík * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Falcký * will never rule
  • Monarch Filip I Vilém * will never rule
  • Monarch Jan Vilém * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Filip * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel Theodor * will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián Josef * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * becomes active
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * becomes active
  • Monarch Leopold I * becomes active
  • Monarch Josef I * becomes active
  • Monarch Karel V * becomes active
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * becomes active
  • Monarch Josef II * becomes active
  • Monarch Leopold II * becomes active
  • Monarch František II * becomes active

Bohemia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 401017 - Permanent establishment of the Hussite republic for Hussites


Since there still is no possible monarch that would be accepted by all Hussite factions, Bohemia will remain a Kingdom without a King, ruled by the government council.



  • Monarch Utraquist regency * becomes active
  • Monarch Jiri z Podiebrad will never rule
  • Monarch Vladislav II Jagellonský will never rule
  • Monarch Lev z Rozmitálu (Regent) will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand I will never rule
  • Monarch Maxmilián II * will never rule
  • Monarch Rudolf II * will never rule
  • Monarch Matyáš * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand II * will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I * will never rule
  • Monarch Karel V * will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie * will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II * will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II * will never rule
  • Monarch František II * will never rule
  • Flag graphics extension set to "Hussite"
