Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1419
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1434)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1434
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1454)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
Will happen within 20 days of January 2, 1435
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1435)
During the rule of Abu Amr Uthman, the Hafsid state emerged as the preeminent power in North Africa. The Zayyanids became little more than vassals, and the Wattasids of Morocco even recognized Hafsid suzerainty.Actions
A. The Hafsid dynasty ascends!
- +2 diplomats
- -5% inflation
- Infrastructure tech investment: +50
- Gain a royal marriage with Morocco
- +50 relations with Tlemcen
- +75 relations with Morocco
- Set flag [tlemcen] for events
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1454
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1474)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1474
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1494)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
Will happen within 20 days of January 2, 1488
Checked again every 20 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1488)
Upon his death, Hafsid authority crumbled. The royal family grew to bickering and eventually fueding that damage the position of the Hafisd dynasty. Clearly, the golden age of the Hafsid dynasty was over. No longer could the sultan of Tunis exercise control over the Zayyanids and Tripoli.Actions
A. The Hafsid dynasty descends!
- Cede Al Djazair to Tlemcen
- -2 diplomats
- Infrastructure tech investment: -50
- Break vassalization with Tlemcen
- Grant independence to Tripoli
- Kabylia revolts
- Tripolitania revolts
- -25 relations with Tlemcen
- -50 relations with Morocco
- Stability -2
- Global revolt risk +14 for 72 months
- Event 51028 - Independence of Tripoli for Tripoli is triggered immediately
- Clear flag "[tlemcen]"
B. We shall never give up!
- Break vassalization with Tlemcen
- -100 relations with Tlemcen
- -100 relations with Morocco
- Stability -4
- Kabylia revolts
- Kabylia revolts
- Tripolitania revolts
- Tripolitania revolts
- Global revolt risk +15 for 72 months
Tunisia — Not random
- Event 301000 - Recognition of the Moriscos for Ottoman Empire has already occurred
- Spain exists
The following must not occur:
- Granada exists
Will happen within 1800 days of January 2, 1492
Checked again every 1800 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 30, 1550)
unless prevented by
Action B of 301000 - Recognition of the Moriscos for Ottoman Empire
Prior to its fall, the Muslim Kingdom of Granada routinely asked its Muslim brothers for support. After its fall, many Moriscos still held out hope that the Ottoman Empire would liberate them. However, surely, the Moriscos would not have become agitated had the sultan of Tunis came to their aid.Actions
A. We have other concerns
- +1 merchants
- +1 diplomats
B. We must help them!
- +150 cavalry in a random province
- Gain 2 warships in Tunisia
- Stability -2
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Spain for 24 months
- +5 national manpower
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1494
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1514)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1514
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1534)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1534
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1554)
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
The following must not occur:
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1554
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 1, 1574)
unless prevented by
Action A of 300014 - The End of the Hafsid Dynasty for Tunisia
A large revolt has finally chased out the tyrant and the independence has been definitively gained. The Hafsid dynasty is back on the throne.Actions
A. Good!
- Set flag [TUN_Hafsids] for events
- Flag graphics extension set to "Hafsids"
- +50
- +2000 infantry in Tunisia
Tunisia — Not random
- Flag [TUN_Hafsids] is set
Will happen within 1 days of January 1, 1574
Checked again every 1 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1819)
The last Hafsid Emir is gone...Actions
A. Sad news?
- Clear flag "[TUN_Hafsids]"
- Flag graphics set to default
- Event 300013 - The Hafsid Emir for Tunisia will never fire
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action A, B of 50024 - The Barbarossas for Ottoman EmpireDescription
In the 16th century, Spain occupied various ports in North Africa. Algiers was blockaded and forced to pay tribute. Other ports were captured outright. The desperate Muslims called for help from the Ottoman sultan, then the caliph of all Islam. Two corsair brothers, the Barbarossas petitioned the sultan to send them with a fleet to North Africa. The brothers planned to use the city of Tunis as a launching point for piracy operations and attacks on Algiers. To convince the sultan of Tunisia, they gifted him with sumptuous presents.Actions
A. Let them use Tunis as a base of operations
- Event 51025 - Arudj and Khayr al-Din Barbarossa for Tlemcen will never fire
- +75
B. We feel like laughing
- Event 51024 - Arudj and Khayr al-Din Barbarossa for Tlemcen will never fire
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 3391 - The Tunisian Rebellion for Ottoman EmpireDescription
In the first decades of the 18th century the Beys and Deys (Janissary leaders) of Northern Africa were in a rebellious mood in the wake of the Peace of Carlowitz between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League. In 1705, Hussein bin Ali Agha of Cretan origin staged a coup and founded the Husseinic dynasty which ruled Tunisia until 1957. Tunisia did not become truly autonomous at once, but it gained a large measure of independence.Actions
A. Good!
- -100 relations with Ottoman Empire
- Break vassalization with Ottoman Empire
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action B of 332006 - Hafsid invasion for TlemcenDescription
Once the Marinid power declined in Morocco, Tunis became a powerful Kingdom under the Hafsid dynasty. Taking advantage of the weakness of her neighbor, in 1424 Abu Faris Abd al-Aziz invaded Tlemcen, and after dethroning Abu Malik Abd al-Wahid, substituted him with Abu Abd Allah Muhammad, as his vassal.Actions
A. Crush them
- -50 relations with Tlemcen
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Tlemcen for 48 months
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action B of 332008 - Another Hafsid invasion for TlemcenDescription
Once the Marinid power declined in Morocco, Tunis became a powerful Kingdom under the Hafsid dynasty. Taking advantage of the weakness of her neighbor, in 1424 Abu Faris Abd al-Aziz invaded Tlemcen, and after dethroning Abu Malik Abd al-Wahid, substituted him with Abu Abd Allah Muhammad, as his vassal.Actions
A. Crush them
- -50 relations with Tlemcen
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Tlemcen for 48 months
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 332006 - Hafsid invasion for TlemcenDescription
Once the Marinid power declined in Morocco, Tunis became a powerful Kingdom under the Hafsid dynasty. Taking advantage of the weakness of her neighbor, in 1424 Abu Faris Abd al-Aziz invaded Tlemcen, and after dethroning Abu Malik Abd al-Wahid, substituted him with Abu Abd Allah Muhammad, as his vassal.Actions
A. We rule
- Stability +1
- Gain Tlemcen as vassals
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 332008 - Another Hafsid invasion for TlemcenDescription
Once the Marinid power declined in Morocco, Tunis became a powerful Kingdom under the Hafsid dynasty. Taking advantage of the weakness of her neighbor, in 1424 Abu Faris Abd al-Aziz invaded Tlemcen, and after dethroning Abu Malik Abd al-Wahid, substituted him with Abu Abd Allah Muhammad, as his vassal.Actions
A. We rule
- Stability +1
- Gain Tlemcen as vassals
Tunisia — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 105001 - Barbarossa attacks Tunis for AlgiersDescription
Under the rule of Khayr ad-Din Barbarossa, Al-Djazaîr accepted the overlordship of the Ottoman empire and continued the fight against the Spaniards, the Hafsids of Tunis and the Zayyanids of Tlemcen. He conquered Tunis in 1534. The deposed Hafsid pasha, al-Hassan, asked for help from Carlos of Spain, who sent a powerful fleet and recaptured Tunis, restoring al-Hassan as his vassal.Actions
A. Request help from Spain
- +50
- Stability -1
- Event 285128 - The Pasha of Tunis requests our help for Spain is triggered immediately
- Event 111044 - The Pasha of Tunis requests our help for Aragon is triggered immediately
- Event 260911 - The Pasha of Tunis requests our help for Portugal is triggered immediately
- -50 relations with Ottoman Empire
- Break vassalization with Ottoman Empire
- Break vassalization with Mamluks
B. Better death than submission to a Christian
- Stability +1